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A good stance is the cornerstone for movements in the kenpo. If the stance is not good (solid), we will
not have balance or stability, so that we can not develop power in the strikes. The trunk must be
straight to act as a power transmitting shaft near the hip.
Firm: feet together and hands on the sides of the body.
Normal: foot - width apart shoulders and hands relaxed at your sides.
Rest: foot width apart shoulders and hands gripped from behind. I must admit that in my school this
stance is not used :-)
Rider: with half - width apart and shoulders and weight distributed 50-50, knees bent and facing
forward, hands and feet cocked at the waist. It is mainly used in static training (without displacements).
Neutral: from normal leg delayed so that an imaginary line through the big front toe of the back foot
ankle. The feet would be at an angle of 45 degrees with the front and slightly wider than the width of the
shoulders. The weight is distributed to 50%. The front arm covers the face and the rear the middle area.
With this stance we can both attack and defend ourselves and move. It can also be used to check the
attacker's knee, pressing with the outer face of our knee on the outer side of his.
Bow and Arrow: From neutral hip turn to the front while the rear foot turns at a time. The front knee is
kept bent and the back leg is stretched, with the heel firmly resting on the floor. The weight is divided
from 60-40 to 70-30. It is used to attack with delayed limbs. It brings hip rotation force twisting the coup.
Bow and arrow inside out : as above but turning his head back. It is a stance of transition.
Meditation: in rider, with his left hand over his right fist and arms at chest level.
Cat 90: facing forward and down at an angle of 90 ° and bent legs. The one who looks to the front only
supports the ball and is slightly ahead. The weight distribution is 10-90. It is a transition stance, for
example to fold back and throw a kick then.
45 Cat: as above, but with feet at an angle of 45 degrees and a little more defensive ..
Cross guard: There are two ways to do this , both starting from neutral. In the first, we move the back
leg, forward or behind the front; in the second, we turn the foot from front to outside (also the knee!). In
both cases, the legs are always flexed and when the front foot is finished it rests entirely on the ground
and the back only on the ball.
It is used to move, change direction and put power in little space (both when undoing the stance and
when doing it (2nd case)). If the rotational movement is accompanied by a downward motion, as if we
were a screw, power is further accentuated having married gravity .
Middle bow and arrow closed: from bow and arrow and bending the back knee until the foot is only
supported on the ball. Covers the central line of the legs. In some places they say that it also serves to
break or check knee.
Half arch and open arrow: from neutral, the knee bends back to lean on the ball of the foot and
rotated outward simultaneously.
Crane: being normal, got a foot to support the inner face of the knee of the other leg. It serves to take
distance in low kicks (knee, for example).
Dragon: like the bow and arrow backward, but lower (the stance). It is a transition stance prior to an
attack. Rotating and shifting weight forward reinforce the mass and increase the attack power. It is
reminiscent of Chinese kungfu.
As can be seen, changes in stance are usually carried out by turns, be it knee, ankle or hip. Although
there are also cases of changes by sliding (normal-rider) or taking a step (cross guard) or jumping
(change of side in a neutral).
Likewise, the displacements in the space can be done by sliding, taking steps or with crossed cross

Americans differentiate between blocks, with the hand closed, and rejects or parries, with the open hand.
In Castilian we use the term blocking interchangeably.
The first thing that must exist to be able to block is an attack. If there is no attack there can be no
blockage. Blocking force faces hard to stop or deflect the strike, while at the rebound direct the force of
the strike to the attacker to redirect using the concept of force borrowed . It is easy to guess that
rejection requires much less force and power than a blockade, which can be used when the opponent is
far superior to us by weight, and therefore by force.
Keep in mind that we must leave a safety zone between the blockade and our body, because by
absorbing the strike we could give ourselves if the arm is very close to our body.
Rising block: we starting of the guard arm climbed palm facing face and rotated outward to the height
of the forehead. The elbow forms an angle of 135º and the arm with the axis of the head one of 45º, this
way we can deflect the strike that comes.
Middle block: an arm at right angles (90) with the forearm and cuff and chin level , palm face. Usually it
has a route of the axis of the body towards the side by which the attack arrives, ending with a twist of
wrist towards our body at the moment of the impact with the strike of the opposite.
Locking means inside out or inside-outside: as above, but with the wrist twist out (the outside) of
the body.
Cross blocking means: the blocking arm goes to the waist while the other checks. From that area
comes out of the arm that checks to the opposite side, finished at shoulder height and following a
diagonal. The palm of the hand looks inwards.
Lock down: the arm follows a diagonal from the height of the ear to the opposite knee. The palm of the
hand is always looking at our body, and the fist ends about 20 cm away from the knee.
Lock down (internal or external): in this locking hand part of the waist or hips and make a sweeping
movement from the side of the blocking arm to the opposite side inside, and the opposite outside. Inside
you can hit both the outer side of the forearm (palm of the hand towards the body) and the inner side
(palm toward the back).
Baseblock palm: is a downstream blockage in the base of the palm press down the strike coming below
the waist up.
Universal lock: from neutral stance, the lead arm makes a middle block and a downward delayed.
Covers the upper and middle part of the body. It is mainly used to deflect circular kicks.
Detour hand deflects out by a triangle, taking our body as a base. The movement is as if we wanted to
wipe the dust off the arm instead. (Note: If you 've seen Karate Kid is the "wax off "). As in the middle
block, there is an internal deviation (from the side of the arm that deflects to the opposite side) and an
external deviation (from the side opposite the side of the deflecting arm).
Pyramidal lock: the front arm deflects the attacker 's arm with the palm outward and delayed follows
the same movement out below and with the palm inward. The movement is circular in the vertical. It can
be considered a succession of two parries, followed by one inside one outside.
Locking blade (ascending or descending) while crossing forearms (ascending) is getting on or off
(down). It is used against frontal or descending kicks.
Check: strictly speaking is not a lock, but where better jibe. It can be done with both the hand / arm and
the knee / leg. It is used to prevent attacks by controlling the opponent's extremities.
Check - in tray: also I have seen as a detour, but I think that by adopting hand the same stance as if
we were a waiter and llevásemos a tray, what we are doing is to control the opponent 's arm and prevent
is lifted upwards.

