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Final Written Output Requirement

PLACE IN SHORT/LETTER SIZE WORD, FORMAT: ARIAL, 12 FONT SIZE for Content then for Title 14, 1”

Directions: Please read, understand and follow the instructions given. 100 points

This is in line with your Midterm Exam event prepared proposal. Corporate events only, 100 pax
minimum number of attendees with 2 days 1 night as minimum number of days for events (it’s up to
you if you stick with the minimum requirement or go beyond). Always include the statement for
“Disclaimer” for each page of your work especially if it represents known brand/events that belongs
to its rightful owner.

1. Gantt chart (From the start of communication with the client until the last day/end of event and
all the responsibilities were settled. In column; Activities, Person in-charge and date).
2. SWOT (You have to identify what are the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
experienced with the events) Analysis of the held event.
3. Action Plan (In here you will address solution for your analyzed SWOT, may be in 3/4/5
4. Checklist of all Materials that you need/used during the event (You may refer/use the sample
shared to our messages).
5. Company Profile (Company Mission, Vision, Tag line, Logo and Short company History, Google
map of your company location) You may copy from your prelim.
6. Organizational Chart of your company with formal pictures, complete name and position.
7. Services offered (you may categorize according to your services offered)
8. Company Partners (you may categorize accordingly and include their company logos)
9. Past and Previous events (from the year your event company started up to present with sample
pictures, client feedback and basic information: what, when, where, and who)
10. Business permits (should be base from the location of your company e.g. Mandaluyong City,
permits should be from Mandaluyong):
a. DTI Permit/SEC permit
b. Barangay business permit
c. Municipality business permit
d. BIR permit
e. Sample Original Receipt
11. Company Memorandum of Agreement/ Contract (with clients details)

Note: Rubrics will be use to assess/evaluate the Final requirement output for each student.

Best of luck and God bless you!

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