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A wise prayer warrior once declared:
‘Every believer should go into the school of prayer with Christ and actually learn
the secret of prayer, the precious ministry of intercession.’

There is no greater ministry in the entire world than the ministry of prayer

E.M. Bounds:
‘Is prayer a fixed course in the schools of the church? In the Sunday school, the
home, the colleges, have we any graduates in the school of prayer? Is the church
producing those who have diplomats from the great university of prayer?’

E.M. Bounds:
‘Prayer is the best school in which to learn to pray, prayer is the best dictionary to
define the art and nature of prayer.’

Hope MacDonald in her book, Discovering How to Pray:

‘We can read all the books that have ever been written about prayer, but until we
actually choose by an act of our will, to pray, we will never learn.’

Leonard Ravenhill:
‘Books on prayer are good, but not good enough. As books on cooking are good but
hopeless unless there is food to work on, so with prayer.’

Evangelist declares:

‘It would be well to remember the more we pray, the more power we have in


1. Prayer enhances _____________________________________________

2. Prayer brings ________________________________________________

3. Prayer takes ________________________________________________

4. Prayer reaches ______________________________________________

5. Prayer touches ______________________________________________

6. Pray-er proves ______________________________________________

G. Campbell Morgan:
‘We base our belief in the possibility of prayer upon the history and
experience of man. When science makes experience the universal test of
reality, how can men rationally exclude the experience of the saints of all
ages in this matter?’


1. Prayer is the first step to ______________________________________

2. Prayer is recognising _________________________________________

3. Prayer is man’s means to ______________________________________

4. Prayer is laying hold _________________________________________

5. Prayer is our ________________________________________________

6. Prayer is the path to __________________________________________

E. M. Blaiklock:
‘Prayer is vital. It is the pathway to tranquillity and strength of soul. A man’s
prayers are the measure of his Christianity, understanding of spiritual
matters, and experience of God. To fail in prayer is to fail in all else. Prayer
is the place of testing and conflict; for prayer challenges all doubt, all
disillusionment, all material, and cardinal preoccupation.’

7. Prayer is man’s means to ______________________________________

8. Prayer is to _________________________________________________

Dr E. Stanley Jones:
‘In prayer you align yourself to the purposes and power of God and He is
able to do things through you that He could not do otherwise….If we do not
do them, they will never be done. So God has left certain things open to
prayer—things which will never be done except as we pray.’

9. Prayer is ___________________________________________________

10. Prayer is ___________________________________________________


11. Prayer is ___________________________________________________

12. Prayer is ___________________________________________________

12. Prayer is ___________________________________________________

13. Prayer is ___________________________________________________


1. The power of prayer is ________________________________________

Leonard Ravenhill:
‘One might estimate the weight of the world, tell the size of the celestial
city, count the stars of heaven, the speed of lighting, and tell the time of the
rising and setting of the sun – but you cannot estimate prayer-power. Prayer
is as mighty as God because He has committed Himself to answer it.’

2. The power of prayer is ________________________________________

R.A. Torrey:
‘Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God’s infinite grace and
power. All that God is, and all that God has, is at the disposal of prayer.’

E.M. Bounds:
‘Prayer has in it possibility to affect everything which affects us. Here are
the vast possibilities of prayer. Wisdom, knowledge, holiness, and heaven
are at the command of prayer.’

3. The power of prayer is ________________________________________

4. The power of prayer has numerous avenues of release


A. There is power for _________________________________________

E.W. Kenyon:
‘Church history proves that the ministry of prayer makes the ministry of
the Word a powerful thing.’

B. There is power for _________________________________________

R.A. Torrey:
‘There have been revivals without much preaching: but there has
never been a mighty revival without mighty praying.’

C. There is power to __________________________________________

D. There is power to __________________________________________

‘Prayer power is not only the most direct, but also the most effective
force that can be brought to bear upon the many difficulties that exists in
the Lord’s work. He who waits upon God moves on in quiet confidence
and needs neither the blare of trumpets nor press-agent methods to
announce his success, but in Godly fear, leaves until the day of Christ’s
return the record of achievement.’

E. There is power to __________________________________________

F. There is power to __________________________________________

Samuel Brengle:
‘Some of my prayers I have not yet seen answered, but others that I have
poured forth with tears and strong desire for His glory and the salvation
and sanctification of men fifty years ago are being answered before my

G. There is power to __________________________________________


Jonathan Edwards:
‘Give me New England, Give me New England

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