The strikes that are given with the hands are weapons of medium distance, medium-short. When the
distance is short and it is complicated to get enough distance, they are replaced by the elbows, so the
elbows are the equivalent of the punches at a shorter distance and so will be described here.
Many of these strikes are interchangeable, as their execution mechanics and striking area is the same,
especially hammer strikes and those of knife.

They are strikes that occur with the closed hand.
Front Punch: Fist out parallel to the ground, knuckles facing up. If it is executed with the arm delayed,
while leaving the fist change of neutral stance to arch and arrow.
Vertical or Chinese punch: as above, but with the knuckles facing the outside of the body.
Punch Circular is a vertical punch that follows a circular path.
Uppercut or hook upwards: starts with hand on one side and the strike goes up. Its white goes from
the stomach to the chin.
Hammer: Can run at different angles and directions, usually on the external side of the cuff (the pinky).
It can be ascending or descending; horizontal to the inside of our body, or to the outside; following a
circular or straight motion in a plane parallel to our body; and with both fists simultaneously, at the same
height or at different heights ..
Hammer reverse: a movement that begins circulated ahead of us, going down and the side and ends
behind us. Hit at the level of the genitals.
Knuckles: Knuckles hit with the back of his hand. The strike can go with different angles and directions.
Knuckles reverse: as above, but with the arm rotated 180 degrees.
Knuckle medium: knuckles runs out, and a vertical punch, but with the knuckle of the middle finger
advance over other knuckles. It can be run with a circular path or straight and at different angles.

Open Hand Strikes

Stroke of knife or singing: with an open hand and fingers together, resembling a knife. It strikes with
the little finger's song, except when it goes frontally to genitals. When it hits the neck, the hand comes
out of our ear and is inside if it is hit with the palm up and outside if it is hit with it down.
Palm Base: hit the base of the palm and fingers together. It can run in multiple directions and angles,
depending on the goal to be achieved. It can be used as a block against front upstrokes.
Spearhead: struck with the fingertips, which are pressed against one another with slightly bent, half so
that the middle, ring and index forming the striking area.
Claw: the fingers are slightly bent and scratch the target area, which is usually the face.
Leopard claw: the horizontal fist, we unroll the length of a knuckle. Or described otherwise, with the
open hand and fingers together, fold the fingers without completely closing the fist.
Snakehead: with tight fingers and wrist at an angle of 90 °, is struck with the first two fingers.
Peak crane: the fingers are joined, forming a head crane, and is struck with the fingertips.
Crane head: as the previous stroke, but striking with knuckles on the back of the hand.

Elbow Strikes
Horizontal: fist goes toward your chest if inside, or to the side of my body if I hit someone attacking me
sideways. It runs in a plane parallel to the ground. The interior can be accompanied by a strike with the
palm of the hand to the head, getting a sandwich effect.
Ascending: fist travels from our ear to the ground along a perpendicular path.
Descending: arm around the back pass and the opposing head and elbow is dropped down while hand
tightly closed. The normal thing is that previously the attacker has doubled in two with another strike.
Rear: elbow moves in a plane perpendicular to the ground and back, as if it were a cocking his hand on
her waist.

