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Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 13(2) • Spring •981-991

2013 Educational Consultancy and Research Center

Curriculum Design Orientations Preference Scale of

Teachers: Validity and Reliability Study
Gökhan BAŞ
Necmettin Erbakan University

The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale for preferences of teachers in regard of their
curriculum design orientations. Because there was no scale development study similar to this one in Turkey, it
was considered as an urgent need to develop such a scale in the study. The sample of the research consisted
of 300 elementary and high school teachers, working in Niğde province and its districts, selected according to
cluster sampling method. In light of the scales obtained from the related literature and other information, a pool
consisting of 35 items were formed by the researcher. Then, the first form of the scale was presented into the
views of a group of field experts for content validity. In order to test the validity of the scale, the exploratory and
confirmatory factor analyses were carried out in the research. A result of the exploratory factor analysis, the
scale consisted of three factors: (i) subject-centred curriculum design orientation, (ii) student-centred learner-
centred) curriculum design orientation, and (iii) problem-centred curriculum design orientation with 30 items.
KMO value of the scale was found as 0.93 and Bartlett’s test of sphericity was found as 3051.295/df=435 in the
study. Besides, the factor loadings of the scale were found to be ranged from 0.81 to 0.45 and item-total cor-
relation values were found between 0.71 and 0.49. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient value was found as
0.94 and Spearman-Brown split-half correlation value was found as 0.91. It was seen that reliability coefficient
values of the factors of in the scale ranged between 0.89 and 0.87 in the research. Also, it was understood that
there were positive correlations amongst the factors of the scale. The confirmatory factor analysis was applied
on the three-factor structure obtained from the scale’s exploratory factor analysis on a group of 320 teachers,
similar to the sample group of the study. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, it was understood that
the obtained values [X2/df=604.02/402; GFI= 0.83; AGFI= 0.80; RMSEA= 0.05; CFI= 0.90; NFI= 0.77; NNFI= 0.89;
RMR= 0.077; SRMR= 0.056], confirmed the three-factor structure of the scale. Thus, according to the results
obtained in the research, it could be said that the scale developed in this study is a valid and reliable scale to be
used both by elementary and high school teachers.

Key Words
Curriculum, Curriculum Design Orientations, Teachers, Scale Development.

Thoughts on the concept of curriculum began cen- ulum field (Korkmaz, 2007). According to another
turies ago. The roots of these ideas date back to view, the use of the concept of the curriculum is be-
Platon (4th century B.C.). However, the foundation lieved to be extending to soldiers of Rome of Julius
of the curriculum is based on the philosophical Caesar in the 1st century, for competing racing cars
movement of J. F. Herbart (1776-1848) which be- in oval running track. In this process, the curricu-
came popular towards the end of the 19th century. lum has been used for the “followed road” in terms
Although the concept of the curriculum has been of being used in education (Demirel, 2005; Ertürk,
used since 1820, “The Curriculum” written by F. 1972; Sönmez, 2007).
Bobbitt is considered as the beginning of the curric-

a Gökhan BAŞ is currently a doctoral student at the department of educational sciences, curriculum and in-
struction. His research interests include curriculum development, teaching-learning process, and educa-
tional measurement and evaluation. Correspondence: Necmettin Erbakan University, the Graduate School
of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Curriculum and Instruction, Konya, Turkey.
E-mail: Phone: +90 332 223 4568.

