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Autumn sunset

On the nights dark blue sky

The eerie painting will change soon

Queen of Darkness, The Moon,

Is ruling the leafless woods

Until the sun shrugged from nowhere,

Now eeging The Moon to leave her kingdom

With his sweet warm chuckle

And his greedy praises...

Skippy, The Night’s Queen left the throne

To the gyp Sun

Who wimped Moon's stars

Replaced them with sweet cotton pink clouds

And his herd of sunbeams horses

Which are running on the naked forest's branches

Revealing the trees leave's blanket

Swede up yellow,

Brown and red patches;

At the sunbeams horses signal

The crows who have waited in the dark

Left their nests and conquered

The frightened woods

Announcing us all,

That a new day came

Counting down the dried lifeless

Days of Autumn’s rule.

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