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Vecian T.

Penera Gender and Society

BSED.ENG-III March 08, 2023

Based on the video, the findings of Morris entail an eye-opening look at the
struggle for equality between the sexes. There was a primordial equilibrium between the
sexes at first, but when people left the village for the city, the natural balance vanished.
The mother goddess at the Taschen Temple and a great goddess, Diana. Then, the
center of local worship is mother the holy virgin, not Jesus. The old male hunting groups
became converted in to new male hunting it usually refers to as war. Discover the
origins of honeymoons and other male dominance tactics such as wedding rings and
female circumcision. Explore Finland for the annual wife-carrying tournament, which
celebrates the capture of ladies from other villages. Track the rise of feminism, from
suffragettes in the nineteenth century through the National Organization for Women.
Gender battles between female stock traders and female firemen who parachute into
California's scorching woodlands.

The gender evolved when the establishment of separate sexes stemmed from a
genetic mutation in hermaphrodite genes that led to male and female sex
chromosomes. In the previous eras, men and women served different functions within
their tribes. Men used to go hunting and provide the needs, while women are at home to
clean and taking care of their children. 

One of the gender roles in the video is that men are often away from hunting
while women remain at the very center of society. The men rely on the women for
gathering food and taking care of the children. Women rely on men to provide animal
food (hunting) and protection against outside dangers. This role is relatable to our
current situation in today's society because of the gender roles that were already
practiced by our ancestors. Men will be the ones to find work or make financial
contributions in order to sustain the needs of the family. Whereas, women will remain at
home to do household chores, childcare, cooking, and preserving tribal harmony.

Consequently, the equality of both sexes highlighted particularly for females must
have equal opportunities just like men, choices, power, and capabilities. In the first part
of the video, domestic violence is involved—a conflict between the wife and husband. In
many situations, women are the victims of violence and discrimination. So, our world
faces the opportunity and decision-making power for men and women.

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