Saylor, Alexander and Lewis (1981, p. 8) define ment-evaluation. Curriculum designs are formed
the concept of curriculum as a plan to be followed by giving different weights to these elements. It is
to help individuals acquire learning experiences, generally seen that amongst these elements, the
while Taba (1962, p. 11) refers to it as a learning biggest weight is given to the dimension of content
plan. Ertürk (1972, p. 14) considers curriculum as (subject field). Some curriculum developers give
a “yetişek” and defines it as the “whole of regular weight to the dimension of teaching-learning pro-
learning experiences”. According to Varış (1978, cesses or of measurement-evaluation. In a curric-
p. 18), curriculum includes all the activities con- ulum design focusing more on process evaluation,
ducted by an educational institution for children, more importance is given to the organisation of
teenagers and adults for the purpose of accomplish- learning experiences, while in a curriculum design
ment of the goals of both the National Education focusing more on product evaluation, measure-
and related institutions. According to Demirel ment techniques come into prominence (Demirel,
(2005, p. 4), curriculum is a mechanism of learn- 2005). For example, it is seen in recently-developed
ing experiences provided for learners via in-school elementary school curricula that more weight is
and out-of-school planned activities. A curriculum given to the element of teaching-learning processes.
is developed for such purposes as establishing a
Before developing a curriculum, first of all, it should
good-quality education system either on national
be structured based on a certain design approach
or international basis, training qualified human
(Demirel, 2005; Henson, 2006; McNeil, 2006; Orn-
force to help develop the country and supporting
stein & Hunkins, 1993; Tanner & Tanner, 1995). The
the protection and development of social and cul-
design constitutes one of the three dimensions of
tural values (Özdemir, 2009). Varış regards curricu-
curriculum development, the other two being ap-
lum as an operational concept and states the neces-
plication and evaluation. In addition, design is also
sity to develop it constantly. In this respect, the first
the most important element which puts forward the
step in developing a curriculum is to design what
understanding and philosophy of the curriculum
it will include. Curriculum development experts
(Demirel). Curriculum design is, in a sense, an in-
should put forward this curriculum design before
dicator of what kind of a structure the curriculum
starting their curriculum development studies. In
to be developed will have, which questions it will
this sense, curriculum design could be regarded as
address, which behaviour and characteristics it will
the process of determining which elements to cover
help individuals gain and which information, skills,
in the curriculum (Demirel).
understanding and attitudes individuals will acquire
Curriculum design constitutes the focal point of with the help of the curriculum (Özdemir, 2007). As
activities regarding curriculum development and can be seen, preparing a curriculum design does not
evaluation. A curriculum prepared as appropriate mean merely gathering the curriculum elements.
to the principles of curriculum design becomes The design should have a structure which will allow
functional in practice (Erden, 2000). While prepar- helping individuals gain the desired behaviour, skills
ing a curriculum design, the data constituting the and attitudes (Gürol, 2006).
basis of the decisions to be taken in the first phase
The primary question in curriculum design is relat-
are collected via the analysis of the needs of individ-
ed to what the curriculum will be based on: Will it be
uals, the society and the subject field (Tyler, 1950).
designed on the basis of the student, the field subject
Determining the priority of these data collection
or the problem? (Korkmaz, 2007). In the related liter-
sources depends on the educational philosophy or
ature, curriculum design is explained in three catego-
model that the design is based on. For instance, if
ries. These orientations regarding curriculum design
the design is centred on the subject field, then the
are: (i) subject-centred curriculum design orientation,
subject field has the priority; if it is student-centred
(ii) student-centred (learner-centred) curriculum de-
or experience-centred, then the individual has the
sign orientation, and (iii) problem-centred curricu-
priority; and if it is society-centred, then the data to
lum design orientation (Ornstein & Hunkins, 1993).
be collected from the society are of great importance
and priority (Erden). Curriculum designs are made
up of basic elements that form the curriculum, and Subject-Centred Curriculum Design Orientations
different designs occur when the differences re-
garding the relationships between these elements Subject-centred curriculum designs are those
are revealed. The basic elements of a curriculum which are the oldest and most common curric-
include (i) objectives, (ii) content (subject field), ulum designs. The fact that this approach is easy
(iii) teaching-learning processes, and (iv) measure- and well-known has made it widely accepted both

BAŞ / Curriculum Design Orientations Preference Scale of Teachers: Validity and Reliability Study

in our country and in the world (Büyükkaragöz, Problem-centred designs based on pragmatism as a
1997). The reason is that a subject-centred curric- basic philosophy and on progressivism and re-con-
ulum is designed in connection with the traditional structionism -an extension of progressivism- as
understanding and culture, and people find it easier an educational philosophy have been organised to
to teach the content which has been traditionally strengthen cultural and traditional values and to in-
approved for ages (Henson, 2006). This curriculum dicate the needs of the society which have not been
design focuses on courses and subjects in an organ- satisfied yet (Demirel, 2005). This approach centres
ised manner. For example, such courses as mathe- the problems of the individual and of the society.
matics, physics, chemistry and biology are designed The focal points of this design cover the perma-
as well-organised disciplines. In these design orien- nence of social life, social problems, social values,
tations, information is organised according to the living spaces and social structuring. Social problems
disciplines, and the subjects organised within these are taken into consideration in line with students’
disciplines constitute the basis of the curriculum interests, their abilities and their needs. The purpose
(Saylor et al., 1981). These curriculum design orien- of the curriculum designed according to the prob-
tations are based on such educational philosophies lems is to train individuals who have the necessary
as perennialism and essentialism, which are reflec- knowledge and skills to solve the important social
tions of idealistic and realistic philosophies onto problems (Çubukçu, 2008). The goals of this curric-
education (Gutek, 1988; Sönmez, 2009). There are ulum design are generally achieved in connection
four main types of such design orientations: (i) Sub- with social activities (Saylor, Alexander, & Lewis,
ject Design, (ii) Discipline Design, (iii) Wide Field 1981). There are three main types of such design
Design, (iv) Process Design, and (v) Correlational orientations: (i) Living Conditions Design, (ii) Core
Design (Çubukçu, 2008; Henson; Korkmaz, 2007; Design, and (iii) Social Problems and Re-Construc-
McNeil, 2006; Ornstein & Hunkins, 1993; Tanner & tionist Design (Demirel; Henson, 2006; Korkmaz,
Tanner, 1995; Wiles & Bondi, 1993). 2007; McNeil, 2006; Ornstein & Hunkins, 1993;
Tanner & Tanner, 1995; Wiles & Bondi, 1993).
Consequently, organising a curriculum design is
Student-Centred (Learner-Centred) Curriculum
more than simply gathering curriculum elements.
Design Orientations
The design should have a structure that will help
The overall purpose of student-centred (learner-cen- students acquire the desired behaviour, skills and
tred) design orientations is to have the child view and attitudes (Demirel, 2005). On the other hand, the
accept him or her as a whole. An important feature of philosophy underlying curricula put into effect in
these design orientations is the thought that learning a country – thus the curriculum design orientation
can only be achieved with the learner’s participation – should be in line with the principle philosophy
in learning. The student is in the centre of the cur- dominating the society. Everybody dealing with
riculum design (Çubukçu, 2008). Student-centred education should know well which philosophy is
design is an approach that takes individual differ- dominant in the society (Doğanay & Sarı, 2003).
ences into consideration (Büyükkaragöz, 1997). The The reason is that if the educational philosophy of
student-centred design based on pragmatism as a a curriculum and the philosophy dominating the
basic philosophy and on progressivism as an educa- society with the curriculum design orientation con-
tional movement (Gutek, 1988) gives particular im- tradict with each other, it will not be possible at all
portance to the needs and interests of the child and to achieve the goals set within the scope of the cur-
requires his or her active participation in the learn- riculum. According to Doğanay (2011), it is import-
ing process. In the student-centred design, there is ant that especially experts who develop curricula as
no previously-prepared curriculum. In general, stu- well as teachers who apply them should know well
dents are involved in the process of curriculum de- and adopt the national educational philosophy. In
velopment, and the curriculum is shaped according a sense, recognition of the philosophy dominant in
to their views (Marsh & Willis, 2007). There are four the society determines which curriculum design to
main types of such design: (i) Child-Centred De- use in a curriculum. Thus, during the Republic pe-
sign, (ii) Experience-Centred Design, (iii) Romantic riod, the Turkish Education System was seemingly
(Radical) Design, and (iv) Humanistic Design (Hen- based on the pragmatic philosophy and on progres-
son, 2006; Korkmaz, 2007; Marsh & Willis; McNeil, sivism – a reflection of the pragmatic philosophy
2006; Tanner & Tanner, 1995; Wiles & Bondi, 1993). onto education. However, it was observed that in
Problem-Centred Curriculum Design Orientations practice, there was the influence of such educational
philosophies as essentialism and perennialism rath-


