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Quiz No.

1 Section:

Date Submitted:
Inquiries, Investigation, and

(culled from the Department of Education, Division of Capiz format. Retrieved from

Names of Proponents:
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name
Surname, First Name Middle Name

Project Title:

Project Time-frame:
February 20-24, 2023

I. Project Summary

The goal of this section is to present the reasons for doing this project as well as stating the project's
objectives. In this section in particular it is very important to write concisely and clearly. Be able to
answer the following questions:

Follow this format to make the proposal:

Paragraph 1: What is the study about? (Give an overview of what the study will include and talk
Paragraph 2: Why are you doing this study? (Give the rationale of the study; a compelling reason or
an existing problem in your discipline and an explanation why it is necessary to study)
Paragraph 3: Who will be the participants of the study and where will the study be conducted?
Paragraph 4 & 5: How are you going to carry out the study? (Explain the steps that you will
undertake to gather data and how you will analyze the data)
Paragraph 6: What is the importance or significance of the study?
II. Project Background

Explain what needs/problems you are trying to solve, and why these needs/problems are worth
solving. You should also provide a brief setting and history behind the project. This section should be
no more than a page. Include references to supporting documentation, such as project design or lay-
out. This information can be placed in the Index.

III. Project Objectives

State explicitly what goals the project is aiming to achieve. Relate your objectives in undertaking the
study and the research agenda of the school or of the field.

⮚ Observe the proper use of capitalization. Headings and subheadings are not supposed to be in
all upper cases. Just bold them for emphasis.
⮚ Use proper punctuation marks.
⮚ Observe proper language used in your outputs. Use the formal academic standards.

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