The kicks are weapons of medium-long range. In shorter distances are the knees that replace the legs
and the knees replace the kicks.
The kicks can be executed in two ways: penetrating or striking. With a striking kick, the leg is knocked
and removed, landing in the original stance. It's like a whiplash. Meanwhile, with a penetrating kick, after
striking you gain ground by advancing the stance.
Front kick: up flexed knee and straight. When we reach about waist height we stretch the leg and hit
with the ball of the foot. In the penetrating strike we put hip to increase the power. If executed with the
front leg, the front foot is held back to a transient jack stance.
Roundhouse or instep: rapid method is run as a front kick starting, and once the knee is at the proper
height, pivoting on the supporting foot and hip meter. It strikes with the instep of the foot. The slow
system to execute it is to start it from behind and with the knee facing outwards. The contrincario
usually sees it from a distance, but if it is not so and you hunt it, it carries an impressive power.
Sidekick: once with knee to waist / hip, pivotamos on the kickstand until the attacker remains on one
side. We extend the leg and we hit with the heel. It is very important the hip rotation, to put power to
the strike. It can also be run from cross-guard.
Hook kick: started as if we give a side kick, but the pivot is made until the opponent is slightly behind
us. Then, after extending the leg, slightly bend the knee and hit with the heel.
Descending kick (indoor-outdoor or indoor-outdoor) extended leg up (nope !, knee slightly bent) along
a path that goes inside our body to the outside, or vice versa, and falls like an ax be on the head or
shoulder of the opponent, with the back of the heel.
Kick back: the "coz". The attacker is behind us. We bring the hind foot forward and raise the leg. It hits
with the heel. The name is approximate, because in my school does not train ex-professo.
Kick bucket (front or back) on the front leg up to genitals and after engaging with the foot pulls us; in
the back, what hooks is the heel.
Patada rabbit: is a kick given to an opponent who attacked us from behind. Unlike the back kick, the
strike is when you bend your knee and not when you stretch your leg.
Spinning kicks: Right turn: turn back keeping his eyes on the opponent and reaching a bow and arrow
inside out . The back leg goes straight, as in the back kick.
Lateral and hook: when turning back we are in a half bow and arrow of the back or cross
guard. The leg comes out straight and then pivoted on the support foot and hip to
execute the corresponding kick.
Jump kicks: the implementation of the kicks is during the jump, while still in the air. It can be frontal,
circular or lateral (the leg that does not hit is bent under the other, it is very peliculer).
Front knee: a bow and arrow or neutral, unlike grabbed his neck and pull him toward us.
Simultaneously we raise to the knee to hit in the middle of the trunk. Obviously, pulling him to us is
optional, but the damage is greater if we do.
Circular knee: goes as if it were to give a circular kick and hits the rib area or kidney or muscle
packages legs.
Another option, which could be considered as a blockage, is the use of the tibia to strike against the
opponent's tibia. It is recommended to have a strong tibia, as the pain can be quite strong.
And lastly, life-long stomps can help us break the opponent's attention and get us the time to hit hard,
and the sweeps make him lose his balance and give us a good lead to take the attack.

Blocking Set
This set I have seen with different teachers and here I will describe the common part to all of them. In
the LTKKA they add at the end a series of double blocks, which belong to the second set of locks.
It starts directly from a rider stance, with hands cocked at the waist.
1. Right ascending lock.
2. Right middle lock.
3. Right outer half lock.
4. Right descending block.
5. Cocking.
6. Right palm base downward block.
7. Left ascending lock.
8. Middle left lock.
9. Left outer middle lock.
10. Left descending lock.
11. Cocking.
12. Left palm base descending block.
13. Closing.
Set of kicks (kicking set)
Draw a square on the ground, with a series of kicks advancing on the side: frontal, lateral, circular and
spinning. Hands are kept on guard.
Series 1: (12:00 - Right Kicks)
1. Go back with the right to a left neutral.
2. He advances with a right front kick, falling in neutral right.
3. Left cross guard and right side kick, falling in a neutral right.
4. Join your left foot to the right and right circular kick, falling in neutral right.
5. Kick straight left, falling in left neutral.
6. Slip your right foot so that you are left neutral looking at 3.
Series 2: (3:00)
1. Right side kick, falling in neutral right.
2. Join your left foot to the right and right front kick, falling in neutral right.
3. Join your left foot to the right and right circular kick, falling in neutral right.
4. Join your left foot to the right and right back kick, falling in neutral right.
5. Slip your left foot so that you stand in a neutral right facing at 6.
Series 3: (6:00 - Left Kicks)
1. Kick straight left, falling in left neutral.
2. Join the right foot to the left and left circular kick, falling in left neutral.
3. Join the right foot to the left and left front kick, falling in left neutral.
4. Join the right foot to the left and left side kick, falling in left neutral.
5. Slip your right foot so that you are left neutral looking at 9 o'clock.

