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1. All the bright places is a novel written by Jennifer Niven in 2015.

The novel title refers to

those perfect moments in a person's life that make you happy. It also refers to the
interesting places that Violet and Finch are visiting for their school project.

2. I think that Finch is the best designed character in the novel. Finch is the best designed
character because he is persistent and does not give up on Violet. When Violet tried to
commit suicide by jumping off the bridge, he stopped and talked her out of the act.

3. The best scene was when Finch managed to persuade Violet to go with him on a trip to the
last location for their school project. While they were driving in the car they realised that
they have a lot in common and they fellt in love. They never reached the desired location,
but instead they visited the tree where people hang their shoes on the branches

4. The problem in the novel occurs when on the day that Violet and Finch are supposed to
present their project about interesting places to the class Finch does not even show up to
school. Violet asked all of his friends where he might be but they didnt know. After few days
Finch shoes up to Violets house and brings her flowers to reconcile.

5. The novel contains several notable themes and messages. A common theme that recurs
throughout the book is the importance of the mental health awareness. Both Finch and
Violet suffer from depression and at the end of the book when they had a fight, Finch
committed suicide.
6. You should not judge people by their behaviour and school grades

All of Violets friend were telling her that she should not hang out with Finch because he often
skips school and has bad grades. Those same friends didnt know that Finch had saved her
life. I really liked this book and I would recommend it to anyone.

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