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The technology known as the Internet of Things (IoT) involves embedded

devices that are connected to the internet via software and internet-
enabled sensors that collect data in the cloud. When required, the data can
be retrieved. The data is only retrieved for the data that was requested;
other data will be hidden in the cloud. Because embedded devices can
connect common products like thermostats, baby monitors, kitchen
appliances, and automobiles to the internet, seamless connections
between people, processes, and things are now possible. It is possible for
physical objects to trade and be taken. The Internet of Things's
characteristic is connectivity, which extends from the hardware to the
system controls via internet connectivity. things, which can be anything that
has an internet connection; information gathered from sensors or other
electronic devices; communication between the device and the data, as
well as analysis of the generated data; intelligence based on data analysis
and the ability to respond to generated data for further processing; action
connected to intelligence, for which manual labor may or may not be
necessary; lastly, the ecosystem, which is a significant set of
characteristics in which the system or application should be designed in
accordance with the effective results in the environment where the
application causes harm.

Relays, LCD displays, microcontrollers, and a buzzer provide power to the
sensors. In addition to lowering the transmitted signal, this voltage
regulation sector is in charge of converting alternate power to direct
current. The gas leak can be detected by the sensors. Here, the MQ-2
sensor is used to measure the air's LPG levels. The gasses between 200
and 10,000 parts per million can be detected, and the reaction time is quite
quick. An analog strength would be the result of the sensors. The analog
resistor change is converted into voltage by a serial communication circuit.
That voltage is read by the microcontroller. A 12-bit ADC is used to digitally
convert this analog voltage.
The Internet of Things has recently gained widespread prominence. Because of its
many different applications, which have made it possible for people to live in a way
that is easier, healthier, and smoother. In terms of security, the proposed gas
leakage detector appears promising. This model was created with the intention of
revolutionizing safety by reducing and, as a result, eliminating any significant or
minor risk posed by the leaking of toxic and hazardous gases. Gas reservation and
leakage monitoring for both residential and commercial applications is one such area
of application. Despite the fact that there are numerous methods, locating the gas
leak has been one of the main issues. As a result, this research provided a novel
strategy for gas reservation and gas detectors that relies on a microcontroller.

This version's sensor can monitor, identify, and inform the customer about the
remaining pressurized gas. It can also take certain actions without interfering with
the new cylinder's prebooking. For additional benefits, this device can be easily
integrated into an alert device or LPG display indicator. It is a low-cost, highly
effective gas leak detection device that may help prevent LP gas leakage
exploration. This effort primarily aims to maintain security, simplify gas reserve and
leak detection, and prevent tragedies brought on by carelessness.

1. Suma V, Ramya R Shekar, Akshay Kumar A, Gas Leakage Detection
Based on IOT, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Electronics Communication and Aerospace Technology [ICECA 2019]
IEEE Conference Record # 45616; 1312 1315.
2. M Athish Subramanian, Naveen Selvam, Rajkumar S, R Mahalakshmi, J
Ramprabhakar , Gas Leakage Detection System using IoT with integrated
notifications using Pushbullet-A Review, Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J06-ARTI; 359


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