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My personal timeline task

1. My parents splitting (2012)

In 2011-2012 my parents would fight a lot on how to raise me and it
led to them breaking up. As far as I know this event happened in
Ferntree Gully.

2. Getting stepfamily (2018)

In 2018 my mum got a new boyfriend, I was 7 years old, so I didn’t
know much but I do know that they got together on the 25th of April
2018. My dad also got a girlfriend in this year. He moved out from his
parents’ house to live with her. She has two boys who are my

3. Getting my first phone (2020)

For 2020 Christmas I got my first phone. I’m not sure why my parents
got me a phone, but they did. I remember I was ecstatic!

4. My brother being born (2021)

In 2021 my mum gave birth to my half-brother Arlo. He is currently 1
turning 2 on July the 10th.

International Events
1. Covid (2019-2022)
Covid was a Global Pandemic that sucked.
2. WW3? (2022-???)
Russia attacking Ukraine 

National Events
1. NSW & VIC fires (2019)
My dad went away to fight these fires.
2. Same sex marriage became legal (2017)
My god father could get married.

Effect On Me
1. My parents splitting is something I don’t remember but the impact it
had on me is self-explanatory. My parents hate each other and that
gets put on me 

2. Getting stepfamily was a huge change for me since I have always been
used to it just me and whichever parent I was with.

3. Getting my first phone gave me more responsibility.

4. Arlo being born was a change in my life since now there is a

screaming baby to deal with 

5. Covid was horrible for everybody, though I am pretty sure at one

point during the lockdowns I had mild depression 

6. Russia attacking Ukraine made me scared for my life since I thought

they would attack us, and I’d die 

7. The fires throughout NSW and VIC didn’t influence me except the fact
that I couldn’t see my dad for 2 months due to him going to NSW and
helping with the fires.

8. Same sex marriage has nothing to do with me and has had no effect
on me 

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