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Name: ____Nicole tu________________

Date: _____2/12/2023________________

Discovery Exercise: Bosses and Clients

What Color is your Parachute? For Teens, page 33

Part 1:
What is your Holland Code?

__E__ __A__ ___S_

Part 2:
Explain what the “Mirror Theory” is:
You can see yourself better by observing others.

Part 3, Directions:
 Make a list of characteristics of a good boss for you
o Note from the teacher: your list should have between 5 and 10 characteristics
 Prioritize the list
o Note from the teacher: cut and paste to put your list in order from most
important to least important

1. Competent
2. A good listener
3. Lead by example
4. Calm
5. A willingness to help employees
6. Impartial
7. No unpaid wages to employees
8. Have a plan and do things in an organized manner
9. Brave
10. Will not scold employees

Part 4, Directions:
 If you envision yourself in a job where you have customers, clients, or patients, list
what kind of people you’d want them to be
o Note from the teacher: your list should have between 5 and 10 characteristics
 Prioritize this list as well
o Note from the teacher: cut and paste to put your list in order from most
important to least important

1. Punctuality
2. A good listener
3. No Deception
4. Patient
5. Calm
6. Will not shirk responsibility
7. Integrity

Part 5, Directions:
 Write your top two or three descriptors from both prioritized lists into the My
Favorite Types of People section of the My Parachute diagram. If there’s no room,
draw a line and write along the bottom of the page.

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