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What Is Friends With Benefits?

A friends-with-benefits (FWB) relationship is one in which two people are physically

intimate with one another, yet they’re not committed to each other in any way. People
involved in a friends-with-benefits relationship clearly enjoy spending time together,
but their relationship isn’t romantic and has no strings attached.

Is a Friends-With-Benefits Relationship Right for You? If

you’re thinking about entering into a friends-with-benefits relationship, there are a few
key points that’ll help you determine if a casual connection is truly beneficial for you in
every respect.

Why Friends With Benefits Works for Some People Having no strings

attached—as in the lack of emotional commitment, emotional investment, or both
formal and informal obligations of a relationship—can be alluring to people for different
reasons. People who have a preference for non-monogamous relationships and those
who don't have the time for or an interest in the emotional efforts or time commitment
of a traditional relationship might prefer a FWB scenario. Someone who has had
negative experiences in past relationships and isn't ready to open up emotionally   can
benefit from the physical benefits of FWB relationships without sacrificing their sense of
safety in non-commitment.

How is friends with benefits different from dating?Generally, when

you’re dating someone, you have special feelings for them. In friends with benefits scenarios,
you’re just friends — friends who hang out and sometimes have sex/be intimate with each other.
People who are friends with benefits may be free to date other people. The physical stuff they do
is usually “no strings attached”— they’re not necessarily committed to each other.

Why do people want to be friends with benefits?There are different

reasons why friends with benefits may work for some people. For example:

 It can feel safe/fun to explore your sexuality with a trusted friend.

 Friends with benefits can be an alternative for people who don’t want the commitment of
a dating relationship.
 People who have strong romantic feelings for a friend may hope that a friends with
benefits relationship will evolve into a dating relationship.

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