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HÀ MY: Welcome to our talk show ".....

" Today, we will come back with the

newest topic "Teen stress and pressure". As we know, stress is a part of human life
and it's a problem for both adults and children, so how much do we understand
about stress and pressure? To explain this question, I invited a group of young
students from Trong Diem secondary school, they will give us more information.
So first let's introduce your team

HÀ ANH: Hello everyone! We're so glad to be here to talk to you about the topic
"Teen stress and pressure". Nowadays, teenagers usually are stressed by their
studies and relationship, especially students. So that I created a survey to ask my
friends at school and students I knew in other countries around the world. And I
realized that many of them were stressed about the same things I was. Because of
this reason I look for some factors that contribute the stress.

TRÂM ANH: First of all, the main cause is school pressure. Students often feel
stressed to complete their daily homework, and deadlines, finishing project, and
studying for exams. In addition to having good grades, students must be involved
in some activities, clubs, and extra classes. This lead to pupils can't enjoy their
hobby or carrying out their proposed plan. The school environment is very
competitive and they have bad behavior like cheating in the exams to match these
high expectations.

MỸ ANH: What is more, poor sleeping habit is one of the causes of stress in
students. Students who do not get enough sleep at night or lack healthy sleeping
habits are likely to develop stress. Enough sleep allows the brain and body to relax
and recharge. On the other hand, lack of enough sleep can limit a student's ability
to learn, concentrate and solve problems and also make them more aggressive.
Furthermore, student stress may result from unhealthy eating habits. These days,
students like to try caffeine, sugar, carbohydrate drinks, or fast food because of the
convenience. But it can make our health become worse and weak, we don't have
the energy to do anything and for a long time, we will be stressed.

HÀ MY: It is a serious problem that happens to almost students nowadays. And I

have known that in some families, parents' expectation is one of the important
causes, right?

KHUÊ: Some parents put a lot of pressure on their children to agree to their
references without respecting their children's interests, capabilities and choices.
Obviously, parents' expectations will take a toll on student's academic life and
definitely increase their stress levels. On some note, parents are likely to put
pressure on their kids on the grades, they expect from them without considering
their capability and IQ levels. Besides, between parents and children has a
generation gap. Children are embarrassed to share their feelings with their families.
Because they think that their parents can't understand what they want to do and
give them the advice to be better.

HÀ MY: All right, I agree with you. And we not only know the reason for the
stress but also the affection, right?

HÀ ANH: Of course, according to research, I know that stress makes students have
poor management skills and leads to self-defeating thoughts. So we can see that
stress in students causes serious negative effects both physical and academy.

HÀ MY: Thanks for your opinion. And I have a question for you have you ever
experienced a stressful time? Can you share it with me?

KHUÊ: Yes, I used to be stressed about my study at school. To me, it was an

unforgettable memory. I'm stressed about homework because I have so much
homework to do every day and every class has hours of homework. I'm also
stressed about not getting enough sleep both due to the homework I have to do and
the extracurriculars I do. In addition, I didn't share my feelings with my parents
and that makes me feel more upset.

HÀ MY: Oh, it's so bad for you and I think after some stressful situations for
students, we will have some measures to improve this problem, right?

TRÂM ANH: As I know, there are some ways to reduce stress:.....(nhìn ảnh và

HÀ MY: After a few minutes, we receive so much knowledge about stress in

students like the cause, affection, and the measures against stress. And I know that
with modern and technological life, we have to study more to develop our country
and make a chance for ourselves in the future. But our health is the most essential
factor to achieve the goal. So don't let ourselves be stressed, spend more time
taking care of yourself. This is the end of our talk show. See you at the next time!

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