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In my opinion, There was a smart, cheerful and sociable student.

But at the beginning of

2021, There's attitude changed. There became a quiet person, and at certain moments
There could suddenly cry and There lost interest in studying. There was absent from
school for a few days.

It was my obligation as a counseling teacher to ask about There's condition at that time.
But There was still not open with others, it took 2 months for There to be able to tell me
honestly what she felt at that time. 

There said that she often felt anxious, sad, hopeless, and not confident. After There
explained her condition, I felt that she needed support for herself. I scheduled regular
counseling visits for There. 

During the 4 months of regular counseling, There's condition sometimes improved and
sometimes worsened. After I noticed, there were things that caused There's condition to
worsen. One example is when There gets unsatisfactory exam results, it can greatly
impact her psychological condition at that time. 

Since there was not much I could do to make There better, I referred There to see my
friend, Dr. Niko, who is a psychiatrist, for get a better treatment.

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