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What is heart?
The heart is a muscular organ that is the
center of blood circulation. This system is
built from a network of blood vessels, such
as arteries, veins, and capillaries, which
carry blood to and from all organs of the
body. This blood contains oxygen and
nutrients that organs need to work
properly. Blood also carries carbon dioxide
to the lungs so that it can be excreted
through the respiratory system.
How Does The Heart Work
The heart has four valves that open and close to keep the blood flowing according to its
purpose.The four valves connect the four chambers that receive and distribute blood in the
system of how the heart works. The four chambers are two chambers and two porches on
the left and right sides of the heart, respectively. In order to pump blood, the four chambers
alternately contract and relax when passing blood. In order to contract regularly and stably,
the heart needs an electrical system that triggers the heartbeat. That system is at the same
time a very important resource in the way the heart works.
Normal blood flow has a body-heart-lung-heart-body cycle. The blood initially circulates in
the body, then enters the right ventricle and goes to the right Chamber of the heart. The
heart then pumps blood to the lungs to get oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. From the
lungs, oxygen-rich blood is returned to the heart through the left ventricle and then flows to
the left ventricle to be pumped throughout the body again, including the brain. This cycle
runs continuously for 24 hours a day in the form of a measurable heartbeat.

However,the way the heart works is not

complicated. This Organ, which is only
the size of a fist, works by pumping
blood throughout the body. But,
although small and simple, The Heart
plays a very vital role in the human body
system. Even the slightest damage to
the heart can affect whole body.

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