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Diagnostic Test

Science 10
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. From the seismogram, the distance to the epicenter can be determined by measuring
a. the arrival time of surface wave
b. the difference in the arrival times of the P and S waves
c. the ratio of the amplitude of the largest P and S waves
d. the speed of the surface wave

2. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental crust because it is
a. denser than continental crust c. thicker than continental crust
b. less dense than continental crust d. thinner than continental crust

3. If you will visit a place in the Pacific known to be along converging plates, which of these should you not expect to
a. active volcanoes c. rift valleys
b. mountain ranges d. volcanic islands

4. What do you expect to find at a mid-ocean ridge?

a. relatively young rocks c. thick accumulation of sediments
b. reverse fault d. very ancient rocks

5. Crustal Plate A is moving away from Crustal Plate B. What is the expected average rate of change in position
between A and B?
a. a few centimeters per year c. a few millimeters per century
b. a few meters per month d. a few millimeters per day

6. You are an oceanographer and want to map the ocean floor on the east coast of the Philippines. As you do your
study, you noticed that there is a portion of the ocean floor which is relatively much deeper than the rest. What most
likely is that deeper part?
a. linear sea c. rift valley
b. oceanic ridge d. trench

7. Which plate boundary is formed between the Philippine Plate and the Eurasian Plate?
a. convergent c. reverse fault
b. divergent d. transform fault

8. An S-wave shadow zone is formed as seismic waves travel through the Earth’s body. Which of the following
statements does this S-wave shadow zone indicate?
a. The inner core is liquid.
b. The inner core is solid.
c. The mantle is solid.
d. The outer core is liquid.

9. What makes up the lithosphere?

a. Continental crust
b. Crust and the upper mantle
c. Oceanic crust and continental crust
d. Upper mantle

10. Miners dig into the Earth in search for precious rocks and minerals. In which layer is the deepest explorations
made by miners?
a. Crust c. Mantle
b. Inner core d. Outer core

11. How do you compare the densities of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core?
a. The mantle is less dense than the core but denser than the crust.
b. The mantle is less dense than both the core and the crust.
c. The mantle is denser than the core but less dense than the crust.
d. The mantle is denser than both the core and the crust.

12. The movement of the lithospheric plates is facilitated by a soft, weak and plastic-like layer. Which of the following
layers is described in the statement?
a. Asthenosphere c. Lithosphere
b. Atmosphere d. Mantle

13. In which case can a magnetic field be produced?

a. A charged comb. b. A falling glass rod.

c. A welder’s arc flash. d. A rolling plastic cylinder.

14. How will you describe the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying wire?

a. The magnetic field is strongest near and around the wire.

b. The magnetic field consists of straight lines parallel to the wire.
c. The magnetic field does not vary with the distance from the wire.
d. The magnetic field gets stronger with increasing distance from the wire.

15. During the Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (STEP) Competition in Landscaping, a
water pond transformer changes 216 V across the primary to 12 V across the secondary. If the secondary coil has 10
turns, how many turns does the primary coil have?

a. 10 turns b. 18 turns c. 180 turns d. 228 turns

16. Which statement about transformers is FALSE?

a. A step-down voltage transformer steps up the current.

b. Transformers use mutual induction.
c. Transformers are an application of Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws.
d. A transformer can function with either an alternating current (AC) or a steady direct current (DC).

17. What transformation can take place in an improvised generator?

a. mechanical energy into electrical energy b. electrical energy into mechanical energy
c. alternating current into direct current d. direct current into alternating current

18. A loop of conductor lies flat on a horizontal table. A toy magnet is hanging still over it with the magnet’s north-
seeking pole pointing down. What happens next?

a. The magnet produces a clockwise current in the coil.

b. The magnet does not produce any current in the coil.
c. The magnet produces an upward electromagnetic current.
d. The magnet produces a counterclockwise current in the coil.

