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Can’t Hurt Me

"Can't hurt me" is the autobiography of the former Navy seal David Goggins, he formerly held the world
record for the most pull-ups within 24 hours and is known to be one of the toughest men on the planet,
he has also finished several Ironman competitions, triathlons, marathons and ultra marathons.

This wasn't always the case though, the autobiography takes the reader through David's trauma of
childhood abuse, poverty, depths of depression and being overweight,

And how despite having all the excuses to stay weak and blame life for all the wrong that had been
done to him, he decided to push through and give is 100%, which made him the man he is today.

David's mindset of pushing the human body beyond it's apparent limit and realising what the actual
limits are is inspirational and useful for everyone in any stage of life and not simply athleticism.

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