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Questions 1-7: Decide which text (A, B, C or D) the information comes from. You may use any letter
more than once. In which text can you find information about?
1. It is not easy to tell bed bug bites from those of other insects?
2. DDT was used to wipe out bed bugs in developed countries?
3. Bed bugs could carry human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B?
4. The reactions towards the bite could differ from one person to another?
5. The development of such bugs could be due to the new trends taken by people towards exploring the
6. The odd medical myths are being challenged by new interpretations?
7. Bed bugs eggs detection?

Question 8-13: Answer each of the questions with a word or short phrase from one of the texts.
8. Where is the majority of risk factors located?
9. Why DDT has been banned?
10. For how long a bite skin reaction can be delayed?
11. Itching is usually accompanied with what?
12. Dogs were able to distinguish types of bugs in what way?
13. Iron-deficiency in India has been associated with for what reason?

Questions 14-20: Complete each of the sentences with a word or short phrase from one of the tests.
14. The sports are either arranged in_________ or___________.
15. The eradication of the bed bugs started to take effect after ____________.
16. A research study investigated whether dogs trained to detect ______ by using their______.
17. It is a possibility that bed bugs might be the source of _______ linked to _______.
18. The bites may even trigger ___________.
19. Proof of the transmission by bed bugs of one of these ______ found in laboratory studies.
20. The success rate for dog’s selecting bed bugs from other insects in high at _______; there were no
_________ in this test as well.


1. The main idea presented in paragraph one is that……

Ⓐ only older women need to be concerned about breast cancer.
Ⓑ breast cancer trials seldom consider older women.
Ⓒ breast cancer is more common than other diseases in older woman.

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the highest-profile diseases in women in developed countries. Although the risk for
women younger than 30 years is minimal, this risk increases with age. One-third of all breast cancer
patients in Sweden, for example, are 70 years or older at diagnosis. Despite these statistics, few breast
cancer trials take these older women into account. Considering that nowadays a 70-year-old woman can
expect to live for at least another 12–16 years, this is a serious gap in clinical knowledge, not least because
in older women breast cancer is more likely to be present with other diseases, and doctors need to know
whether cancer treatment will affect or increase the risk for these diseases.

2. Which of the following statements does match the information on cannabis use?
Ⓐ The use of cannabis by teenagers has been increasing over the past 40 years.
Ⓑ Cannabis use has adverse effects on young people.
Ⓒ Withdrawal symptoms are more common in males.

Since the early 1970s, when cannabis first began to be widely used, the proportion of young people who
have used cannabis has steeply increased and the age of first use has declined. Most cannabis users now
start in the mid-to-late teens, an important period of psychosocial transition when misadventures can have
large adverse effects on a young person’s life chances. Dependence is an underappreciated risk of cannabis
use. There has been an increase in the numbers of adults requesting help to stop using cannabis in many
developed countries, including Australia and the Netherlands. Regular cannabis users develop tolerance to
many of the effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and those seeking help to stop often report withdrawal
symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms have been reported by 80% of male and 60% of female adolescents
seeking treatment for cannabis dependence.

3. The question of partial protection against H1N1 arose…

Ⓐ before spring 2009 Ⓑ during Spring 2009 Ⓒ after spring 2009

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and the H1N1 Virus

As the novel pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus spread around the world in late spring 2009 with a well-
matched pandemic vaccine not immediately available, the question of partial protection afforded by
seasonal influenza vaccine arose. Coverage of the seasonal influenza vaccine had reached 30% – 40% in
the general population in 2008–09 in the US and Canada, following recent expansion of vaccine

4. Which of the following would be the most appropriate heading for the following paragraph?
Ⓐ High sugar intake and increasing tooth decay
Ⓑ Globalization, dietary changes and declining dental health
Ⓒ Dietary changes in developing nations

Globalization has provoked changes in many facets of human life, particularly in diet. Trends in the
development of dental caries in population have traditionally followed developmental patterns where, as
economies grow and populations have access to a wider variety of food products as a result of more
income and trade, the rate of tooth decay begins to increase. As countries become wealthier, there is a
trend to greater preference for a more "western" diet, high in carbohydrates and refined sugars. Rapid
globalization of many economies has accelerated this process. These dietary changes have a substantial
impact on diseases such as diabetes and dental caries.

5. According to the paragraph, oral health problems have recently been linked to
Ⓐ periodontal disease. Ⓑ heart conditions. Ⓒ diabetes.

