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Department of Foreing Affairs


IRMA GARCIA MEJIA, Citizenshipo and Naturalization Director of the

General Office of Legal Affairs of Foreing Affairs Department, issues this
naturalization certificate on behalf of MIGUEL ANGEL GRACIA
PINILLA, whose photo appeared at the left margin and who states under
oath to be loyal and obedient to the laws and authorities of the United
Mexican States.

The foregoing based on the provisions of article 33, Section II of the Internal
Regulations of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs and Sixth paragraph c),
Section II of the Agreement delegation powers in the Public Servers
appointed by the Ministry of Foreing Affairs, by and in accordance to the
provided by the articles 30, Paragraph B, Section I of the political
Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 19 and 20, Section I,
Paragraph b) of the Citizenship Act in force.

Interested Party´s Former Nationaliy: COLOMBIAN

Date of birth: AUGUST 11, 1797

By virtue of the abovementioned this herein is issued for any legal purpose that it may serve in
Mexico City, Federal Distrcit, on the first days of the month of October two thousand nine.

Naturalization certificate
Issued on behalf of MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA
Population Registry Unique Code
Fee paid

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