er than of progressivism (Sönmez, 2009). The reason close relationship with their viewpoints regarding
was that the dominant philosophy in the society and learning (Cronin-Jones, 1991; Crummey, 2007; Jen-
the philosophy and approach of curricula did not kins, 2009, Lumpe, Haney, & Czerniak, 1998). In
agree with each other; as a result, this disagreement other words, if the teacher has a negative attitude to-
was reflected into practice in different ways. Thus, wards the curriculum design orientation, it does not
during the Republic period, in 1924, 1926, 1936, seem possible for that curriculum to be reflected into
1948, 1962, 1968 and in 1998, various changes were the teaching processes in class (Cheung & Ng, 2000;
made in curricula in Turkey (Çelenk, Tertemiz, & Jenkins). All curriculum design orientations are
Kalaycı, 2000). Finally, in our country, all elementa- based on an educational philosophy (Demirel, 2005;
ry school curricula were revised with a new under- Korkmaz, 2007; McNeil, 2006; Ornstein & Hunkins,
standing in 2004 and put into effect in the academic 1993). Therefore, curriculum design orientations
year of 2005-2006 (Turan, 2006). It was stated in the not only reflect teachers’ educational philosophies
curricula developed that the educational philosophy but also demonstrate which teaching methods and
of progressivism -a reflection of the philosophy of techniques they will apply in class, which instruc-
pragmatism onto education- was taken as basis. In tional materials they will use and which assessment
other words, the student-centred (learner-centred) methods they will put into practice. As reported by
curriculum design orientation constituted the basis Bay, Gündoğdu, Dilekçi, Ozan, and Özdemir (2011),
of these curricula. However, these curricula became there are a number of studies demonstrating that
subject-centred in the course of time and gained the teachers’ practices in class have a relationship with
characteristics of a content-based (subject-centred) beliefs and orientations. Therefore, determining
structure (Acat, 2010; Turan, 2010). Whichever ed- which curriculum design orientations teachers fa-
ucational philosophy or curriculum design orienta- vour is considered to be important in terms of re-
tion constitutes the basis of the curricula developed, vealing their educational preferences and their view-
these curricula should comply with the understand- points regarding teaching processes. In this respect,
ings of teachers who will apply them. Otherwise, when the related literature is reviewed, it is seen that
it would be quite difficult to reflect these curricula there are many studies conducted to determine the
into practice and sometimes impossible. According curriculum orientations favoured by teachers both
to Cheung and Ng (2000), if a teacher believes that a on national basis (Bay et. al.; Eren, 2010) and on
curriculum design is not valuable, it will then not be international basis (Ashour, Khasawneh, Abu-Al-
possible for that teacher to put the curriculum into ruz, & Alsharqawi, 2012; Cheung & Ng; Crummey;
practice on voluntary basis. Foil, 2008; Horn, 2011; Jenkins; Reding, 2008; Van
Driel, Bulte, & Verloop, 2008; Wang, Elicker, & Mc-
A number of studies conducted demonstrated that
Mullen, 2008). In all these studies conducted on
teachers’ educational beliefs and the educational phi-
national and international basis, it was seen that the
losophy they have adopted influence their in-class
“curriculum orientations inventory” developed by
behaviour, their teaching practices and their overall
Cheung and Wong (2002) was used. Amongst the
views about education (Karakuş, 2006; Klein, 1977;
studies conducted on national basis, in the study
Livingston, McClain, & Despain, 1995; Quinlan,
carried out by Eren, the confirmatory analyses of
1997; Wiles & Bondi, 1993; Wooley, Benjamin, &
the scale developed by Cheung and Wong were con-
Wooley, 2004; Yılmaz, Altunkurt, & Çokluk, 2011).
ducted. In addition, it should be remembered that
Similarly, curriculum design orientations reflecting
adaptation studies could lead to different results in
the educational philosophy and educational beliefs
different cultures. Therefore, except for international
are believed to shape in-class practices and teachers’
comparisons, it would not always be appropriate to
behaviour. In theory, the curriculum design orien-
use the scales developed in different cultures. Thus,
tation constituting the basis of a curriculum reflects
Hambleton and Patsula (1999) emphasised that
how in-class instructional activities and teachers’
preferring scale adaptation rather than scale devel-
behaviour should be (Livingston et al., 1995). How-
opment would not always be appropriate and stated
ever, this would not be the case all the time. Thus,
that developing a new scale is both easier and more
even when a curriculum is developed on the basis of
appropriate if there is no intercultural comparison.
a learner-centred design orientation yet if the teacher
Although there are some scale development studies
favours or adopts a subject-centred design orienta-
conducted abroad to determine teachers’ curriculum
tion, he or she will reflect his or her own approach
orientations (Cheung & Wong), there is no study
into the teaching processes in class. In the related lit-
conducted in our country for the mere purpose of
erature, it is reported that teachers’ beliefs regarding
determining teachers’ curriculum design orienta-
the curriculum and their in-class behaviour have a

