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Proposed Title #1

An Evaluation on the Marketing Strategies of Food and Business Establishment:

A Descriptive Inquiry
Short explanation:
The researchers will evaluate the marketing strategies being employed by food
and business establishment owners so as to determine the strengths and weaknesses of
such. In this regard, the research topic will focus on the description of every strategies
in order to conclude whether such strategies are effective in managing food and
business establishments.
Moreover, the research will take on a Quantitative Approach to identify its
similarities determine the patterns and trends of a strategy or strategies that will
definitely fit the food and business sector.
Proposed Title #2
Business Downfall: A Case Study
Short Explanation:
The researchers ought to identify the causes, effects, experiences, and impact of
business owners having business downfall (bankruptcy). This study will focus on
studying a certain business establishment having its downfall. This will assess the major
reasons, causes and effects of having this phenomenon to the owners of such business
The study will employ a Qualitative Research on the Case Study design. This will
have identify the themes and coding of every respondents towards every Research

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