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Żeglowanie w trudnych warunkach pogodowych na Wharramach

Strona główna  Artykuły  Jak projektujemy  Żeglarstwo w trudnych warunkach pogodowych na Wharramach

Jamesa Wharrama

Napisałem w moim opisie TIKI 46 :

„Niektórzy projektanci wielokadłubowców znajdują inspirację na ekranie komputera. Inspirację

znajduję, gdy jestem cholernie przerażony szybkim zbliżaniem się ogromnej białej fali. To tak,
jakby adrenalina „jak się z tego wydostać” łączy się z pytaniem „jak mam z tego wybrnąć?”

Ktoś zapytał, co mam na myśli? Ostatnio, przeglądając nasze pliki, odkryłem ten zakres zdjęć fali
sztormowej, począwszy od pierwszej w historii wielokadłubowej przeprawy przez Północny Atlantyk na
pokładzie Rongo w 1959 roku, a skończywszy na zdjęciach Spirit of Gaia na Morzu Czerwonym w 1998

Przeprawa Rongo przez Atlantyk, 1959

Tekst oryginalny

A prime design requirement within my d

damage, the seas I have met.

'Raka' Atlantic 1977 Zaproponuj lepsze tłumaczenie

Od 45 lat żegluję na morzu na dwuosobowych kajakach/katamaranach. Każda burza na morzu ma swoją

indywidualność, w ramach tej burzy pewne fale piętnują się w świadomości.
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Podstawowym wymaganiem projektowym w moich projektach jest przepłynięcie bez uszkodzeń mórz,
które spotkałem. Więcej informacji  1/5
13.03.2023, 19:28 Heavy Weather Sailing on Wharrams | James Wharram Designs

James Ok zgadzam się Nie, dziękuję

W harram
Innym prelegentem na Niemieckim Sympozjum Wielokadłubowców w Bonn 1999 był Henk de Velde,
holenderski żeglarz oceaniczny, który rozpoczął swoją przygodę z żeglarstwem oceanicznym, żeglując
ORO dookoła świata. Podczas jego wykładu zdałem sobie sprawę z emocji, które wyrażał, naszego
Sklep Nasze katamarany Wtedy
Wycieczka wizualna zdałemi sobie
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O nas Świat różni od
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Aktualności innychzadawane pytania
projektantów wielokadłubowców (nie wszystkich).
Moim „punktem oparcia” od początku projektowania nie jest miejski, biurowy tryb życia, ale życie „tam”,
w oceanie. Stąd biorą się moje mocne i słabe strony jako projektanta.

W niedawnym artykule zamówionym przez amerykański magazyn „Multihulls” pisałem o naszej

przeprawie przez Północny Atlantyk w 1959 roku:

„Po dziesięciu dniach, zaczynających się od ciszy, lekkich wiatrów i słonecznej pogody, byliśmy już
1000 mil w drodze. Pewnej nocy na skraju Prądu Zatokowego zobaczyłem na horyzoncie
błyskawicę. Słyszałem w radiu byłego- cyklon tropikalny wyrządzający szkody w Halifax. Beztrosko
poszedłem spać zostawiając łódź pod przednim żaglem i bezanem, by obudzić się później na jęki
wiatru i krzyki dziewczyn. Na pokładzie jaskrawe błyski błyskawic rozświetliły ciemność. Wiatr
Oceniam teraz na podstawie wieloletniego doświadczenia (nie mogłem tego znieść ani oddychać)
na około 60 węzłów.
"Jutta, steering, had done as we had learnt, run off before the wind. Great white bow waves roared
out, a rooster tail plumed behind. The mizzen sail, eased out had jammed against the rigging.
Death was suddenly close to us. Even in 1959 from my Ancient Pacific studies I knew of the
dangers of pitch poling, the danger of driving the hulls into the waves ahead and capsizing over
the bows.
"From the beginning of my design career I have always tried to get low centre of effort rigs (to
give stability) with good windward performance. Rongo was not only the first catamaran to sail
the North Atlantic, it was the first one (at sea) to use full-length battens to get a large roach and
now, most of the wooden battens (no fibreglass in those days) had snapped, and the sail was bent
over the mizzen backstay.
"The waves were building up. A prayer to the Sea Gods and a brief lull and we had the tattered sail
and the broken battens down. We trailed our anchor warps behind us to prevent broaching."

Rongo North Atlantic 1959

Tangaroa Mk I 'KM' Tasman Sea 1976

Later I wrote in my book ‘Two Girls Two Catamarans':

"Crawling back to the cockpit in the vivid lightning flashes, I saw Jutta sitting astride the steering
bench, working the tiller backwards and forwards like a great oar, her long golden hair streaming
in the wind like plików
a banner cookieShe
of defiance. na tej
twentyaby poprawić
years Twoje
old. No one wrażenia.
could have handled the
ship better. As each wave with its snarling crest leapt at us, Jutta eased our pointed twin sterns 2/5
13.03.2023, 19:28 Heavy Weather Sailing on Wharrams | James Wharram Designs

into them. The wave parted, then ran down the side of the hulls, hardly checked in speed. So there
was no build-up of water pressure to pile up and wash over our decks sweeping us away."

