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Penggunaan PCR dalam penegakkan Diagnosis Uveitis

Latar Belakang
Uveitis menjadi salah satu penyebab penting gangguan pengelihatan di Dunia.
Uveitis mempengaruhi sekitar 200 / 100.000 individu dan berperan dalam 10-35% kasus
gangguan pengelihatan parah hingga kebutaan 2. Infectious uveitis comprises approximately
10–20% of all uveitis cases. The common pathogens implicated in infectious uveitis are
cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus
(VZV), and Toxoplasma gondii [5–7]. Thus, early detection of the causa- tive pathogen and
appropriate antimicrobial therapy can prevent visual impairment 2
Visual impairment and blindness due to infectious uveitis can be prevented by early
identifi- cation of the responsible pathogen and the subsequent prompt administration of
appropriate antimicrobial therapy. 1. Incorrect diagnoses could delay the administration of
targeted treatment, thereby resulting in visual impairment, use of drugs with undesirable
side effects, and the occurrence of uveitis-related complications 2
The gold standard diagnostic investigation in case of infectious uveitis is considered
to be isolation of the inciting microorganism, but it is not always feasible due to the paucity
of sample and time consuming isolation technique. Establishing an etiological diagnosis in
infectious uveitis based on clinical grounds has limitations as same microorganism could
have different clinical presentations and different organisms might have similar presenting
features. In such a scenario PCR of intraocular fluids can aid in the diagnosis. 4
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a fast and reliable method, which can identify
common pathogens causing uveitis. Aqueous humor PCR can precisely detect small
quantities of pathogenic DNA or RNA 1

Kelebihan dan Keuntungan menggunakan PCR:

Kelebihan :
1. Lebih cepat dalam waktu pemeriksaan, Real Time PCR dapat melakukan pemeriksaan
kurang dari 24 jam2
2. Membutuhkan sampel yang sedikit
3. Dengan sampel yang sedikit,dapat menemukan banyak pathogen
4. PCR memiliki prosentase Sensitivitas dan Spesifitas yang tinggi

Parameter (%) 95% confidence Interval
Keseluruhan Sensitivitas 90.2 % 78.59 - 96.74 %
Keseluruhan Spesifitas 93.9 % 83.13 - 98.72 %
Value Prediksi Positif 93.9 % 83.13 - 98.72 %
Value Prediksi Negatif 90.2 % 78.59 - 96.74 %
Tabel. 1 Sensitifitas, Spesifitas, dan Nilai Prediksi PCR 1
Dalam studi yang dilakukan oleh Choi, dkk yang membandingkan spesifitas dan sensitivitas
pemeriksaan PCR dan serologi pada beberapa organisme patogen didapatkan hasil For PCR
test, the sensitivity was 0.431, specificity was 0.985, and the negative and positive predictive
values were 0.506 and 0.980, respectively. For IgM test, the sensitivity was 0.151, specificity
was 0.970, and the negative and positive predictive values were 0.403 and 0.895,
respectively. 2

Tabel 2. Perbandingan hasil PCR dan tes serologi pada pasien uveitis 2
Penelitia lain yang dilakukan oleh Mau, dkk pada pasien AIDS dengan CMV retinitis
menunjukkan hasil sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction in the detection of
cytomegalovirus in aqueous humor and blood samples was 93.5% and 14.3%, respectively. 5
Kekurangan :
PCR has a very low false-positive rate when used on ocular fluids. In fact, false-positive
results are possible from contamination and false-negative results are possible from
polymorphism, specimen degradation, or failure to sample in the acute stages of disease.
Pada sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Kharel, dkk penggunaan kontrol positif dan kontrol
negatif dalam tes PCR dapat mengurangi hasil positif palsu dan negatif palsu. 1

Organisme Sensitifitas (%) Spesifitas (%) Nilai Prediksi Positif (%) Nilai prediksi Negatif (%)
Mycobacterium 71.4 76.77 54 98.7
CMV 100 71 15.4 100
HSV 1 100 74.4 23 100
HSV 2 100 71.8 15.4 100
VZV 71.43 78.1 41.7 92.6
Toxoplasma gondii 0 66.7 0 100
Fungus 66.67 50 66.7 50
Propionibacterium acnes 100 50 50 100
Eubacterial 75 0 75 0

Tabel. 2 Sensitifitas, Spesifitas, Nilai prediksi PCR pada tiap individu Patogen 2
However, analysis of aqueous was more commonly performed because anterior chamber
tap is a less invasive and hazardous procedure than the vitreous aspiration and can also be
performed in the OPD.