Series 4: (9:00)
1. Front right kick forward, falling in neutral right.
2. Kick left circular advancing, falling in neutral left.
3. Kick right straight, falling in neutral right.
4. Left side kick moving forward, falling on a rider looking at 12 o'clock.
5. Closing.

Finger Set
This set is also made in rider, with an imaginary opponent in front and another behind. In Spain there are
schools with great modifications among themselves and the description that follows is the set as they
taught it to me.
1. Strike snakehead right eye (without stretching the whole arm). Repeat with the left.
2. Right spear point (with the palm vertical and facing the inside) to the neck. Repeat with the left.
3. Right spear point (with the palm vertical and facing the inside) to the ribs. Repeat with the left.
4. Right lance tip (with palm down) to genitals. Repeat with the left.
5. Right spear point (palm down) above left shoulder. Repeat with the left.
6. Right neck followed by clamping head grulla the nut. Repeat with the left.
7. Right vertical spear point, at the neck and remaining in place. Repeat with the left.
8. Double knock or knife to the temples, in a circular movement that passes brushing the thighs with
the backs of the hands previously.
9. Double snake head strike to the eyes.
10. Check left to shoulder height with hit peak grulla right scapula or clavicle. Repeat on the other side.
11. Left palm base strike to chin with simultaneous right palm base strike. The right palm base stroke
targets the genitals of the opponent behind us. Continue the movement with a crane-head shot to
the opponent's genitals ahead. Make a vertical circular movement with the right arm
counterclockwise and repeat on the other side.
12. Left palm base strike to the chin, with simultaneous right palm base strike to the opponent's genitals
behind us. Make a vertical circular movement with the right arm counterclockwise and repeat on the
other side.
13. Left check at shoulder height with right inner bump to neck (palm up, starting from right ear),
followed by external right bump to neck (palm down, starting from left ear). At the end of the first
strike, the left hand is cocked and re-checks when preparing the second strike. Repeat with the left.
14. Internal corner bump right to neck.
15. Left palm base strike to chin followed by tear to face. Repeat on the right.
16. Diagonal striking (left to right and top to bottom) of left middle knuckle to cheek or nose. Repeat on
the right.
17. Bring your legs together as you make a double up and end hook.
Tiger in Tension
This is a form, or set, created in Spain by Raúl Gutiérrez, for what we have been told. Its name comes
from the claws that are realized throughout the whole form, and also that the movements are made
breathing slowly and in tension instead of power, except for the kick.
The form is almost completely made in a rider very wide and lower than normal.
1. Starting from the normal stance, take a left step to a rider and make a horizontal right claw (the palm
facing down) and a left vertical claw (as in a check) slowly moving from right to left.
2. Reverse the movement by making a left horizontal jaw and a vertical right jaw from left to right.
3. Cross your hands as you climb and descrúzalas at the level of the head to execute double descending
4. Make double descending claws (hands go parallel).
5. Back at 6:00 to 1:00 dragon very low. Make a right ascending claw and a left check (rounding
corners) simultaneously (with a circular movement clockwise), and follow the movement until both
hands are parallel and facing (left over right). End the movement by tearing with both hands. The
right hand should be back and up, ready to attack; and left, down and forward, checking.
6. Rotate counterclockwise to a left bow and arrow, cross hands as they rise and unravel at head level
to make double downward claws. He kicks high front and lands smoothly at 3:00, on a rider.
7. Make double descending claws.
8. Continue with horizontal left claw and right vertical claw from left to right, as in 2.
9. Continue with horizontal right claw and left vertical claw from right to left, as in 1.
10. Wave with the right palm on the left fist and close.
You can see photos of the first steps in Kenpo Rosales .
Stance Set 2
A more appropriate name would be set of stances and checks.
1. Forward arch and right arrow. The right check on the head and the left forward at half height.
2. Neutral right. Hands checking at half height, in guard stance (the right a little higher).
3. Retract on cat 45º right. The right hand checks at the level of the chest and the left at the level of
the stomach.
4. Right Crane. The left hand checks up and to the left and right, down to the right.
5. Neutral left back, cross guard transition. Hands checking at half height, in guard stance (left hand
slightly higher).
6. Half open left bow and arrow. The right one checks down and back, with the palm facing forward,
and the left forward and half height.
7. Half bow and left arrow closed. The right side checks down and in the middle, in the inner corner.
8. Bow and arrow from the left backhand. Right check back and on the head and the left of the
descending outer edge.
9. Front left cross guard back. The hands check in half height, in stance of guard.
10. Pivot clockwise until left neutral. The hands check in half height, in stance of guard.
11. Left bow and arrow advancing. The left checks on the head and the right forward at half height.
12. Neutral left. Hands checking at half height, in guard stance (left a little higher).
13. Retract on cat 45º left. The left hand checks at the level of the chest and the right at the level of the
14. Crane left. The right hand checks up and to the right and left, down and to the left.
15. Neutral right back, with cross guard transition. Hands checking at half height, in guard stance (the
right hand a little higher).
16. Half open right bow and arrow. The left check down and back, palm facing forward, and right
forward and half height.
17. Half right bow and arrow closed. The left checks down and in the middle, in inner corner.
18. Straight back bow and arrow. The left checks back and on the head and the right of descending
outer edge.
19. Right front cross guard receding. The hands check in half height, in stance of guard.
20. Pivot counterclockwise until left neutral. The hands check in half height, in stance of guard.
21. I jump to the rider. Hands as if they grabbed the neck of someone standing between our legs, on the
floor, and pulled up from him.
22. The left hand unravels, followed by right front cross guard at 9:00 and simultaneous right downward
frontal punch
23. Continue the movement until being in rider looking at 12:00, with fists cocked in the hip.
24. Front cross guard left at 3:00 and rider at 12:00.
25. The right hand unfurls, followed by left front cross guard at 3:00 and simultaneous left downward left
26. Continue the movement until being in rider looking at 12:00, with fists cocked in the hip.
27. Front right cross guard at 9:00 and rider at 12:00.
28. Go back salating with the left to right crane. The left hand checks up and to the left and right, down
to the right.
29. Follow with left crane. The right hand checks up and to the right and left, down and to the left.
30. Rider and lock.

