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Hello sir, it is an honor to speak with you, before I tell you about my case I would like to tell you

3 very
simple things: 1 I am Spanish and I do not speak or write English, so I am sending it to you in writing
through the computer with the translator, 2 I do not want to be ashamed, I just want to be honest with
you 3. If you decide yes, I'll be grateful for the rest of my life and I'd like to be your friend if you want, if
you don't want to, I'll be very grateful for my whole life anyway, and if you decide no, well, it's okay,
thanks for listen to my case anyway I also put myself in your place and for you I am a stranger and now I
am going to tell you my story briefly. I am going to send you all my personal information including a
photo of me, as well as all my bank details and medical reports that I cannot work and my last visits and
reports from the doctor, as well as the depression and anxiety that I always have. . . , because as it says
in the papers I feel you, I suffer from OCD, my head is repeating things all day. , songs, solo
conversations, etc. It is very difficult to lead a life like this but that is what I have to live, everything I tell
you is also said in the doctor's paper and apart from the OCD I have multi-resistant chronic insomnia and
as the paper says they have tried many different medications without any results and now that I am
taking 5 sleeping pills I can only sleep 2 hours maximum so it affects me in my day to day, I am very tired
all day. I can barely walk 15 minutes because I get tired and suffocated and I spend all day at home for
not sleeping at night, it says so on the paper that I just sent you and it is the paper that the lawyer also
has in his possession. see if they give me the disability payment or not, but it can take a long time to give
me results 1 year and I have no money and if they approve the payment it is only 200 euros per month.
If they don't approve it, I won't have any deposit. Since you're a billionaire, I can imagine working hard. I
don't like to ask for a quantity but sometimes it is necessary, would you be so kind as to deposit 50
million euros in my account that I will keep 20 million that I think I will have to live for the rest of my life
since I cannot work if you can help with it money that comes from your heart to deposit me, whether it's
millions or just thousands of euros, the amount is big or small, I'll be happy to receive since I can't work
due to health problems, at least not having to worry about money at all my life, I am also attaching a
photo so you can see how many pills I take at night, I will send you a photo of me with my ID with my
name, my bank details and my medical history, in case you want to check who I am and what I am saying
is True, you can call me by video call if you want to see that I am the same as the one in the photo or ask
me for any other information about mine and I will gladly provide it to you. I await your response, thank
you very much for listening to my case.

Name: Raul Gomez Mederos

Male gender

Address: Alejandro del Castillo Avenue number 62


Telephone:+34 660 68 21 11

bank: la caixa

Country Spain
Iban number: ES37 2100 5651 8702 0004 8750


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