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Musculoskeletal System 371

Theme 1, Session 1: Terminology

Anatomical position

● Head, eyes, toes directed anteriorly

● Arms at sides, palms ant.

● Legs together, toes ant.

Anatomical planes

1. Median
2. Sagittal
3. Frontal (coronal)
4. Transverse


The body and its parts are cut in various planes in sections or slices to describe and
display internal structures.

● Longitudinal

● Transverse

● Oblique

Terms of relationship and comparison

Describe relationship of parts of body or compare position of two

structures relative to each other.

Term Meaning

Superior (Cranial) Nearer to head

Inferior (Caudal) Nearer to feet

Anterior (Ventral) Nearer to front

Posterior (Dorsal) Nearer to back

Medial Nearer to median plane

Lateral Farther from median plane

Proximal Nearer to trunk or point of


Distal Farther from trunk or point

of origin

Superficial Nearer to surface


Deep Further from surface

External (Outer) Farther from and…

Internal (Inner) Nearer to the centre of an

organ or cavity

Bilateral Paired structures – left and


Unilateral One side only

Ipsilateral Same side of body as

another structure

Contralateral Opposite side of body

relative to another

Dorsum Sup/post surface of any

part that protrudes
anteriorly form body

Dorsum & palm of hand Back and flat of the hand

Dorsum & sole of foot Superior and inferior

aspect or bottom of foot

Terms of movement

● Flexion and extension are movements in the sagittal plane

● Abd. and add. are movements in the frontal plane

● Flexion and extension thumb in frontal plane, and add. and abd. in sagittal

Term Explanation

Flexion Bending or decreasing angle between body parts

Extension Straightening or increasing the angle between body parts

Abduction Moving away from median plane

Adduction Moving toward the median plane

Rotation Moving around the long axis (medial and lateral roation)

Circumductio Circular movements combining: flexion, extension, abduction

n and adduction

Eversion Moving sole away from median plane

Inversion Moving sole toward median plane

Supination Rotating forearm and hand laterally so that palm faces anteriorly

Pronation Rotating forearm and hand medially so that palm faces


Protrusion Moving anteriorly - sticking chin out

Retrusion Moving posteriorly – tucking chin in

Theme 2, Session 1: Osteology


● Axial (for stability)

o Bones of axial skeleton

Bones of axial

Skull Hyoid Vertebrae Thorax

Cranial (8) cervical sternum

ribs (true,
Facial (14) thoracic
false, floating)


● Appendicular Appendicular

Shoulder Upper Lower

Pelvic Girdle
Girdle extremity Extremity

Clavicle Humerus Hip bones Femur

Scapula Radius Sacrum Patella

Ulna Tibia





● Functions (Bone=living structure)

o Protection of vital organs
o Support
o Movement - mechanical
o Development red blood cells
o Storage for salts – physiology based
● Blood and nerve supply

● Classification of bones:
o Long
o Short – carpus, tarsus, cuboidal bones
o Flat – protection = skull bones
o Irregular – all other, broad category
o Sesamoid – bones suspended in tissue (joints, tendons, ligaments),
example: patella
● Bone markings and features
o Linear elevation
▪ Line

▪ Crest = ridge (prominent)

o Rounded elevation
▪ Tuberosity (large, rounded)

▪ Tubercle (slam, raised)

▪ Trochanter (large, blunt)

▪ Malleolus (hammerhead-like)
o Condyle: rounded, knuckle-like articular area of bone
o Head: large, round articular head
o Fossa: hollow or depressed area
o Groove: long narrow depression/ furrow
o Notch: indentation at edge of bone
o Foramen: passage through bone

1. Skull – Occipital bone (Yellow part)

❖ Forms back and base of skull

❖ Basilar part: condyles located lateral to foramen

magnum. It articulates inferiorly with the atlas at
the atlanto-occipital joint

2. Vertebrae
❖ Body

❖ Vertebral foramen

❖ Pedicle
❖ Lamina

❖ Transverse process

❖ Spinous process

❖ Articular surfaces

❖ Foramen transversarium (C1-C7)

❖ Dens (C2)

❖ Sacrum (5 fused sacral vertebrae)

3. Sacrum
❖ Sacral canal

❖ Sacral foramina

❖ Anterior surface

❖ Posterior surface

❖ Sacral promontorium (anterior margin of body of S1)

❖ Base (superior surface of S1)

❖ Apex (attached to Co1)