BAŞ / Curriculum Design Orientations Preference Scale of Teachers: Validity and Reliability Study

tions. In this respect, determining the curriculum scale, then, was finalised as a result of the suggestions
design orientations favoured by teachers is consid- of the related group in the research. The five Likert
ered to be important in terms of revealing teachers’ type (From “Totally Disagree: 1” to “Totally Agree:
in-class behaviour, their practices, their preferences 5”) 35-item pilot form was applied on 300 teachers.
and their expectations from a curriculum. For the construct validity of the scale, the explorato-
ry factor analysis based on the principal component
analysis method was applied, and then the confirma-
Method tory factor analysis was used to determine whether
Sample the defined construct was valid (Büyüköztürk, 2007;
Çokluk, Şekercioğlu, & Büyüköztürk, 2010; Kline,
The sample of the research consisted of 300 elemen- 1994; Tabashnick & Fidell, 2001).
tary and high school teachers selected according to
cluster sampling method from three layer groups In the exploratory factor analysis, 0.40 was accept-
(high-middle-low socio-economic structure) (Mc- ed as the factor loading lowest limit in determin-
Millan & Schumacher, 2006) of schools in 2011- ing whether the items were included in the scale.
2012 academic year in Niğde province. This kind There are different views about the acceptance level
of sampling method was adopted in the research, of the lowest factor loading in the related literature
because this sampling method is believed to give (Büyüköztürk, 2007; Diekhoff, 1992; Ferguson &
important information in regard of the population Takane, 1989; Fraenkel & Wallen, 2000; Murphy &
(Büyüköztürk, Çakmak-Kılıç, Akgün, Karadeniz, & Davidshofer, 1991; Reuterberg & Gustafsson, 1992).
Demirel, 2008). According to Kline (1994) and Şen- According to the related literature, a factor loading is
can (2005), a sample group of 100-200 subjects is considered as “excellent” if it is 0.71 (which explains
suitable for scale development so that the quality of 50% of the variance) (Diekhoff), it is considered as
the sample group can be stated to be suitable for the “pretty good” if it is 0.63 (which explains 40% of the
study. In the research, 50% (n=160) of the teachers variance), as “good” if it is 0.55 (which explains 30%
were elementary school teachers and 50% (n=160) of the variance), as “average” if it is 0.45 (which ex-
of the teachers were high school teachers. 42.66% plains 20% of the variance), and “poor” if it is 0.32
(n=128) of the teachers were females, 57.33% (which explains 10% of the variance) (Tabaschinck
(n=172) of them were males. 22.33% (n=67) of the & Fidell, 2001). Therefore, 0.40 factor loading was
teachers had 1-5, 20.33% (n=79) had 6-10, 19% accepted as the lowest loading limit in the analysis
(n=57) had 11-15, 20.33% (n=61) had 16-20, and of this research (Ferguson & Takane).
12% (n=36) had 20 and above years of occupational As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, var-
experience. 13% (n=39) of the teachers had senior ious goodness of fit indices are obtained (Brown,
high school, 82.33 (n=247) had undergraduate and 2006; Çokluk et al., 2010; Jöroskog & Sörbom,
4.66% (n=14) had postgraduate level of education. 1993; Kline, 2005; Marsh, Balla, & McDonald, 1988;
On the other hand, in order to make the confir- Schumacher & Lomax, 1996; Tabaschinck & Fidell,
matory factor analysis, the scale was applied on a 2001; Thomson, 2004). In the study, as a result of
group of 320 teachers, representing similar charac- the confirmatory factor analysis of the scale, X2/df
teristics of the sample group in the research. ratio, GFI, AGFI, RMSEA, RMR, SRMR, CFI, NFI
and NNFI goodness of fit indices were evaluated. To
evaluate the goodness of fit of the defined model, the
Development of the Scale primary fit indices were determined: The ratio of the
In light of the scales obtained from the related litera- chi-square statistic to the degrees of freedom (X2/
ture review and other information, a pool consisting df) should be less than 2, the Goodness of Fit Index
of 35 items was formed by the researcher (Büyük- (GFI), the Comparative Fit Index (CFI), the Normed
karagöz, 1997; Çubukçu, 2008; Demirel, 2005; (NFI) and the Non-normed Fit Index (NNFI)
Erden, 2000; Ertürk, 1972; Henson, 2006; Korkmaz, should exceed 0.90, the Root Mean Square Error of
2007; Marsh & Willis, 2007; McNeil, 2006; Ornstein Approximation (RMSEA) should be less than 0.05,
& Hunkins, 1993; Saylor et al., 1981; Taba, 1962; with values less than 0.06 representing good fit,
Tyler, 1950; Tanner & Tanner, 1995; Varış, 1978). and the Standardised Root Mean Squared Residual
Then, the first form of the scale was presented into (SRMR) should not exceed 0.05 (Brown; Çokluk et
the views of a group of field and linguistic experts al.; Jöroskog & Sörbom; Kline, 2005; Schumacher &
for language and intelligibility of the expressions. Lomax; Tabaschinck & Fidell; Thomson). After the
Necessary corrections were made on the scale. The confirmatory factor analysis of the scale, Cronbach’s