Jenis, Metode, dan Kegunaan PCR3

Nested PCR :
Keuntungan :
- Digunakan untuk mengurangi amplifikasi urutan DNA yang tidak diinginkan hadir
dalam sampel yang disediakan
- Melibatkan penggunaan 2 set primer, keduanya di antaranya berada di dalam DNA
wilayah yang akan diperkuat
Kegunaan Diagnosis :
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), Borrelia burgdorferi, Fuchs heterochromic
cyclitis, or rubella

Multiplex PCR :
Keuntungan :
- Memungkinkan untuk pengukuran beberapa DNA target yang berbeda dalam 1
sampel (misalnya, dapat menguji banyak penyebab infeksi sekaligus) melalui
kombinasi primer yang berbeda berpasangan dalam 1 reaksi
- specific genomic DNA from different viruses, bacteria, and fungi can be measured
simultaneously in a small sample volume, which is particularly important for
intraocular fluid samples, such as aqueous humor. 6
Kegunaan Diagnosis :
- MTB, Toxoplasma gondii, and Herpesviridae species: Herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1,
HSV-2, varicella zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus(EBV), cytomegalovirus

Real-time PCR
Keuntungan :
- Secara kuantitatif mengukur nomor salinan sampel DNA di seluruh PCR (dalam waktu
- PCR waktu nyata diperlukan untuk menentukan peran patogen organisme (misalnya,
DNA 1 patogen hadir dalam jumlah yang lebih besar jumlah vs yang lain dapat
menyebabkan kesimpulan bahwa itu adalah patogen menyebabkan penyakit)
Kegunaan Diagnosis :
- MTB, Treponema pallidum, HSV, Toxoplasma gondii, primary vitreoretinal,

Broad-range real-time PCR

Keuntungan :
- Digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan dan kuantitas infeksi bakteri atau jamur
tetapi tidak dapat mengidentifikasi bakteri tertentu atau spesies jamur yang
mengarah ke penyakit karena primer yang digunakan adalah ribosom bakteri dan
jamur DNA (rDNA) ditemukan dalam banyak organisme
Kegunaan Diagnosis :
- Bacterial Endophthalmitis, Fungal endophthalmitis, Candida atau Aspergillus species

Comprehensive PCR
A comprehensive PCR system consisting of a combination of multiplex PCR and real-time
PCR has recently been developed for intraocular fluids with the aim to diagnose infectious
Keuntungan :
- Penggunaan multipleks atau jangkauan luas dan reaksi PCR waktu-nyata untuk
diukur jumlah DNA infeksius setiap agen infeksi dalam satu reaksi
- PCR multipleks dilakukan terlebih dahulu dan setiap sampel positif maka menjalani
PCR waktu-nyata untuk mengukur DNA Patogen
Kegunaan Diagnosis :6
- all eight human herpes viruses (HHVs): HHV1 (herpes simplex virus type 1; HSV1),
HHV2, HHV3 (varicella–zoster virus; VZV), HHV4 (Ep- stein–Barr virus; EBV), HHV5
(cytomegalovirus; CMV), HHV6, HHV7, and HHV8, toxoplasma (Toxoplasma gondii B1
gene) [13], parvovirus B19 (Parvo B19), BK virus (BKV), and JC virus (JCV).
Multiplex solid-phase PCR strip kit 5
To improve the previously developed comprehensive PCR assay [14], a new comprehensive
PCR strip kit (a multi- plex solid-phase PCR strip kit) was established to diag- nose infectious
ocular diseases
Advantages :
(1) the genomes for 24 common pathogens of various infectious eye diseases can be
detected in one assay that takes only a few hours
(2) the PCR process becomes simpler and can be performed with commonly used PCR
Kegunaan :
- HHV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-1, adenovirus, MTB, T pallidum,
ropionibacterium acnes, bacterial 16S ribosomal rRNA, Candida glabrata, Candida
krusei, Aspergillus, Fusarium, fungal 28S rRNA, Toxoplasma gondii, Toxocara,
Chlamydia trachomatis, dan Acanthamoeba
Berikut komparasi beberapa studi yang meneliti respon terapi dengan hasil PCR

Kesimpulan :
Diagnosis etiologi yang akurat dan tepat waktu sangat penting untuk pengelolaan
pasien dengan uveitis. Meskipun pengujian PCR dengan cairan mata merupakan prosedur
invasif, perannya dalam mengidentifikasi etiologi infeksi pada uveitis gangguan luar biasa,
karenanya harus dianggap sebagai tes tambahan pada setiap dugaan uveitis1
PCR also can be considered as a reliable tool for diagnosis and starting treatment especially
in viral etiology. But, overall negative PCR results have to be more cautiously interpreted
and the treatment response will always supervene in establishing the final diagnosis. 4
Daftar Pustaka
1. Ranju Kharel (Sitaula), M. K. Janani , H. N. Madhavan and Jyotirmay Biswas, Outcome of
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis in 100 suspected cases of infectious uveitis,
2. Wungrak Choi, Hyun Goo Kang, Eun Young Choi, Sung Soo Kim, Chan Yun Kim, Hyoung
Jun Koh, Sung Chul Lee and Min Kim, Clinical utility of aqueous humor polymerase chain
reaction and serologic testing for suspected infectious uveitis: a single-center
retrospective study in South Korea, 2020
3. Alejandra M. Maiz, BS, Pooja Bhat, MD, Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Diagnosis of
Uveitis, 2018
4. Comparison of Polymerase Chain Reaction Results with Treatment Response in the
Diagnosis of Infectious Uveitis
5. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of aqueous humor specimens in the diagnosis
of cytomegalovirus retinitis in AIDS patients
6. A new era of uveitis: impact of polymerase chain reaction in intraocular
inflammatory diseases

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