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Aulia Ilham – Kelas 1D – Semester 2

General English

Task :
Make a technical case in optical + the Solution(kasus tehnis di optikal + solusinya) Do it in
pairs/2 students. Write in a paragraph/around 10 sentences, based on your experience,
collect in February 20

1. Case: Correction/refraction results are not appropriate

Solution: Do it carefully and re-correction

2. Case: Receiving complaints of broken glasses by consumers

Solution: Make repairs to the glasses or suggest replacing new glasses

3. Case: Wrong order for ordering lens size

Solution: Make a reorder or order again

4. Case: Finding child consumers who are difficult to refract

Solution: Using interesting communication with children to get attention

5. Case: The results of the auto refraction machine are not accurate

Solution: Do refraction/correction subjective

6. Case: Received complaints from consumers because of the first experience using
progressive lenses

Solution: Provide education in the use of progressive lenses and provide an

adaptation time of 3-7 days

7. Case: Receiving complaints of inspection results that are uncomfortable when used

Solution: Refraction/correction again

8. Case : Incorrect in offering the price of the lens

Solution: Call the consumer to be diverted with a lens that fits the budget

9. Case: Forgot to determine the PD distance

Solution: Call the consumer so they can return to Optics

10. Case: The consumer is not cooperative in the visual process

Solution: Provide education with a good way of delivery

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