Alpha internal consistency and Spearman-Brown from 0.58 to 0.72. Explained variance of this factor
correlation coefficients were calculated for reliability. was calculated as 19.978%. In terms of the second
factor, Student-Centred (Learner-Centred) Curric-
ulum Design Orientation consisted of 10 items and
Data Analysis the factor loadings rotated by varimax ranged from
In order to carry out the validity and reliability stud- 0.52 to 0.75. Explained variance of this factor was
ies of the scale, the exploratory and confirmatory calculated as 18.324%. Lastly, the third factor, Prob-
factor analyses were made. The studies regarding the lem-Centred Curriculum Design Orientation, con-
exploratory factor analysis were made through SPSS sisted of 10 items and the factor loadings rotated by
17.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and the varimax ranged from 0.45 to 0.81. Explained vari-
studies in relation with the confirmatory factor anal- ance of this factor was calculated as 13.709% in the
ysis were made through LISREL 8.51 (Linear Struc- study. The total explained variance of the scale was
tural Relation Statistics Package Program). found as 52.011% in the research. As Kline (1994)
states, variance ratios ranging from 40% to 60% are
accepted as sufficient in social sciences. Besides, in
Results order to test the structure with three factors of the
scale, Cattel’s Scree test (Kline, 1994) was applied
In this part of the research, the validity and reliabil-
on the data. As a result of the Scree test result, it
ity analyses of the scale were presented. Firstly, Kai-
was seen that the scale consisted of three factors.
ser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sampling adequacy and
As looked at the Scree test graphic, it was seen that
Bartlett’s test of sphericity values were examined in
there were three important factors. The next factors
order to test the eligibility of the data obtained for
at this point are both small and the same in regard
factor analysis. KMO is used as a criterion of factor
of their contribution to the total variance (Fabri-
analysis (Büyüköztürk, 2007; Fraenkel & Wallen,
gar, Wegener, MacCallum, & Strahan, 1999). On
2000; Kline, 1994; Murphy & Davidshofer, 1991).
the other hand, correlations amongst three factors
If KMO value is lower than 0.50, the exploratory
of the scale were analysed via computing bivariate
factor analysis cannot be applied (Büyüköztürk,
correlation. According to the correlation analy-
2007; Fraenkel & Wallen; Kline, 1994). KMO val-
sis carried out, it was seen that there are positive
ue is evaluated by specific ranges: (i) “bad” for the
correlations amongst the factors (p<0.01) ranging
range of 0.50-0.60, (ii) “poor” for the range of 0.60-
between 0.70 and 0.72 in the study.
0.70, (iii) “moderate” for the range of 0.70-0.80, (iv)
“good” for the range of 0.80-0.90, and (v) “excellent”
for the range of 0.90 and above (Büyüköztürk, 2007; Findings of the Validity and Reliability Analyses
Fraenkel & Wallen; Kline, 1994; Murphy & David-
shofer). In this study, KMO value was calculated as The items of the scale were analysed via computing
0.93, which means “excellent” (Fraenkel & Wallen; item-total correlations for each factor and the in-
Kline, 1994; Murphy & Davidshofer; Reuterberg & dependent samples t test values were computed to
Gustafsson, 1992). Bartlett’s test of sphericity val- compare both the item and factor scores of upper
ue was found as significant [X2=3051.295/df=435, and lower 27% groups. All item-total correlation co-
p<0.000]. As a result of these tests, it was decided efficients fell within the range of 0.71 to 0.49 in the
that the exploratory factor analysis could be applied research. Likewise, all independent samples t test
on the data set of the scale. values for the difference between the scores of upper
and lower 27% of the items and factors found out
to be significant (p<0.01). When Cronbach’s Alpha
Findings of the Exploratory Factor Analysis internal consistency coefficient calculated for the
scale, the following coefficients were seen to be ob-
As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, it was
tained for factors: (i) “Subject-Centred Curriculum
seen that the scale had a structure of three factors
Design Orientation: 0.89”, (ii) “Student-Centred
with 30 items. Whereas, 5 items in the pilot study
(Learner-Centred) Curriculum Design Orienta-
form were calculated to be under the adopted low-
tion: 0.89”, and (iii) “Problem-Centred Curriculum
est factor loading limit (0.40) so that these items
Design Orientation: 0.87” in the research. Also,
were removed from the scale in the study. Thus, the
the general reliability coefficient value for the scale
scale was understood to be consisted of 30 items.
was found as 0.94 in the study. According to Cron-
In regard of the first factor, Subject-Centred Cur-
bach (1990), reliability coefficients in reliability
riculum Design Orientation consisted of 10 items
studies values between 0.60 and 0.70 are accepted
and the factor loadings rotated by varimax ranged

