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TITC102 Final Exam Study Questions

Student Answers (websites used)

1. What is a cell address in Excel?

It is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a
worksheet. For example, A1 refers to the cell of column A and row 1.
2. What do you mean by Relative cell referencing and Absolute cell referencing in
MS Excel?
There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.
Relative and absolute references behave differently when copied and filled to other
cells. Relative references change when a formula is copied to another cell. Absolute
references, on the other hand, remain constant no matter where they are copied.
3. How do you freeze panes in Excel?
If you have a large table of data in Excel, it can be useful to freeze rows or columns. This
way you can keep rows or columns visible while scrolling through the rest of the
worksheet: Select View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row/First Column.
4. How can you restrict someone from copying a cell from your worksheet?
In order to protect your worksheet from getting copied, you need to go into Menu bar
>Review > Protect sheet > Password. By entering password, you can secure your
worksheet from getting copied by others.
5. How is a Formula different from a Function in Excel?
A Formula is an equation designed by a user in Excel, while a Function is a
predefined calculation in the spreadsheet application.
Formula: =1+2
Function: =sum(…)
6. Mention the order of operations used in Excel while evaluating formulas.

7. How will you write the formula for the following? - Multiply the value in cell A1 by
10, add the result by 5, and divide it by 2.
=A2+5 I AM NOT SURE!!!
8. What is the difference between COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNTBLANK?
• COUNT counts how many cells in a range contain numeric data (numbers).
• COUNTA counts how many populated cells in a range (i.e. not blank).
• COUNTBLANK counts how many blank cells in a range.
9. What is the shortcut to add a filter to a table?
10. How do you create a hyperlink in Excel?
On a worksheet, select the cell where you want to create a link.
On the Insert tab, select Hyperlink. You can also right-click the cell and then select
Hyperlink. You can press the shortcut Ctrl+K.
11. How can we merge multiple cells text strings in a cell?
Two ways:
- Combine data with the Ampersand symbol (&)
a. Select the cell where you want to put the combined data.
b. Type = and select the first cell you want to combine.
c. Type & and use quotation marks with a space enclosed.
d. Select the next cell you want to combine and press enter. An example formula
might be =A2&" "&B2.

- Combine data using the CONCAT function

a. Select the cell where you want to put the combined data.
b. Type =CONCAT(.
c. Select the cell you want to combine first.
d. Use commas to separate the cells you are combining and use quotation
marks to add spaces, commas, or other text.
e. Close the formula with a parenthesis and press Enter. An example formula
might be =CONCAT(A2, " Family").

12. How can you split a column into 2 or more columns?
a. Select the column that you want to split.
b. Go to the Data tab and find the Data Tools section.
c. Then click the Text to Columns button.
d. The Convert Text to Columns wizard opens. Select the Delimited term and click Next.
e. Now we specify which character Excel should use to split the data.
f. For example, check on the Space box. A preview of the results displays at the
bottom. Then click Next.
g. The last window lets the user select each column’s data format. By default, the
General option is selected, which ensures that the columns have the same format as
the original cells. If you don’t want to use the default, highlight each column and make
a selection. Check if the result is showing right from the Data preview box.
h. Click Finish to start the conversion.

13. How does the IF() function in Excel work?

The IF function is one of the most popular functions in Excel, and it allows you to make
logical comparisons between a value and what you expect.
So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if your comparison is True,
the second if your comparison is False.

The syntax for the IF function in Microsoft Excel is:

IF( condition, value_if_true, [value_if_false] )

- condition
The value that you want to test.
- value_if_true
It is the value that is returned if condition evaluates to TRUE.
- value_if_false
Optional. It is the value that is returned if condition evaluates to FALSE.

14. What is a Pivot Table?

A pivot table is a statistics tool that summarizes and reorganizes selected columns
and rows of data in a spreadsheet or database table to obtain a desired report.

15. Given below is a student table. Write a function to add pass/fail to the results
column based on the following criteria.


16. Animation Painter works more like Microsoft Office’s Format Painter. Explain how
it works.
The Animation Painter copies how an object is animated and lets you apply that
animation to other objects.
1. Select the object with the animation you want to use.
2. Click the Animations tab.
3. Click the Animation Painter button.
4. Select the object you want the animation applied to.
17. To make one section of slides in your presentation use a different design template
from the other slides, what do you do?
Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different design template.
18. Using a custom animation effect, how do you make text appear on a slide letter by
Apply an entrance effect, and then set it to by letter in the effect option dialog box.
19. You've customized a design template in one presentation and you want to use it in
another presentation. What's the best way to do this?
Use the Browser feature in the Slide Design task pane to find the file that has your
design template and apply it to the current file.
20. You're giving your presentation, and you need to click to a slide that's a few slides
back. How do you get there?
Right-click, point to Go on the shortcut menu, point to By Title, and click the slide you
want to go to.
21. To make one section of slides in your presentation, use a different design
template from the other slides, what do you do?
➔ Same question like the 17th
22. Which key do you press to go into Slide Show view and always start on the first

