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Challenges in people 3.

A great challenge that is present worldwide today
A challenge that women are
currently going through is the
is the Covid pandemic, since this virus has
mockery of all men as well as
changed our daily lives and has distanced us and
away from many loved ones, today many family physical aggression this for
members are dying and it is that we must try to believing that a blouse or some
eradicate the pandemic, it is almost impossible shorts makes them look
but if each one puts a grain of sand all this will be Bulgarian, really some women do
able to change and prevent more deaths. not affect us but there are more
sensitive women and it is that
since The moment a man tries to
put a hand on top of you, you
have to put something like that
2 as we also have to feel
comfortable with your body and
Malnutrition is a great challenge, some
factors are poverty, inequality and the low not pay attention to what they
education of mothers. In addition, there are think of you, how also not to
other underlying causes such as lack of compare yourself with anyone
access to food due to a natural disaster or else or let someone else lower
as a consequence of a conflict involving the self-esteem but for that you must
destruction of crops. know self-love
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My biggest challenge
My biggest challenge is having followed kindergarten
teaching, I think it really is a fairly extensive preparation is
that sometimes I feel incapable of being able to give my
best, but I have some wonderful parents who do not
abandon me or leave me alone. give encouragement and
God since I pray to him and he gives me thousands of
strength at a thousand per hour, I have learned not to give
up and always, always give everything with love and effort
because my dream from a very young age was to be able
to form lives and leave traces today. It takes a year and I
know that I will achieve that and more with the help of God
and my parents.
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I have been proud to be able to help children with different

disabilities in this covid pandemic as well as to show myself that
I can do many things, I really believe that when you are
passionate about something you should pursue it because the
satisfaction of being able to achieve it is wonderful and yes
something I know to say is that you should never give up even if
the world comes to the top you have to smile, life is not easy
and God will always put obstacles on you however you have to
try to be strong and climb to the top of the top, I showed myself
how strong I am.
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I believe that a great challenge that may be presented to

us is having a child with a disability. However, I believe that
due to the lack of information from people, they are
discriminated against, really with the preparation that we
have taken in school I feel 70% prepared to be able to give
my grain of sand to that little angel, they are the most noble
and beautiful beings in the world .My solution is that we as a
teacher must seek inclusion in all types of environment for
all children to also promote that we are all equal and that
we are capable of achieving what we want.
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I feel very proud of everything I have achieved since one of my

great wishes is to be able to become a great teacher and today
I am fulfilling it, likewise a great challenge I had was to get used
to this confinement, I really went out to run all In the mornings I
had to adapt to exercising at home and I am succeeding, so I
also wanted to be able to delve deeper into English since God
gave me the opportunity to acquire a scholarship at school and
upload my grades to become a really responsible person and
seek friendships that will help me improve and learn from my

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