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CELL THEORY Total magnification of a specimen can be

Name of the scientists who proved that all calculated by multiplying which among the
cells come from other cells. following?
➔ Remack and Virchow ➔ Magnification of objective lens x
magnification of ocular lens.
What is the basic structural and functional
unit of all organisms? What discovery was Matthias Schleiden
➔ Cells famous for?
➔ Plants are composed of cells
Which of the following statements below
supports the 3rd postulate in the traditional CELL ORGANELLES
cell theory: “Cell is the basic unit of structure
and organization of life”?
What organelle does paramecium need to
➔ The presence of simple squamous, pump out excess water from its cellular
simple cuboidal and simple body?
columnar epithelia on the tubules ➔ Contractile vacuoles
and collecting ducts of the kidney.
Microfilaments: Support
What postulate of the cell theory did Microtubules: ___________
Schleiden and Schwann disagree on? ➔ Organelle movement
➔ All cells come from pre-existing
cells. What cell structure among prokaryotic cells
do they use to attach to other bacterium and
What characteristic of life did Anton van to surfaces?
Leeuwenhoek observed on the unicellular ➔ Fimbriae
organisms from a pond water sample which
led him to calling them “animalcules”? Which cell structure assembles proteins
➔ locomotion based on its genetic information?
➔ Ribosomes
What discovery was Theodor Schwann
famous for? Which is least likely to happen to a mango
➔ Animals are composed of cells tree if it loses its vacuole?
➔ The petal of the flower will lose its
Who is the original owner of information color.
which Rudolf Virchow used in publishing a
postulate in cell theory? Which cell structure carefully selects the
➔ Robert Remak substances that move into and out of the
What are the microorganisms that ➔ Plasma Membrane
Leeuwenhoek observed under the
microscope? He called it animalcules.
➔ bacteria and protists
Which energy-converting organelle makes
ATP molecules for the cell to perform its How many rounds of nuclear divisions occur
functions? in mitosis?
➔ Mitochondria ➔ 1

What is the coded instruction inside the cell How many daughter cells are produced in
which undergoes replication to produce every cycle of mitosis?
proteins? ➔ 2
What is/are the roles of mitosis in the life of
Which structure inside the cell contains all a human organism?
your DNA? ➔ Healing of an abrasion
➔ Chromosomes
During which stage of mitosis is a structure
Which cell structure looks like a jelly-like called the spindle fiber formed?
substance which contains organelles, water, ➔ Prophase
ions, nutrients, and cellular waste?
➔ Cytoplasm What type of cells based on chromosome
numbers undergo mitosis?
MITOSIS ➔ Somatic cells
How many chromosomes must each
daughter cell receive at the end of mitosis MEIOSIS
and cytokinesis?
➔ 46 Are the number of chromosomes that each
of the daughter cells will receive at the end
This checkpoint checks if all chromosomes of meiosis II the same or different from that
are lined up in the middle during of the parent cell?
metaphase. ➔ Different
➔ M checkpoint
What separates during Meiosis I?
The invisible plate wherein chromosomes ➔ Homologous chromosomes
gather and line up during metaphase.
➔ equatorial plate What is the purpose of crossing over in
prophase I?
The structure formed in animal cells during ➔ Genetic variation
cytokinesis. It is the result of the formation
of a contractile ring made of overlapping How many rounds of nuclear divisions occur
actin and myosin filaments. in meiosis?
➔ cleavage furrow ➔ 2

When does meiosis start to occur in a

This checkpoint checks if DNA is replicated human organism (male)?
correctly. ➔ At the start of puberty.
➔ G2 checkpoint
How many chromosomes must each
daughter cell receive at the end of meiosis
➔ 23

How many daughter cells are produced in

meiosis II?
➔ 4

How many daughter cells are produced in

meiosis I?
➔ 2

What is/are the roles of meiosis in the life of

a human organism?
➔ Oogenesis

Are the daughter cells genetically identical

with the parent cell at the end of meiosis II?
➔ No

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