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Identification of The Topic/Issue/Event

Unlike my previous analyses, I am choosing to identify a topic/event that I believe the

Nashville Predators and Bridgestone Arena do well: The Mentor Meet and Greet. Almost a

month ago, all interns had to fill out their “Top 3” additional departments that they may have

interest in. A month later, each intern is matched with a full-time employee to become their

“mentor”. This entails meeting someone new to diversify your experience and having an

additional person to converse with on all things work and personal. This event was held on

Wednesday, February 15th, in a lunch setting and proved to be an exceptional meeting for all


Relevant Components and Implications for the Agency

The Mentor Meet and Greet has many relevant components for the Nashville Predators.

First, this topic is relevant for the agency because they want to fully develop, teach, and

comfort their interns during their duration of stay. This helps interns stay interested and learn

about other departments (possibly to become an employee or apply for future internships in

that department). Second, the impact it has is positive for both parties because the interns get

to diversify their experience and the agency can study that experience. Third, it can prove to be

an extremely important aspect of guest satisfaction. If an intern can help answer a guest’s

question (or even fill in for the other department) regarding the mentors specific department, it

is a much more efficient experience for the guest. Finally, it gives full-time employees a chance

to also explore what the intern’s department is like. Things like this are exactly what lead to

positive implications for the agency.

The implications of creating a mentor meet and greet can have endless implications, and

they are all positive! This can improve staff morale by creating events for staff members to get

become more familiar with each other. Second, it can also help familiarize staff members and

interns for positive discussions. All in all, the Mentor Meet and Greet program proves to have

positive implications on the agency.

Plan of Action

Although this is a positive event, I believe that there are a few things the Predators can

do to make this program even better! First, creating more social events like this between the

mentor and intern would be extremely beneficial for the intern to really have a chance to

become especially comfortable with their mentor. Second, I would also suggest to the intern

advisor, Sydney Haykel (PSU Alum by the way), to create more social setting meetings like this

for the interns only. I feel like this would be a great way for the interns to also discuss their

experiences so they can learn more about other departments! Third, I would maybe reward the

mentor (with Preds Gear?) who goes “out of their way” the most to gain interest from the

intern. Some measurable would involve: Total meetings; Best review (create a review sheet for

interns to fill out; or even just from an eye-test. All in all, I feel like this event/topic is something

I would love every intern to experience at their agency!

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