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Fujiko Mine was created to add more of a female presence to Lupin III. Her name was inspired by a
picture of Mount Fuji, Monkey Punch added the -ko female suffix to create her first name, and
chose "Mine" for her family name because of its meaning as "summit". Originally meant to fill a
'Bond girl' role, Fujiko quickly became a bigger part of the series. At the beginning of the series,
many of the women Lupin encounters are all named Fujiko but are treated as different characters
from chapter to chapter. This concept was later changed to make Fujiko a single character who
changes style frequently. Monkey Punch believes the characters of Lupin and Fujiko are similar to
the characters of D'Artagnan and Milady de Winter, and describes them as "Not necessarily lovers,
not necessarily husband and wife, but more just having fun as man and woman with each other".


Unlike the other characters where they wear the same clothes with only color changes between
series, movies and TV Specials, Fujiko has a variety of outfits. In some of the TV Specials and
Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone, she wears a cat suit that she zips up, inspired by the one Marianne
Faithfull wore in Girl on a Motorcycle. Outside of the manga, Fujiko usually appears to be a brunette.
In The Castle of Cagliostro and The Secret of Twilight Gemini, she is a blonde as well as promotion
materials and the second/third openings of Lupin the Third Part II despite being a brunette in the
series. In Lupin the Third Part IV and Fujiko Mine's Lie, her hair has highlights where it is light at the
top while being darker at the bottom. Some manga and soundtrack covers feature her as a blonde
or as a brunette as Monkey Punch was inconsistent when it came to her hair color. Her most
consistent physical feature is her brown eyes.

Fujiko is occasionally shown to wear glasses. It is unknown whether she wears it for a fashion
accessory or has vision problems where she swaps between glasses and contact lenses.
Her most notable physical feature is her absurdly big breasts, which were reduced in size in the
latter half of Part 1.

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