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Conflict of interest

 Refers to a situation in which an individual's personal interest conflicts with the

professional interests
 Yung personal interest mo is naiiba sa professional interest mo
 Iba yung personal na paniniwala mo doon sa trabaho mo
 Nepotism: yung may kamag anak sa loob
 An employee starts a company that provides similar services to similar clients as those of
her full-time employer
 A purchasing agent hires his brother-in0law to provide vending services to the company
he is currently employed
 Failing to disclose that you're related to a job candidate the company is considering hiring
 Offering paid services on your time off to a company customer or supplier
 Accepting payment from another company for information about your employer
 Doing business or work for a competitor
 Owning part of a business that sells goods or services to your employer

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