19. Which two waves lie at the ends of the visible spectrum?

a. Infra-red and Ultra-violet rays c. Radio waves and Microwaves

b. Radio waves and X-rays d. X rays and Gamma rays

20. In the visible spectrum, which color has the longest wavelength?

a. Blue b. Green c. Red d. Violet

21. He discovered that an electric current flowing through a wire had a magnetic field around it

a. Faraday b. Oerstead c. Newton d. Einstein

22. It ensures road safety and minimizes vehicular- related death.
a. Traffic light b. speed control technology c. traffic enforcers d. none of the above

23. It is a magnet connected directly to the motor shaft.

a. Tacho-generator b. stator coil c. both a and b d. none of the above

24. The wave that carry the greatest amount of energy.

a. Radio wave b. infrared c. microwave d. gamma rays
25. This wave can penetrate through most matter.
a. X-rays b. infrared c. microwave d. gamma rays

26. Which property spells the difference between infra-red and ultra- violet radiation?

a. Color b. Speed in vacuum c. Wavelength d. None of the above

27. A certain radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 675 kHz. What is the wavelength of the radio waves?

a. 280 m b. 324 m c. 400 m d. 444 m

28. What type of electromagnetic waves is used in radar?

a. Infra-red rays b. Microwaves c. Radio waves d. Ultra-violet rays

29. What is the frequency range of UV radiation?

a. 3.5 x 109 - 3 x 1011 Hz b. 3.5 x 1011 - 3 x 1014 Hz

c. 7.5 x 1014 - 3 x 1016 Hz d. 7.5 x 1016 - 3 x 1019 Hz

30. What type of lens produces similar and upright images?

a. Concave c. Convex
b. Converging lens d. Can’t be determine

31. Fertilization usually occurs in the .

a. Ovary c. Fallopian tubes
b. Vagina d. Uterus
32. What is the long name for DNA?
a. deoxynucleic acid c. deoxyribonucleic acid
b. denatured ribonucleic acid d. deoxoribonuclear acid

33. The base pair rules states that .

a. Replication is semiconservative
b. A pairs with T, G pairs with C
c. DNA is a double helix held together by hydrogen bonds
d. A pairs with G, T pairs with C

34. If a body cell of a particular organism has 88 chromosomes, how many chromosomes does each sex cell
a. 22 b. 23 c. 88 d. 44

35. A DNA strand has the following bases: A A G C C A. What are the bases on its complimentary strand?

36. Why is DNA called the "blueprint of life?"

a. it is like a fingerprint
b. it has a blue color
c. it contains the plans for building an organism
d. it can relay messages to other molecules

37. Adenine always pairs with .

a. thymine c. cytosine
b. Guanine d. Ribose

38. Which male reproductive structure releases sperm into the urethra?

a. prostrate glands C. testis

b. vas deferens D. Epididymis
39. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has .

a. an extra chromosome 21 c. a missing chromosome

b. an extra set of homologs d. haploid cells

40. Which sequence correctly describes the route sperm take through the human male reproductive system?

a. urethra, epididymis, vas deferens c. vas deferens, urethra, epididymis

b. epididymis, vas deferens, urethra d. vas deferens, epididymis, urethra

41. This theory states that reactions can only happen when the reactant particles collide.
a. Chemical reaction theory c. Combustion theory
b. Collision theory d. Reactant theory

42. Which of the following is a correct pair?

a. Glucose: disaccharide c. starch: Polysaccharide
b. Sucrose: monosaccharide d. triglyceride: polysaccharide

43. Which of the biomolecule contain other elements aside from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?
a. Carbohydrates, lipids c. nucleic acid, proteins
b. Proteins, lipids d. nucleic acid, lipids

44. In which organs are glycogen stored in the body?

a. Liver, spleen c. liver and bile
b. Liver and muscle d. liver and adipose tissue

45. Amino acids are the building blocks of which group of biomolecules?
a. Proteins b. carbohydrates c. lipids d. nucleic acid

46. Which of the following is a single replacement reaction?

a. H2 + Cl2 - 2HCl
b. 2KClO3 --- 2KCl + 3O2
c. Mg + 2HCl - MgCl2 + H2
d. AgNO3 + KCl - AgCl + KNO3

47. He states that “Equal volumes of all gasses kept at the same pressure and temperature, contain the same number
of molecules?
a. Amedeo Avogadro c. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
b. Jacques Charles d. Robert Boyles

48. A chemical reaction is a process in which

a. All reactants change state c. Products change into reactants
b. The law of conservation of mass applies d. All of these

49. Base on this base sequence ACAGTGC, how would the base sequence be coded on mRna?

50. During a chemical reaction

a. Atoms are destroyed
b. Atoms are rearranged
c. Elements are destroyed
d. New elements are produce

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