Short Form 1
While describing the stances write that the foot ends in x, by which I mean that the final stance looks at
x, leaving the foot actually in the relative stance corresponding to the stance in question.
1. Rewind with the left leg until 6:00, to a neutral, while doing a medium block with the right. The left
hand is cocked at the waist (as if you elbowed back).
2. Rewind with the right leg to a neutral (at 6:00) while you make a middle block with the left and jam
the right hand to the waist.
3. Look to your left (at 9:00) and move your right foot at 3:00 to get neutral again. Make a half block
crossed with the left and right marring.
4. Go back to the left with a neutral (at 3:00) while executing a half block crossed with the right and left
turn left.
5. Look to your left (at 3:00) and move your right foot at 9:00 until you are neutral again. Make an
upward lock with the left and right lock.
6. Go back to the left with a neutral (at 9:00) while you make an upward lock with the right and turn
7. Look to your right (at 6:00) and move your left foot at 12:00 until neutral. Make a downward block
with the right and turn left.
8. Go back to the right with a neutral (at 12:00) while executing a downward lock with the left and right
9. Pivot on the right foot in a clockwise direction and take a step to the left (at 9:00) until you are
meditating on a rider.
10. Repeat the series, but starting this time backing with the right and blocking with the left.
11. When finished, join the left foot to the right while the arms make a circular movement over the head,
which ends at the sides.
In the second series, the middle blocks are made looking at 3:00 and the ascenders at 9:00.
Alternatively, changes of direction can be made by joining the hind foot with the front and then
separating it again, drawing an isosceles triangle.