Oral health and systemic disease

The relationship between oral health and diabetes (Types 1 and 2) is well known and documented. In the
last decade, however, an increasing body of evidence has given support to the existence of an association
between oral health problems, specifically periodontal disease, and other systemic diseases, such as those
of the cardiovascular system. Adding further layers of complexity to the problem is the lack of awareness
in much of the population of periodontal disease, relative to their knowledge of more observable dental
problems, as well as the decreasing accessibility and affordability of dental treatment in Australia. While
epidemiological studies have confirmed links between periodontal disease and systemic diseases, from
diabetes to autoimmune conditions, osteoporosis, heart attacks and stroke, in the case of the last two the
findings remain cautious and qualified regarding the mechanics or biological rationale of the relationship.

6. The scenario described in the last sentence of the paragraph

Ⓐ Happened only once Ⓑ Happens occasionally Ⓒ Is common

As the manager of the national suicide counselling service Mensline Australia, Terry Melvin is used to
being confronted with tense, life-or-death situations. Such as recently when a man rang the service to talk:
when the conversation started, he already had a gun in this mouth. Sadly, this scenario is hardly a one-off.
Mensline Australia fields an average of two calls per day from men with suicidal plans or thoughts and
occasionally the men ring when they are in a position to enact them.

7. What were the findings at the ABC studios in Toowong?
Ⓐ One in six female employees contracted breast cancer
Ⓑ Breast cancer affected fifteen employees in ten years
Ⓒ Six female employees reported having breast cancer
Ⓓ The incidence of breast cancer increased in 2005-2006

8. In what ways has the release of the Queensland Health report helped?
Ⓐ Provoked an immediate strike at the Toowong studios
Ⓑ Completed a state-wide survey of possible cancer clusters
Ⓒ Provided little explanation for those affected by the situation
Ⓓ Made public the existence of a cluster of cancer cases

9. How are cancer clusters described in paragraph 2?

Ⓐ Describe Ⓑ Locate
Ⓒ count Ⓓ Explain

10. Which statement applies to verified cancer clusters?

Ⓐ Their rate occurrence is slowly increasing Ⓑ They were caused by workplace factors
Ⓒ Sufferers were denied a definitive explanation Ⓓ The stated cause was contested by some people
11. What health professionals may feel regarding the investigation of an alleged cancer cluster?
Ⓐ Dubious about it Ⓑ Anxious about it
Ⓒ Overwhelmed by it Ⓓ Undermined by it

12. According to paragraph 3 …..

Ⓐ Cluster investigators can be misled by anecdotal evidence
Ⓑ Normal rates of incidence of common cancers are often mistaken for clusters
Ⓒ Experts are often too skeptical to look objectively at the facts in cluster investigations
Ⓓ Poor understanding of patterns of disease diagnosis means investigations are inevitable

13. What does the initial steps in a cluster investigation establish in paragraph 4?
Ⓐ The number of cases exceeds average levels
Ⓑ The claims being made are exaggerated
Ⓒ Relatives of the sufferers are also affected
Ⓓ The disease actually exists in the cases put forward

14. To what can breast cancer be linked in paragraph 5?

Ⓐ Shift work Ⓑ Bright artificial lights
Ⓒ Melatonin deficiency Ⓓ A malfunctioning pineal gland
15. According to paragraph 1
Ⓐ Treatments for Parkinson’s did not emerge until the 1990s
Ⓑ James Parkinson’s methods of diagnosis were unscientific
Ⓒ Charcot acknowledged Parkinson’s work on the shaking palsy.
Ⓓ Parkinson’s disease is thought to have originated in Ancient Rome

16. What did the scientists discover about the Parkinson’s disease’s symptoms regarding the
chemical deficiency in the brain?
Ⓐ The cause of Ⓑ Associated with
Ⓒ Responsible for Ⓓ A result of

17What is the source of Parkinson’s disease?

Ⓐ Cell death Ⓑ Unclear
Ⓒ Dopamine Ⓓ Well known

18. What is true regarding Parkinson’s disease?

Ⓐ Parkinson’s disease has come constant characteristics
Ⓑ Herbicides and pesticides can cause Parkinson’s disease
Ⓒ Parkinson’s disease is rarely found in men
(D)Parkinson’s disease differs in different populations

20. According to paragraph 5, Parkinson’s disease….

Ⓐ Will never be cured Ⓑ Affects sufferers only some of the line
Ⓒ Can be completely controlled by medications Ⓓ Is a condition that can be managed to a degree

21. Which one of the following is Not suggested as a treatment in paragraph 5?

Ⓐ Physical activity Ⓑ Counselling
Ⓒ Speech therapy Ⓓ Medications

22. What is common about Parkinson’s disease?

Ⓐ Disabled people Ⓑ Alzheimer’s sufferers
Ⓒ Australians Ⓓ Older people

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