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Adding ideas
Fill in the gaps with the correct linking words from the box.

…….. One disadvantage of online education is that quality communication between teachers and
students is difficult. ____________ is it impossible for the teacher to assess the class’s mood
through the internet, but it is also hard for the teacher to understand if a student understands
the work if his/her camera is switched off. ______________, if the internet connection is poor,
then students have a hard time being heard clearly when asking teachers questions.
______________ communication problems, online teaching poses problems for teacher who like
to walk about the class from student to student while keeping an eye on everyone in case
someone else needs him/her. Virtual classrooms rely on technology too much, ________.
__________, it’s much more fun for everyone when they are together in one room.

Besides not only furthermore

in addition too as well as

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1 It’s too expensive, in addition.

2 Not only this supermarket doesn’t sell computers, but it also is expensive.

3 Also, the company made huge profits last year, too.

4 As well as it has great features, it is user-friendly.

5 Not only wanted he to increase the price, but also he couldn’t deliver the package for
three days.

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