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Announcements Sharon Christie

Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church!

If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book. Sunday March 19, 2023, Sudbury, Ontario
We meet in this historical church which has humble beginnings since 1927. Welcome Cindy Hebert LLWL
We are here because we care about People and the greater Sudbury
The United Church is calling on Canada to end poverty and choose
justice. A critical step in this journey is implementing a Guaranteed
Livable Income, an unconditional payment to individuals or families
which covers the cost of basic necessities. Food, shelter, and
transportation are necessary to live a healthy, flourishing, and
productive life. As Christians, it is our moral duty to feed the hungry and
clothe the poor (Matt 25:34-40).
The United Church has supported GLI since 1972 and has made GLI a
cornerstone of its political activism.
On March 26th, faith communities across the country are joining in vigils
to call on our elected representatives to support a Guaranteed Livable Processional
Income. in Canada and to encourage our representatives to advocate Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty!
for economic justice for all Canadians. If you wish to come, we invite Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
you to wear black. Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
The City-wide Good Friday Service will be taking place at St. Stephen’s God in three persons blessed Trinity!
on the Hill United Church (1248 Lauzon Avenue) on Friday April 7 at
Words of Welcome…………
11:00 a.m. Five congregations will be taking part. (St. Mark’s, St.
Peter’s, St. Andrew’s, All People’s, St. Stephen’s on the Hill) Lighting of the Christ Candle
Coffee join
Please andushot-cross United
buns will
at St-Andrew’s be Church
served Downtown
prior to theonservice
March 26th
at 2:30pm atto10:15
learn a.m.
morein the sanctuary.
about a Guaranteed Livable Income in Canada Call to worship
One: As people of hope and wonder, As people of peace and love,
E-mail “” As disciples of Jesus, trying to walk his Way,
Facebook @allpeoplesunited
Let us prepare to worship God together.
Please join me in the ‘’ Prayer of the Three Deep Breaths’’! One: Take a deep breath in and as we breath out together we will say:
Upcoming Speakers thank you God
Our Prayer List All: Thank you God!
March 26th – Gerry Copeman
People of Ukraine, Nancy McDonald, One: Take a second deep breath in and as you breath out say ‘’thank
April 2nd - Shelly Kennedy
Gil Davies, Phil Christie you Jesus!’’
April 9th - Gerry Copeman
All: Thank you Jesus
April 16th – Gerry Lougheed
One: Take a third deep breath I and as you breath out say ‘’thank you GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all)
Holy Spirit’’. Glory be to the father and to the son,
All: Thank you Holy Spirit and to the Holy Spirit.
One: Thank you most loving parent for helping us to come together
today and take time to be with you in this place. May our souls be
restored in your presence. Amen Hymn VU 747 The Lord is my Shepherd
Opening Hymn VU 371 Open my eyes Offering prayer
We are not powerless! We CAN do something. We are called to make a
Opening prayer difference, both here in our community, and also in the world. We offer
Loving God, walk beside us in this place and invite us to see what our gifts to you our loving Creator, as but one way of bringing your
you see. Help us to deepen the love in our gaze and enter the healing grace to a hurting world. amen
grace in your presence as we worship you today. Amen.
Offering Song (Sung by all)
Prayer of confession (in unison) Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God
God, when we hold on to our own ways too long, believing in our Thanks for the food we eat, etc.…
OWN comforts, help us to take a deep breath…. and trust in YOU.
When we lose hope in tomorrow and fall into believing we are all Closing hymn VU 266 Amazing Grace
alone, help us to remember YOUR companionship. When our faith
seems dry and our souls seem drier, help us to look up and truly see Prayers of the people
all that you gift us with every day. Oh God, when our voices have
become silent and our eyes have become blind to oppression and THE LORD'S PRAYER
need, teach us how to sing your hope to others again. Amen. Commissioning and blessing
By the still waters of the running stream,
Words of assurance may your hands shape a cup and drink deep from it.
Welcome and Announcements When you encounter dark shadows and fears that threaten,
may your sense of God in your life, help you find the way through.
Minute for Mission Like God’s anointing oil that runs down your head, and
may the blessing that is YOU leave this building now, and spill into the
Scripture readings world with eternal promise!
1 Samuel 16:1–13 New Living Translation May God bless
Benediction: (Sung by all)
Psalm 23(from Seasons of the Spirit) you today and
May God’s sheltering wings,
John 9:1–41 New Living Translation always
her gathering wings protect you,
Readings Response: His cradling arms sustain you,
And hold you in her love her his love .
All: This is the word of the Lord.
And hold you in her love his love .
Thanks be to God.

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