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Chapter #10

1. Essential Question (Write 4-5 sentences)

Before reading, answer the essential question on the Task List. There is one essential
question for each chapter.
What is humanity?
a. What does it mean to be a human being (vs. an animal)? With a group or
partner, share your quick write and develop criteria by which you could judge human,
(and/or humane) behavior.
Compared to animals, humans can make their own decisions and choices, but
animals are not human, and they cannot choose and decide for themselves. Animals
are just trying to survive, while humans have the intelligence and creativity to make
everything work in their favor.
2. Chapter Summary (3 sentences) and Personal Reflection/Response (3 sentences).
Douglas lived with Mr. covey, but during this time he was severely whipped because
he did not work well, they later bought a female slave and hired a married slave to
live with her for the purpose of getting her pregnant. She gave birth to twins, which he
thought would be a welcome addition to his wealth.
As for Douglas, he experienced the darkest days of slavery during his first six months
of work for Mr. Covey. He was whipped and trained so often that his own mind and
body were on the verge of being overwhelmed by Mr. Covey's beatings.
3. Ask a question and try to answer it.
Why does Mr. Covey buy a slave to use as a breeder?
He thought he could breed a slave himself, and that would be a fortune for them,
and he wouldn't have to pay for a slave.
4. Write a quote from this chapter that "jumps out" at you.
"I was broken in body, soul, and spirit. My natural elasticity was crushed, my
intellect languished, the disposition to read departed, the cheerful spark that
lingered about my eye died; the dark night of slavery closed in upon me; and
behold a man transformed into a brute! “
As for Douglas, he experienced the darkest days of slavery during his first six months
of work for Mr. Covey. He was whipped and trained so often that his own mind and
body were on the verge of being overwhelmed by Mr. Covey's beatings.

Chapter #11
1. Essential Question (Write 4-5 sentences)
Before reading, answer the essential question on the Task List. There is one essential
question for each chapter.
Can people truly rise to great expectations?
Only they have been well prepared from the beginning and strong perseverance to
reach, which is often difficult, because many people's perseverance is not so strong,
and the reality is more cruel, many times even if the preparation is more than adequate
can not reach.
2. Chapter Summary (3 sentences) and Personal Reflection/Response (3 sentences).
He reached the most successful stage of his escape plan. He did not recount the details
of his escape so that he would not reveal the secrets that prevented other slaves from
escaping. He even disapproved of some in the West who advertised their involvement
in the Underground Railroad on the grounds that they should not hinder further escape
attempts by introducing escape methods to slave owners.
He finally left this "prison", he was so eager to be free after a life of prison, and this
moment he will get a new life and freedom, he was full of happiness and worry,
worried that he could not succeed, but also full of desire, but finally managed to
3. Ask a question and try to answer it.
What had Douglass believed about the life in the North? 
He thought it would be clean, new, beautiful, cheerful, and wealthy. 
4. Write a quote from this chapter that "jumps out" at you.

“I suppose I felt as one may imagine the unarmed mariner to feel when he is
rescued by a friendly man-of-war from the pursuit of a pirate.”

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