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Allen Mae L.


Activity No. 1: Introduction to History: My Primary Source

The primary source that can be used in the writing of my life story is a diary. Primary
source is a source that is written during the event and it can be used for future references. I
considered a diary to be the primary source of writing because in a diary we will write
everything that we encountered every single day of our life, we will write the experiences we
had during that time, so for me it will be a good example of primary source. Diaries can also
help us expand our thoughts and reasonable in any way, we can write everything like our
emotions, feelings, experience, everything we see and all the thoughts that are running inside
our head. A diary is also an easy access to write everything we see and do, because we can now
use our gadgets to be our primary source and in a gadget we can download many apps like a
diary, It also has a privacy since it’s a personal thing, only the owner can read and write to the
Primary Source: Diary

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