Long Form 1
1. Rewind with the left leg to a neutral, while doing a medium block with the right. The left
hand is cocked at the waist (as if you elbowed back). Immediately switch to bow and arrow,
turning the hip, and punch straight right.
2. Take the right leg to a cat at the same time you make a right middle block.
3. Rewind with the right leg to a neutral while you make a middle block with the left and
you tie your right hand to the waist. He then switches to bow and arrow and punches left.
4. Look to your left and move your right foot at 3:00 to get neutral again. Make a half block
crossed with the left and right marring. Follow the movement by changing bow and arrow and
giving a straight right.
5. Go back to the left with a neutral while executing a half block crossed with the right and
left turn left. Switch uninterruptedly to bow and arrow while striking with a straight left.
6. Look to your left (at 3:00) and move your right foot at 9:00 until you become a rider
at the same time you give a left horizontal elbow to the back.
7. Change back to neutral. Make an upward lock with the left and right turn. Picota with
bow and arrow and gives a direct punch with the right.
8. Go back to the left with a neutral while you make an upward lock with the right and
turn left. Switch to bow and arrow while casting a straight left.
9. Look to your right (at 6:00) and move your right foot at 12:00 until neutral. Make a
downward block with the right and turn left. Switch to bow and arrow while giving a direct left.
10. Go back to the right with a neutral while executing a downward lock with the left
and right turners. Execute a straight right by switching to bow and arrow to develop more power.
11. Still in the same position make three middle blocks with alternating arms (all
series to the end of the form are with alternating arms, with the arm not locking cocked to the
side), starting with the left.
12. Go back to the left with a neutral and start the three middle blocks this time with
the right arm.
13. Look to the right (at 9:00) and move the left foot at 3:00 until neutral. Start the
series of three middle blocks crossed with the right arm.
14. Step back with your right foot and make three half crossed blocks starting with
your left arm.
15. Look to the right (at 3:00) and move the left foot at 9:00 until neutral. Make three
ascending blocks starting with the right arm.
16. Rewind with the right to a neutral and starts the series of three upward locks with
the left.
17. Look to your left (at 12:00) and advance with your left foot at 12:00 as you make
three descending blocks starting with the right.
18. Rewind with the left as you begin the series of three downward locks with the right.
19. Pivot on the right foot in a clockwise direction and take a step to the left (at 9:00)
until you become a rider. In this position we initiate a series of triple blocks, starting with three
inner descents with the palm towards us. In my school you start with the left, but there are
others that start with the right.
20. Continue with three downward-facing inner blocks with the palm to the opposite,
followed by three downward palm-base blocks.
21. Continue with two direct punches to the front (in my school would start with the
right), followed by two punches crossed at 45º angles and another two to the sides (optionally to
the sides and back).
22. Continue with two front uppercut that reach chest height and switch to meditation.
23. Finish joining the left foot to the right while the arms make a circular movement
over the head, which ends at the sides.
Short Form 2
The direction of the gaze indicates where you have to face, for you are supposed to be following with
your eyes the opponents who are attacking you.
All transitional cats wear a hand cocking at the hip, as described in points 3 and 4.
1. Advance to a neutral right as you make a middle right block that follows an
external corner hit. The left hand checks at the height of the ribs.
2. Advance to a left neutral while doing a middle left lock that follows an external
corner hit. The right hand checks at the level of the ribs.
3. Look to the left (at 9:00) and, with a cat transition in which you pin the right
hand to the waist and the left (palm down) on it, it changes to a left bow and arrow at the same
time as you a right front punch and you make a left outer middle lock simultaneously.
4. Look to the right (at 3:00) and, with a transition in cat in which you tie your left
hand to the waist and the right (palm down) on it, it changes to a right bow and arrow at the
same time as you a left front punch and you make a right outer middle block simultaneously.
5. Look to the right (at 6:00) and, following a cat transition, take your left foot at
5:30 to a half open bow and arrow. Simultaneously do a left upward lock and a downward right
middle knuckle punch.
6. Look to the right (at 12:00) and, through a cat transition, take your right foot at
12:30 to a half open bow and arrow. Simultaneously make a right upward lock and a downward
left middle knuckle punch.
7. Keeping still the same height, look to the right (at 4:30) and turn, passing a
transitional cat, moving the left foot to a neutral at the same time that you make a left downward
lock followed by a check with that same hand . We then proceed to a neutral right while we hit the
base of the palm at the level of the face with the right hand, which was previously cocked at the
hip. The left hand is checked at a medium level.
8. Look to the right (at 7:30) and turn, going through a transitional cat, moving the
right foot to a neutral at the same time you make a right downward lock followed by a check with
that same hand. We then proceeded to a neutral left while we hit the base of the palm at the level
of the face with the left hand, which was previously cocked at the hip. The right hand is checked
at a medium level.
9. Rotate 180 degrees clockwise (at 1:30) while delaying your right foot to a cat,
while making a middle left lock and bolt the right hand to the hip. He then advances to a neutral
right at the same time that you make a right upward block and give a leopard claw blow or left
spear point to the opponent's face height.
10. Look to the left (at 10:30) and delay your left foot to a cat, while you make a half
right block and tie the left hand to the hip. He then advances to a left neutral at the same time as
you make a left upward lock and give a leopard claw blow or right spear point to the opponent's
face height.
11. Move your right foot in V to a rider (looking at 0:00) while your right fist is closed
on the left palm in meditation position, and ends up joining the left foot to the right while the
arms make a circular movement on the head, which ends at the sides.
There are schools that just before the downward blocking of steps 7 and 8, make an inner downward
block (palm up) with the opposite arm at the beginning of the movement.

