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6 Steps to Solve Operational Issues

Six steps on how to solve operational issues are as follows:

1. Pick-up the issues- team members should be able to gather issues and categorized each one of
them based on important and priority or important but not priority. They should also be able to
make one issue out of related issues that are relevant to each other.

2. Find out the possible root causes of the issue - team members visit the work site or employees
at the work site of specific issue that they are working on. They should be able to gather facts,
data or information with the concern employees or work site. It is important that the collection of
data or information are based on facts and not assumption.

3. Summarizes the possible root causes, analyze the issue and create a procedure to solve the
issue based on the facts and data gathered through the interviews made with the employees and
actual observation linking the events as to how the issue is occurring. It should be factual and

4. Eliminate obstacle for the implementation of the newly set -up procedure.- team
coach/members should discuss their findings with the owner and or the manager with their
suggested procedure for implementation. Issues that concern the suppliers or other outside
establishment should be handled and discussed through proper channels with the full support of
the owner and or manager.

5. Implementation of the newly set-up procedure- team members should have a meeting with the
concern employees that will adapt the procedure in the presence of the owner and or the
manager. Set-up operating procedure will be in place and team members make a follow through
ensuring that the implementation is taking place

6. Review the set-up procedure. After three to six months, team members will review the set
procedure and make revisions if necessary for the successful implementation of the set standard
procedure in solving operational issue.
These steps on solving operational issues if followed accordingly will give or show dramatic
improvements in the smooth operation of the business, profitability, clients satisfaction and high
employee moral

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