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“How can a woman be succeed?

You may ask, how can a woman be succeed in these days?

In a world, still largely influenced structures, A journey of a woman can be a challenging
one. However, success doesn’t have a gender for it, with determination, support, and
facing through it. But a woman can break through these barriers, and break this society
of men who favors something we don’t like.

According to a website, Many woman from other countries, have been struggling
through mental health, society, gender roles, Stereotypes, being controlled, and so forth
that a woman has been challenging through this. The struggle of how we cannot exist of
being an average and extraordinary person. Even if there is, people will still criticized
and judge you, because we are a woman.

Why can’t we just be the person who we are? Society’s expectations. Society’s been
getting worse, thinking woman can be “perfect”.Having a beautiful face, body, looks, and
beauty is everyone’s expectation, just like a barbie doll. It’s a fact, even parents
expecting their child to be beautiful nor being a smart person.Still, people can’t change
someone’s looks.There just a person, you can’t force them at all times, accept on who
they are. “looks don’t matter” many people said.

“A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” -Melinda Gates

As a woman, who has this thing as well, I have face these challenges where I have to
see terrible people too, but I managed it, and we should too. Just like Virginia Woolf who
have faced mental challenges, that relates us this day. We can do it. As woman, it’s also
okay if we have these, its apart of our life.

In conclusion, patriarchal society of a woman’s success in these, is undoubtedly a

formidable task. However, by breaking mental health, streotypes, society’s expectation,
woman can overcome these obstacles and reach their full pontential.

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