Second long form

As can be easily verified by comparing with the second cut, the first four points are identical, except that
in this form the counterattack is somewhat more complex, and the following six points maintain a clear
parallel in terms of strikes and directions.
1. Advance to a neutral right as you make a middle right block that follows an
external corner hit. Then the left hand, which was cocked at the hip, gives a palm-base stroke at
the plexus (also worth a spear-point blow to the face) as you switch bow and arrow. Return to the
neutral while with the right hand gives a blow of tip of vertical lance to the side and checks with
the left half height.
2. Advance to a left neutral while doing a middle left lock that follows an external
corner hit. Then the right hand, which was cocked at the hip, gives a palm-base blow to the plexus
(it is also worth a stroke from the spear point to the face) as you switch to bow and arrow. Return
to the neutral while with the left hand gives a blow of tip of vertical lance to the side and checks
with the right to half height.
3. Look to the left (at 9:00) and, with a cat transition in which you pin the right
hand to the waist and the left (palm down) on it, it changes to a left bow and arrow at the same
time as you a right front punch and you make a left outer middle lock simultaneously. Continue
with a knuckle blow from the left backhand to the face while pinning the right at the hip and
changing to neutral. Continue with a vertical punch right to the face, accompanied by a new bow
and arrow change, while the left hand prepares for the next blow with the palm of the fist facing
the right ear (the elbow is at the same height as the fist). Moving on to a transitional crane, he
strikes at once with a vertical punch left hook (comes and goes) and a left side kick the knee.
4. Look to the right (at 3:00) and, with a transition in cat in which you tie your left
hand to the waist and the right (palm down) on it, it changes to a right bow and arrow at the
same time as you a left front punch and you make a right outer middle block simultaneously.
Continue with a knuckle blow from the backhand straight to the face while you hit the left hip and
change to neutral. Continue with a vertical left punch to the face, accompanied by a new bow and
arrow change, while the right hand prepares for the next blow with the palm of the fist facing the
left ear (the elbow is at the same height of the fist). Passing to a transitional crane, he hits both a
vertical right punch (comes and goes) and a right side kick to the knee.
5. Look to the left (at 6:00) and, going through a cat transition, take your left foot
at 5:30 to a neutral while executing a left universal lock (the left arm makes the lock down) .
Switch to a bow and arrow while doing a left upward lock and simultaneously give a downward
hammer blow from the right upside down to genitals. Now change the rider and the left upward
lock by a downward jaw, while with the right gives a blow of knuckles above the left wrist.
Following the circular movement of the hands, it now gives a left knuckle blow to the face. [Some
schools add a third knuckle blow with the right, also to the face.]
6. Look to the right (at 12:00) and, going through a cat transition, take your right
foot at 12:30 to a neutral while executing a universal right lock (the right arm makes the lock
down) . Switch to a bow and arrow while doing a right upward lock and simultaneously give a
downward hammer blow from the left back to genitals. Now switch to rider and the right upward
lock by a downward jaw, while with the left gives a knuckle blow above the right wrist. Following
the circular movement of the hands, it now gives a right knock to the face. [Some schools add a
third knuckle blow with the left, also to the face.]
7. Look left (at 4:30) and turn, passing a transitional cat, moving the left foot to a
neutral one while giving a knuckle blow from the left back to the head, followed immediately by a
vertical right blow and the left back cocked at the hip. He gives a left vertical punch and a right
front punch kick simultaneously. As you kick a neutral right, punch the right vertical punch and left
the left at the waist.
8. Look to the right (at 7:30) and turn, passing a transitional cat, moving the right
foot to a neutral at the same time giving a knuckle blow from the backwards right to the head,
followed immediately by a left vertical blow and the right again cocked at the hip. He gives a
vertical right punch and a punctured left frontal kick simultaneously. As you kick a neutral left, give
a left vertical punch and tie the right to the waist.
9. Look to the right (at 1:30) and do a left cross guard, strike a vertical left punch
to the plexus (with the horizontal forearm) and make a downward block of palm base with the
right. Advances to a neutral right while executing a modified upright block to hit with the forearm
to the jaw. Switch to bow and arrow and give a left vertical spear point blow over the right wrist,
followed by another identical hit with the right and a third with the left. [Some schools make a tear
in place of the punch.]
10. Look to the left (at 10:30) and do a right cross guard, strike a vertical right punch
to the plexus (with the horizontal forearm) and make a downward block of palm base with the
left. Advance to a left neutral while executing a left modified upward block to hit with the forearm
to the jaw. Switch to bow and arrow and give a right vertical spear point blow over the left wrist,
followed by another identical hit with the left and a third with the right.
11. Step back to the left at about 4:30 in a rear guard (you keep looking at 10:30) and
do a left downward lock with the palm facing up while the right hand is cocked at the hip. Undo
the cross guard, until it is in a neutral right, while giving a vertical punch right to the face.
12. Step back to the right at 4:30 in a cross guard behind (you keep looking at 10:30)
and make a right downward lock with the palm facing up while the left hand is cocked at the hip.
Undo the cross guard, until left in a neutral left, while giving a left vertical punch to the face.
13. Step back at 7:30 with the right foot, to stay in a neutral left facing at 1:30, while
doing a left half cross lock that continues its movement to a striking punch of knuckles.
14. Step back at 7:30 with your left foot, to stay in a neutral right facing at 1:30, while
doing a half cross block right that continues its movement to a blow of knuckles percutante.
15. Switch to a right cross guard as you do a left palm base downward block that flows
to an external corner hit while advancing to left neutral. [Some schools make a block at the level
of the solar plexus while they are arching and then cross-guard, to substitute the nudge for a
nudge that is later converted into a downward claw to the face.]
16. Advance on left cross guard as you do a right palm base downward blockage
flowing to an external corner hit while advancing to neutral right.
17. Advance right cross guard as you do a left palm base downward block that flows to
an external corner hit while advancing to neutral left.
18. Switch to a bow and arrow at the same time you hit a right punch to the face and
you hit the left hip, then make a left half lock and cock right while you return to neutral.
19. Make an imaginary grab with the left to the hair, while backing a rider looking at
10:30 and strip down, to simultaneously give a right downward elbow to the back (of the
imaginary attacker).
20. Make an imaginary grip with the right to the hair, while backing a rider looking at
4:30 and strip down, to simultaneously give a left downward elbow to the back (of the imaginary
21. Move your left foot to a rider looking at 12:00 at the same time you elbow a right
horizontal across your left palm (the right fist ends striking at 6:00 and the palm transformed into
spear point at 3 : 00). Invert the movement of both arms to give two simultaneous lateral
horizontal elbows, followed by a left ascending elbow and a right descending elbow (just as when
attaching the right hand) also simultaneously.
22. Close your right fist over the left palm in meditation position, and join the left foot
to the right while the arms make a circular movement over the head, which ends at the sides in a
firm position.

