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Long time ago, there was a boy named Yes lived in a small village in a small

kingdom. Yes was good at everything that he did.

He was the smartest, the best and the most liked person in the village. But Yes had
a brother and his brother was named No. no was jealous of Yes. No wasn’t good at
everything, whenever the villagers asked a favour, he would refuse because he
didn’t like people very much. Whenever someone asked Yes for help, he will glade

One day, the brother’s father, Okay went on a long journey and he told the boys to
take care of the animals. Yes took care of the great guck, icks and the three-toed
yacks. But, No didn’t even bothered to take of the animals instead he went to the
lake and threw rocks in the water.

Days after their father left, Yes told No to take care of the animals because he wants
to find some food for them. But, before Yes finished talking, Yes said to no “Im too
lazy to take care of the animals. Why don’t they take care of theirself?” while he’s
lying down and start to fall asleep. After a moments, the three-toed yacks went off
and left Yes.

Soon when Yes came back, he saw that the three-toed yacks were not around. He
asked No but no ignore Yes. After a minute, No realize that Yes was wandering and
looking for them but he can’t find it.

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