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Crossword Puzzle (10 points)

Complete the crossword puzzle of concepts related to the discussions of Global Divides
and Asian Regionalism. Write your answers in the puzzle provided below.

1. economic development is conceptualized in a linear process
7. for the reason that globalization is uneven, it produces and perpetuates a sense of…
11. the regional group in which the Philippines is a part of (answer for a bonus point)

2. the bases of the gap between the Global North and the Global South.
3. a political process characterized by economic policy cooperation and coordination among
4. an economic framework which leans more on free-market capitalism.
5. regional concentration of economic flows; the growing intensity of interaction and cooperation
between neighboring countries.
6. the geographical split of 1980s.
8. the symbolic designation meant to capture the semblance of cohesion that emerged when
former colonial entities engaged in political projects of decolonization and moved toward the
realization of a post-colonial international order.
9. a group of countries located in the same geographically specified area” or “an amalgamation
of two regions or a combination of more than two regions” organized to regulate and “oversee
flows and policy choices.
10. the 3 frameworks Kimura (2014) forwarded underscores the relationship of regionalism

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