23. What is the purpose of Notes pane at the bottom of the PowerPoint window?
A Notes Pane allows brief annotations regarding a specific page in a PowerPoint slide.
24. List a number of ways to create a new presentation in PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint has two methods for creating a slide presentation:
1. Create a blank presentation.
2. Choose a theme template.
25. In Microsoft PowerPoint in the context of animations, what is a trigger?
An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked.
26. How do you create speaker note pages that show the slides, related notes, and
your company logo on each page?
Edit the notes master and add your company logo.
27. What does PowerPoint environment contain?
A PowerPoint environment usually contains the Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon at the
top, Slides tab at the left of the screen, scroll bar at the right of the screen, Zoom
Control and Slide View at the bottom.
28. What is a backstage view?
The Office Backstage view is where you manage your files and the data about them —
opening, creating, saving, sharing, printing, inspecting for hidden metadata or personal
information, and setting options. It contains all the functionalities and settings that you
want to apply to a file that you can’t do in a file.

29. How can one customize slide layouts?

Select the slide that you want to change the layout for. Select Home > Layout. Select
the layout that you want. The layouts contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures,
charts, shapes, clip art, a background, and more.

30. If someone does not have PowerPoint then how will he/she be able to view the
If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can still open and view
presentations by using PowerPoint for the web or PowerPoint on your mobile device.

31. Which is the valid data type in Microsoft Office Access?

You can enter all kinds of information into an Access database. Text, numbers,
hyperlinks, images, dates, charts, and other types of data can all be included.

32. What is the purpose of validation rule in field properties (under table design
A Microsoft Access validation rule restricts or controls what a user can input in a
table field. You can think of it as a set of layers which ensures that your users input data
33. What data type should you choose for a zip code field in a table?
Number data type should be chosen for a zip code field in a table.
34. Describe TWO important characteristics of a primary key?
• A primary key identifies each record (row) in the table. It's a unique identifier. Ex.,
• You can set a relationship between two tables using the primary key.

35. Describe THREE types of relationships that can be created in Access and explain
the meaning using an appropriate example.
1. One-to-One Relationship
2. One-to-Many Relationships
3. Many-to-Many Relationship

36. Identify various ways to create a new table in Microsoft Office Access.
You can create a table by creating a new database, by inserting a table into an
existing database, or by importing or linking to a table from another data source.

37. Describe the differences between viewers’ access and collaborators’ role in
Google Docs.
Viewer: the user will only be able to view the workspace or table, but not edit anything.
Collaborator: the user can edit, format, share, and rename it.

38. Describe how the users may store responses received using Google Forms.
1. Open a form in Google Forms.
2. In the top left under “Responses,” click Summary.
3. In the top right, click More and then -> Select response destination.
4. Choose an option:
a) Create a new spreadsheet: Creates a spreadsheet for responses in Google
b) Select existing spreadsheet: Choose from your existing spreadsheets in Google
Sheets to store responses
5. Click Create or Select.

39. Differentiate between online collaboration tools and document management
system tools by providing appropriate examples.
• Online collaboration tools are software that lets teams work together over the
internet. Examples include Trello, Slack and Asana. The purpose of these tools is
to facilitate communication, collaboration and teamwork for remote teams.
Other examples: Facebook Horizon Workrooms,, Microsoft Teams,
• A document management system (DMS) is usually a computerized system
used to store, share, track and manage files or documents. It provides for storage
and management of a company’s documents, such as word processing
documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.

40. Differentiate between “acting humanly” and “thinking humanly” in the Artificial
Intelligence category.
The difference between “acting humanly” and “thinking humanly” is that the first is
only concerned with the actions, the outcome or product of the human's thinking
process; whereas the latter is concerned wtih modeling human thinking processes.

41. Describe THREE ways how knowledge can be represented in an Expert System.
• Rule-based (if… then statements)
• Frame-based (organized database)
• Logic-based (set theory to establish relationship)
42. Discuss FOUR-phase of problem-solving process.
1. Goal formulation
2. Problem formulation
3. Search
4. Execution

43. What are the benefits and drawbacks of social media interaction?
• Source of interaction between friends and family
• Encourage socialization
• Teaching Qur’an, spreading Islamic teachings, da’wah
• Lack of human contact
• Users are open in exposing their personal life
• Freedom of speech
44. Describe why e-mail etiquette is important.
• Reflect the type of person that we are, work ethic and attention to detail
• Conveys professionalism and efficiency

45. Identify various risks to prolong use of a mobile phones and describe necessary
preventative measures.

• Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is an injury/ disorder of the muscles, nerves, tendons,
ligaments and joints
• Computer-related RSI includes tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome, computer vision
syndrome (CVS)

• Take frequent breaks
• Exercise hands and arms
• Place a wrist rest between the keyboard and desk
• Place the mouse at least 6 inches from the desk edge
• Avoid using hand heel as pivot point while typing

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