BAŞ / Curriculum Design Orientations Preference Scale of Teachers: Validity and Reliability Study

as sufficient. However, it is generally accepted that al., 2010; Hooper, Coughlan, & Mullen, 2008; Jöre-
the reliability coefficient must be 0.70 in a lesser skog & Sörbom, 1993; Schumacher & Lomax, 1996;
extent (Anderson, 1988; Kline, 1994; Peers, 1996). Sümer, 2000; Şimşek, 2007; Tabashnick & Fidell,
When Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient of 2001; Thompson, 2004; Yılmaz & Çelik, 2009).
the scale was examined, it was understood that the
correlation coefficient of the two forms of the scale
in result of Spearman-Brown correlation analysis Discussion
was 0.91 in the study. In the related literature, val- The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and
ues above 0.80 are accepted as good for reliability reliable scale for preferences of teachers in regard
(Büyüköztürk, 2002). Spearman-Brown correlation of their curriculum design orientations. According
coefficient is a good method to be used when it is to the findings obtained in the research, KMO val-
hard to apply the test for two times or prepare two ue was calculated as 0.93, which means “excellent”
equivalent forms of the similar test (Özen, Güçaltı, (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2000; Kline, 1994; Murphy &
& Kandemir, 2006). Hence, in regard of the account- Davidshofer, 1991; Reuterberg & Gustafsson, 1992).
ed value for Spearman-Brown correlation analysis, Bartlett’s test of sphericity was found as significant
it was understood that 0.91 value can be explained X2=3051.295/df=435, p<0.000]. As a result of these
as “excellent” (Büyüköztürk, 2007; Fraenkel & Wal- tests, it was decided that the exploratory factor
len, 2000; Kline, 1994; Murphy & Davidshofer, 1991; analysis could be applied. As a result of the explor-
Reuterberg & Gustafsson, 1992). atory factor analysis, it was seen that the scale had
a structure of three factors with 30 items. Where-
as, 5 items in the pilot study form were calculated
Findings of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
to be under the lowest factor loading limit (0.40)
Con­ firmatory factor analysis was applied to the in the study. Thus, the scale consisted of 30 items.
three-factor structure obtained from the scale’s ex- In regard of the first factor, Subject-Centred Cur-
ploratory factor analysis on a group of 320 teachers riculum Design Orientation consisted of 10 items
similar to the sample group of this study. On ex- and the factor loadings rotated by varimax ranged
amining the com­patibility index results of the con- from 0.58 to 0.72. Explained variance of this factor
structed equation model, the model-data compati- was calculated as 19.978%. In terms of the second
bility was found out to be high enough. As a result factor, Student-Centred (Learner-Centred) Curric-
of path analysis, χ2/df ratio was found as 1.50 (χ2/ ulum Design Orientation consisted of 10 items and
df=604.02/402). In the study, GFI value was found the factor loadings rotated by varimax ranged from
out as 0.83 and AGFI vale was found as 0.80 so that 0.52 to 0.75. Explained variance of this factor was
they can be perceived as sufficient. In this research, calculated as 18.324%. Lastly, the third factor, Prob-
RMSEA value was found as 0.05. Besides, RMR val- lem-Centred Curriculum Design Orientation, con-
ue was found as 0.056 and SRMR value was found sisted of 10 items and the factor loadings rotated by
as 0.077 in the study. In this study, CFI value was varimax ranged from 0.45 to 0.81. Explained vari-
found out as 0.90. Lastly, NFI value was 0.77 and ance of this factor was calculated as 13.709% in the
NNFI value was found as 0.89 in this study. In this study. The total explained variance of the scale was
regard, on examining the compatibility index results found as 52.011% in the research. As Kline (1994)
of the constructed structural equation model, the and Scherer (1988) state, variance ratios ranging
model-data compatibility was found out to be high from 40% to 60% are accepted as sufficient in so-
enough in the research. According to the findings cial sciences. Because, it is not easy to reach a high
obtained in the research, it was found that χ2/df proportion of variance in social sciences (Tavşancıl,
ratio was 1.50 (χ2/df=604.02/402) in the research. 2005). On the other hand, according to the correla-
In the study, GFI value was found out 0.83 so that tion analysis carried out, it was seen that there are
it can be perceived as sufficient. In this research, positive correlations amongst the factors (p<0.01)
RMSEA value was found as 0.05 so that it is consid­ ranging between 0.70 and 0.72 in the study.
ered as an excellent goodness of fit. RMR value was
The items of the scale were analysed via computing
found out to be 0.056 and SRMR value was found
item-total correlations for each factor and the in-
as 0.077 in the study. In this research, CFI value was
dependent samples t test values were computed to
found out as 0.90 On the other hand, NFI value was
compare both the item and factor scores of upper
found as 0.77 and NNFI value was found as 0.89 in
and lower 27% groups. All item-total correlation
the research. Hence, these values can be perceived
coefficients fell within the range of 0.71 to 0.49 in
as sufficient goodness of fit (Brown, 2006; Çokluk et
the research. Likewise, all independent samples t


