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1. Do you satisfy with the way of Korea’s education?

2. Do you know any other foreign education that is different from Korea?

Education in many countries around the world

Jeoung Sun Young

Denmark advocates happiness education, and the keywords are freedom, stability, equality, trust,
neighborhood, and environment. Education goals are similar in Korea. The education direction of
the Seoul Office of Education is "innovation and future education where everyone is happy."
Although we have similar goals with Denmark, the way to practice is certainly different. What
makes Denmark education unique? Is there a teacher in the Danish classroom? No, not just no
teaching, but no authority accordingly. It is a caring classroom that waits for people to talk or
study slowly, and communicates with each other enough.

The test was different, too. Of course, there are tests similar to ours in ordinary high schools, but
free schools view tests as active project performance. Denmark students plan and produce their
project by themselves. To create a student's spontaneity, they fully think about what he/she wants
to make, decides, makes, and is evaluated on his/her own. In short, it is a process-oriented
assessment rather than a result, and the goal is to make one's own decision rather than ranking it.

Also, the biggest difference lies in the vocational school. In Danish, it is called 'Efterskole' and
refers to a system and school where students stay in boarding school for a year and learn to fit
their aptitude without any burden on their studies. You can choose whether to take this training
or not. After spending a year in Efterskole, you can decide whether to go back to regular school
or vocational school. I think it’s better for student to guarantee their time to choose their future
own their own. Denmark's education system, which specializes in education that allows students
to make their own decisions, is the main reason for the number one happiness index.

1. Do you think there is the best education?

2. In Korea, how can students develop their spontaneity?

3. Do you have any idea that want to change Korea’s education?

4. What if the ‘Efterskole’ is applied to us?

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