❖ Median crest

❖ Lateral crest

❖ Sacral hiatus

❖ Intermediary crest

❖ Auricular surface (articulating with ilium)

❖ Sacral cornu
4. Sternum
❖ Manubrium

❖ Body

❖ Xiphoid process

❖ Jugular notch (suprasternal notch)

❖ Clavicular notch

❖ Attachment-area for cartilage of rib 1

❖ Costal notches 2-7 (for articulation with

costal cartilages
❖ Manubrio-sternal joint (sternal angle, angle of Louis)

❖ Xiphi-sternal joint

❖ Transverse ridges

5. Rib
❖ Head

❖ Neck

❖ Shaft

❖ Tubercle

❖ Costal angle

❖ Costal groove

❖ Articular surfaces

❖ External surface

❖ Internal surface

6. Clavicle
❖ Medial extremity (sternal)

❖ Lateral extremity (acromial)

❖ Shaft

❖ Superior surface

❖ Inferior surface

❖ Anterior margin

❖ Posterior margin

7. Scapula

❖ Surfaces:
o Costal – subscapular fossa
o Dorsal – supraspinous-, & infraspinous (separated by spina)
❖ Borders:
o Superior
o Medial
o Lateral
❖ Angels:
o Superior
o Medial
o Lateral – glenoid cavity
❖ Spine

❖ Processes:
o Acromion
o Coracoid

8. Humerus
❖ Proximal extremity:
o Head
o Anatomical neck
o Lesser tubercle
o Greater tubercle
o Intertubercular groove
o Surgical neck
❖ Shaft
o Deltoid tuberosity
o Spiral groove
o Nutrient foramen
o Med. & lat supracondylar ridge
❖ Distal extremity:
o Trochlea
o Capitulum
o Coronoid & olecranon fossa
o Med. & lat epicondyles
9. Ulna
❖ Proximal portion:
o Olecranon
o Trochlear notch
o Coronoid process
o Radial notch (for
articulation with head
of radius)
❖ Body

❖ Distal portion:
o Head
o Styloid process (of

10. Radius
❖ Proximal portion:
o Head
o Neck
o Tuberosity of radius
❖ Body

❖ Distal portion:
o Ulnar notch (articulate with head of ulna)
o Styloid process (of radius)
11. Carpal bones
❖ Scaphoid

❖ Lunate

❖ Triquetrum

❖ Pisiform

❖ Trapezium

❖ Trapezoid

❖ Capitate

❖ Hamate

12. Metacarpal bones

13. Phalanges
❖ Proximal

❖ Middle

❖ Distal

14. Hip bone

#see urology notes

15. Femur
❖ Proximal portion:
o Head (with fovea
capitis – ligamentum
capitis femoris
o Neck
o Greater trochanter
o Lesser trochanter
o Intertrochanteric crest (ridge)
o Intertrochanteric line
o Trochanteric fossa
o Quadrate tubercle
o Pectineal line (continuous with base of lesser trochanter)
❖ Body
o Anterior surface
o Lateral surface
o Medial surface
o Linea aspera
o Lateral lip of linea aspera
o Medial lip of linea aspera
o Gluteal tuberosity
❖ Distal portion:
o Lateral supracondylar line
o Medial supracondylar line
o Popliteal surface
o Adductor tubercle
o Lateral epicondyle
o Medial epicondyle
o Lateral condyle
o Medial condyle
o Intercondylar fossa
o Patellar surface (articulate with patella)

16. Patella
❖ Base

❖ Apex

❖ Anterior surface

❖ Posterior surface

17. Tibia
❖ Proximal portion:
o Medial condyle
o Lateral condyle
o Medial tibial plateau
o Tibial tuberosity
❖ Body
o Borders (anterior, interosseous, medial)
o Surfaces (medial, lateral, posterior)
❖ Distal portion:
o Medial malleolus
o Articular surface

18. Fibula
❖ Proximal portion
o Head
❖ Body
o Borders (anterior,
interosseous, posterior)
o Surfaces (medial, lateral,
❖ Distal portion
o Lateral malleolus
o Articular surfaces

19. Tarsal bones

❖ Calcaneous

❖ Talus

❖ Navicular bone

❖ Cuboid bone

❖ Cuneiform bones (3): medial, intermediary, lateral

20. Metatarsal bones

21. Phalanges of foot

❖ Proximal

❖ Middle

❖ Distal

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