test values for the difference between the scores of this regard, on examining the compatibility index
upper and lower 27% of the items and factors found results of the constructed structural equation mod-
out to be significant (p<0.01). When Cronbach’s el, it can be said that the model-data compatibili-
Alpha internal consistency coefficients calculated ty was high enough in the research. According to
for the scale, the following coefficients were seen to the findings obtained in the research, it was found
be obtained: “Subject-Centred Curriculum Design that χ2/df ratio was 1.50 (χ2/df=604.02/402) in the
Orientation: 0.89”, “Student-Centred (Learner-Cen- research. It is stated that a ratio equal to or lower
tred) Curriculum Design Orientation: 0.89”, and than 2.5 in small samples (Kline, 2005) and a ratio
“Problem-Centred Curriculum Design Orienta- equal to greater than 3 in large samples correspond
tion: 0.87” in the research. According to Cronbach to excellent goodness of fit in the related literature
(1990), reliability coefficients in reliability studies (Sümer, 2000). Besides this, it is stated that GFI and
values between 0.60 and 0.70 are accepted as suf- AGFI indices equal to 1 means excellent goodness
ficient. However, it is generally accepted that the of fit in the literature (Schumacher & Lomax, 1996).
reliability coefficient must be 0.70 in a lesser extent In the study, GFI value was found out 0.83 so that it
(Anderson, 1988; Kline, 1994; Peers, 1996). When can be perceived as sufficient. RMSEA value equal
Spearmen-Brown correlation coefficient of the scale to or lower than 0.05 means excellent goodness of
was examined, it was understood that the correla- fit (Brown, 2006; Çokluk et al., 2010; Hooper et al.,
tion coefficient of the two forms of the scale in result 2008; Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1993; Schumacher &
of Spearman-Brown correlation analysis, was 0.91 Lomax, 1996; Şimşek, 2007; Yılmaz & Çelik, 2009).
in the study. In the related literature, values above In this research, RMSEA value was found as 0.05
0.80 are accepted as good for reliability (Büyüköz- so that it is consid­ered as an excellent goodness
türk, 2002). Spearman-Brown correlation coeffi- of fit. RMR and SRMR values are lower than 0.05
cient is a good method to be used when it is hard displays perfect model-data compatibility (Brown).
to apply the test for two times or prepare two equiv- In the study, RMR value was found out to be 0.056
alent forms of the similar test (Özen et al., 2006). and SRMR value was found as 0.077 so that it can
Hence, the accounted value for Spearman-Brown be stated that they are the in­dicators of sufficient
correlation analysis, it was understood that 0.91 goodness of fit. CFI value equal to or greater than
value can be explained as “excellent” (Büyüköztürk, 0.95 means excellent goodness of fit (Thompson,
2007; Fraenkel & Wallen, 2000; Kline, 1994; Mur- 2004). In this study, CFI value was found out as 0.90
phy & Davidshofer, 1991; Reuterberg & Gustafsson, so that it can be consid­ered as sufficient goodness
1992). According to Şimşek (2007), despite a scale of fit. NFI and NNFI values equal to or greater than
gives very good results in the end of the exploratory 0.95 mean excellent goodness of fit in the related
factor analysis, it may not give the same results in literature (Brown; Schumacher & Lomax; Tabash-
the end of the confirmatory factor analysis. Hence, nick & Fidell, 2001). Besides, NFI value was found
it was considered the confirmatory factor analysis as 0.77 and NNFI value was found as 0.89 in the
could be applied on the three-factor structure of the research. Hence, these values can be perceived as
scale as well as the exploratory factor analysis. sufficient goodness of fit (Sümer, 2000).
Con­firmatory factor analysis was applied to the When the related literature is reviewed, it is seen
three-factor construct obtained from the scale’s that there is a scale development study (Cheung
exploratory factor analysis on a group of 320 & Wong, 2002) and there are also studies (Ashour
teachers similar to the sample group of this study. et al., 2012; Bay et al., 2011; Cheung & Ng, 2000;
On examining the compatibility index results of Crummey, 2007; Eren, 2010; Foil, 2008; Horn, 2011;
the constructed equation model, the model-data Jenkins, 2009; Reding, 2008; Van Driel et al., 2008;
compatibility was found out to be high enough. As Wang et al., 2008) carried out using the scale. The
a result of path analysis, χ2/df ratio was 1.50 (χ2/ mutual trait of these studies is that all of these stud-
df=604.02/402). In the study, GFI value was found ies were carried out using “curriculum orientations
out as 0.83 and AGFI value was found as 0.80 so scale”, developed by Cheung and Wong (2002) in
that they can be perceived as sufficient. In this re- the literature. Besides, it can be stated that the same
search, RMSEA value was found as 0.05 so that it is scale developed by Cheung and Wong was used
consid­ered as an excellent goodness of fit. Besides, both in Turkey and abroad. Hence, it is observed
RMR value was found as 0.056 and SRMR value was that there is no scale development study determin-
found as 0.077 in the study. In this study, CFI value ing teachers’ curriculum orientations in the related
was found out as 0.90. Lastly, NFI value was 0.77 literature. However, it is understood that there are
and NNFI value was found as 0.89 in this study. In some studies on the adaptation of the scale devel-

