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Good Example of Letter to Frontline Staff

Dear Shelter Staff,

Thank you for all that you do to keep your clients safe and healthy during this difficult

time. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to go into work each day knowing the risk

you face. You are truly brave to keep going! I know it might seem really tough right now, but we

are all so thankful for the work that you and your coworkers do each and every day to help those

who most need it. Because of you, people have shelter and food and love. I can’t express how

thankful I am to know that there are people like you on the frontlines of the crisis working so

hard every day to protect the most vulnerable. Your hard work inspires me. I can only imagine

the stress and anxiety you must feel when you leave your family each day to go work on the

frontlines of this crisis. I want you to know that we see the work that you are doing, and we

appreciate it. Thank you for taking care of our community. Don’t give up hope that this will get

better! I know that you can push through this and come out stronger.


Bad Example of Letter to Frontline Staff

Dear Shelter Staff,

Thank you for the work you do during the COVID-19 crisis. I know times are tough, but you are
doing great. We all appreciate the work you do so much. You are a true hero in this crisis.
Thanks again for all you do.


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