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Lessons to learn from Don Quixote

Moral Lesson:

1. The value of friendship

When we talk about this book, its indisputable main character is Don Quixote. But it’s true
that, without his faithful squire Sancho Panza, the story wouldn’t be the same. In the book’s
pages, you’ll see how, despite the crazy plans that Don Quixote devises, Sancho Panza remains
at his side at all times.

2. Humility and nobility

This is what defines Don Quixote’s life. He urges Sancho to not despise his lineage and to
always speak the truth, showing that he comes from a humble family.

3. Don Quixote teaches us that life is to be challenged. That passion and discipline of a
determined soul are a foundational element of being a leader. Quixote does not accept current
reality. He forces his creative imagery, his commitment, and his happiness on it.


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