Sklep Nasze katamarany  Wycieczka wizualna  Artykuły i blogi O nas Świat Wharrama Aktualności Często zadawane pytania
'Yachting World' February 2000, published a report about the 105ft racing catamaran Play Station’s
Atlantic speed record attempt on December 16th 1999, being dashed by a wind situation and broken
batten problem uncannily similar to the situation we were in 41 years ago. They reported:

"Firstly, we are all okay, but we took a hammering last night. We’d already had a scare when the
bows went down, the rudders came out of the water and the boat slewed round, throwing a few
people forward."...
..."The wind then increased to 45 knots and we were winding in the jib when, without warning it
gusted 60 knots plus. I saw 62 on the true wind speed indicator. Gino Morelli was steering and
we’d been bearing away. By this time we were dead downwind with no options. The boat was
covered in a cloud of spray. Gino did a fantastic job of stopping us capsizing, but as we went dead
downwind the main slammed against the lazy jacks and broke at least four battens."...

My 45-year fear of driving the bows under and "raising the rudder out of the water" can be seen to be a
valid design fear, in my case driven home by so many "wave experiences" (see photographs)

The concept of turning to run away from a squall or gale front should be a part of all multihull sailors’
automatic reactions.

Recently a new edition of Adlard Coles’ ‘Heavy Weather Sailing’ has been written with a new chapter on
multihull handling. They did not contact this office for information, though from a review in 'Yachting
World' it appears that they show a photo of Raka in a gale, taken by Ruth in the Atlantic in 1977. The
Raka, running before the seas, is trailing a big loop of warp.
For the 63 foot Spirit of Gaia we designed and made a big drogue, 9 foot across, but never used it. Spirit
of Gaia sailed on a close reach under storm jib in wind speeds up to 47 knots (force 9) for several days
(New Zealand to Fiji), with waves building up bigger all the time. In force 8 gales we have successfully
drifted ‘beam on’, with all sails down, making only 1-1½ knots leeway.

Pahi 63 'Spirit of Gaia' South Pacific 1996

Tangaroa Mk I 'KM' Tasman Sea 1976

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Sklep Nasze katamarany  Wycieczka wizualna  Artykuły i blogi O nas Świat Wharrama Aktualności Często zadawane pytania

Pahi 63 'Spirit of Gaia' Red Sea 1998

I am not the only Wharram sailor. "Out there" are many Wharram sailors, who have experienced
sufficient offshore bad weather to have positive practical knowledge. Would they like to submit their
experience to this website?

Note I write Wharram sailors with practical experience, because:

1. Wharram Designs are designed specifically to run before gales, with canoe sterns and
overhanging bows, no, or low, deck cabin, no in-hull cockpits. (Most other multihull designs are
2. There is a large amount of theoretical discussion on gale handling. We need to begin with a
discussion of actual experience.

Storm Tactics On Wharram Catamarans

Don Brazier, Wharram agent in New Zealand and owner/builder of a beautiful 41 foot Narai Mk IV, has
been collecting accounts from many Wharram sailors who have experienced severe weather at sea. He
himself has made a number of voyages in the Pacific and encountered severe weather, in which he
deployed drogue and parachute. Read them here.

Submit Your Story..

This can be the beginning of a data file of "real experiences in sea survival", as it relates to Wharram
Designs. So lets hear from you. Would you like to submit your experience? Contact us.

Storm Tactics On Wharram Catamarans - Don Brazier

Mother Ocean's Lesson in Survival - Mike Lynn
Katipo Voyage - Don Brazier
How Low Can You Go - Beat Rettenmund

Further Reading:
Philosophy behind the Ethnic Approach
An overview of James Wharram Design's core design principles and how new designs are created
to reflect these principles.
The Wharram Wingsail Rig
First designed in the early 1980s for the Tiki 21, the unique Wharram Wingsail Rig is a simple,
aerodynamically clean sail rig. It is now available for use on all Wharram designs as sloop, or
schooner rig. This article gives all the details of what makes it work.
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Catamaran Stability
What makes a multihull stable. This seminal article was published in several yachting magazines.
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13.03.2023, 19:28 Heavy Weather Sailing on Wharrams | James Wharram Designs
It is still as valid today as when it was written in 1991.
Freeboard and Windage
Freeboard affects the windage and hence the windward sailing ability of a catamaran. This article
written for an Australian yacht magazine in 2003 looks at the origins of multihulls and what makes
Sklep Nasze katamarany  work.
Wycieczka wizualna  Artykuły i blogi O nas Świat Wharrama Aktualności Często zadawane pytania

Design Discussion
James compares Gaia’s design features with those of the charter Pahi 52. Spirit of Gaia’s Wingsail
Rig is tested by other catamaran sailors.

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