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Nama : Rafly Dwi Wardhana

NPM : 2040501180
Lokal : E1
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : Farid Helmi Setyawan, M.Pd

A. Analiyze part of speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Pronoun) From the
Text bellow!
Answer :
Noun Miss Martha Meacham, the little bakery, the bell tinkles, the door,
bank-book, false teeth, people, customer, he, spectacles and a brown
beard, clothes, bread/loaf, finger, stain, artist, tea,choops, jam, light
roll, meal isntand.
Verb Kept, go up, open, showed, began, wearing, spoke, looked, bought,
call, saw, lived, ate, thought, sat, told, down,wish,eating, painting, sale,
set, test, against
Adjetive Was forty, sympathetic heart, chances, many, much, inferior, interest,
two or three a week, careful, middle-aged man, worn, darned, wrinkled,
baggy, good manner, stale, fresh, five, cents, red, brown, poor, gentle-
mannered, draughty, counter
Adverb The corner, to do, married, came, with strong german accent, very,
always, loaves, ones, garret ,often, room.
Preposition On, in others, behind
Pronoun You, his

B. Analyze the name of tense from the sentence bellow

1. Present Perfect Tense
2. Present Perfect Continuos Tense
3. Past Continuos Tense
4. Past Perfect Continuos Tense
5. Past Perfect

C. Make a simple persuasive text based on your basic competence

my name is Rudisussanto, often called me sussanto or sussan. I study at the University of
Bornoe, Tarakan, faculty of International Relations, and am now in my 2 semester.
Before entering college, I once got a certificate of first place in the National Science
Teaching Aid Olympiad. but when I was in college my talents and hobbies were swimming and
playing football. for me swimming is fun. when I have free time I also make time to play football
with my friends. I also make my hobby a regular exercise. Because I also participated in a
football competition when I wash in school, before entering collage.

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