BAŞ / Curriculum Design Orientations Preference Scale of Teachers: Validity and Reliability Study

oped by Cheung and Wong into the Turkish lan- teachers’ beliefs, views, and orientations and the cur-
guage (Bay et al.; Eren). In an adaptation study of riculum developed in a country are not integrated, it
the scale developed by Cheung and Wong, Eren is very bad or not possible that teachers adopt the
reached psychometric qualities similar with the curriculum prepared in a country. In the end of this
original one. Thus, it was understood that the scale process, teachers may front to different classroom
developed by Cheung and Wong had similar char- applications. In this regard, it can be stated that the
acteristics with its adaptation studies carried out scale developed in this study fills an important space
in different countries such as Hong Kong, Ameri- in the related literature. On the other hand, the scale
ca, and Turkey respectively. However, it should be developed in this study can be adapted into curricu-
remembered that adaptation studies could lead lum experts and school principals, and then the psy-
to different results in different cultures. Therefore, chometric characteristics of the scale can be tested
except for international comparisons, it would not on these groups. Besides, it is seen very crucial that
always be appropriate to use the scales developed a scale development study be carried out on the role
in different cultures. Thus, Hambleton and Patsula of teachers in relation to the curriculum design ori-
(1999) emphasised that preferring scale adaptation entations. This scale development study was carried
rather than scale development would not always be out with a limited sample group respectively. Hence,
appropriate and stated that developing a new scale it is suggested that further studies in terms of the
is both easier and more appropriate if there is no confirmatory factor analysis should be carried out
intercultural comparison. In this sense, although it in large sample groups.
is seen there is a scale development study determin-
ing teachers’ curriculum orientations in abroad in
the related (Cheung & Wong), it could not seen any
scale development study in relation with teachers’
curriculum orientations in the Turkish culture. The
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Ek 1.
Öğretmenlerin Eğitim Programı Tasarım Yaklaşımı Tercih Ölçeği

No Maddeler (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 Derste çoğunlukla problem çözme yöntemi kullanılmalıdır.
2 Derste öğretmenden daha ziyade öğrenciler aktif olmalıdır.
3 Derste, öğrencinin ilgi, ihtiyaç ve beklentileri dikkate alınmalıdır.
4 Okul, demokratik süreçlerin yaşatıldığı bir yer olmalıdır.
5 Okul, günün önemli bir bölümünü çok yönlü çalışmayı ve
disiplinlerarası bağlantılar kurmayı gerçekleştirecek şekilde
problematik çalışmalara ayırmalıdır.
6 Programlarda, eğitim durumları ögesi daha fazla ön plana
7 Derste, önemli olan şey öğrencilerin bilgiyi oluşturmaları ve yaşam
durumlarına transfer etmeleridir.
8 Öğrencinin kendi gözlemleri ve yaşantısıyla öğrenme çabası içine
girmesi önemlidir.
9 Derste bireysel çalışmalardan daha ziyade işbirlikli çalışmalara yer
verilmesi önemlidir.
10 Okullarda, tüm öğrencilerin öğrenmesi gereken ortak öğrenme
tecrübeleri temele alınmalıdır.
11 Programlar, bireysel farklılıkları gözeten bir şekilde düzenlenmelidir.
12 Okul, hataya hazırlık yeri olmaktan öte, hayatın bizzat kendisi
13 Derslerde, toplum gereksinim ve sorunları ele alınmalıdır.
14 Derste, konuların öğrenilmesi önemli bir yer tutmalıdır.
15 Programlar, değişmeyen evrensel bilgiye göre düzenlenmelidir.
16 Programlarda, yaşama ilişkin gerçek sorunlar yer almalıdır.
17 Derste önemli olan şey bilginin aktarılmasıdır.
18 Derste, grup çalışmalarından daha ziyade bireysel çalışmalara yer
verilmesi önemlidir.
19 Derslerde öğrenciler sorun çözme sürecini kullanmaya
20 Derslerde, her konu için ayrı ayrı öğrenme yolu düzenlemek yerine,
tüm konular için ortak bir öğrenme yolu ön plana çıkarılmalıdır.
21 Derse öğrencilerin ilgi ve isteklerini yansıtmanın gereği yoktur.
22 Okulda, öğrencilerin işbirliği yaparak toplumsal sorunlara çözümler
bulması özendirilmelidir.
23 Öğrenciler bilgileri alıcı ve ezberleyicidirler.
24 Öğrencilerin kendilerini gerçekleştirebilecekleri, baskı ve zorlamanın
olmadığı eğitim ortamları önemlidir.
25 Öğrencilerin, bilginin farklı dallarında uzmanlaşması önemlidir.
26 Okullarda, sosyal değerlerin öğrencilere kazandırılması çok önemlidir.
27 Toplumsal değişmede okullar ve eğitim kritik bir role sahip
28 Derste, öğrencilerden daha ziyade öğretmen aktif olmalıdır.
29 Okulda öğrenciler, gerçek yaşam problemlerine yönelik genelleme
becerisi kazandırılmalıdır.
30 Programlarda, içerik ögesi daha fazla ön plana çıkarılmalıdır.


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