Third short form

Each set indicates the beginning of a technique and the number in parenthesis to which program
technique corresponds. The corresponding attack is then remembered.
The direction of the gaze indicates where you have to face, for you are supposed to be following with
your eyes the opponents who are attacking you.
SET 1: Destructive cufflinks ( 70 ) Frontal strangulation of two hands
1. From normal position, advance to a neutral neutral while giving a left punch to
the face and a right uppercut to genitals. The palms are facing each other.
2. Make a middle right block followed by a left half cross block by switching to bow
and arrow.
3. Continue the left movement in a spear-point blow to the eyes, grab the head
and pull down and back while giving a right lower punch.
4. Delay your right foot to a cat and join your hands with the open palms outward,
so that you first tap a finger and then a double blow of thumbs into the attacker's eyes.
SET 2: Crisp quotation marks ( 24 ) Hands-free back hug
1. Separate the right foot to a rider while giving two elbows down to the attacker's
2. The left foot slides at 7:30 (drawing a V with the vertex on the right foot) to a
bow and arrow from the reverse (the body looks at 1:30) and gives a left lateral elbow to the face
by switching to horse rider. The right arm is prepared for the next blow (the arm horizontal and
forming a line from the left elbow, and the forearm perpendicular).
3. Turn a left bow and arrow while giving a right hammer blow to the pit of the
SET 3: Rotary blades ( 27 ) Left hand rear grip, stretched arm
1. Move at 3:00 with the right foot, switching to right bow and arrow while
simultaneously executing a medium backhand lock and an inner left elbow.
SET 4: Wing flips ( 31 ) Back strut, folded arms
1. Advance at 1:30 with your left foot to a bow and arrow, and make a right
downward elbow so that you catch the opponent's arm as you turn to your right. The left hand
checks at face level.
2. Finish the hip turn as the left hand advances to give a spear-tip stroke.
3. He punches right vertical to the face and changes to a bow and arrow of the
reverse giving simultaneously a blow of hammer to genitals.
SET 5: Cross heel ( 10 ) Front right wrist cross jack
1. Grab your right wrist with your left hand and switch to rider.
2. He advances at 7:30 to a rider (looking at 10:30), elbows outside, tearing his
face and gives a downward elbow above the head with his left in a fluid and continuous
SET 6: Scraper hook ( 9 ) Nelson complete, posterior
1. Yérguete joining the left foot to the right while giving a head back and hit down
with both fists.
2. He kicks from heel to left shin followed by a side kick to the right twin, falling on
the attacker's foot.
SET 7: Fatal Cross (121) Front waist grab or low push attempt
1. Make a cat straight and take your hands out and back on a crane's head (your
hands will hook the opponent's forearms to release the prey).
2. Advance to a right bow and arrow giving two vertical punches to the pit of the
3. Bring your fists back and give two knuckle blows to the face crossing your arms.
4. Bring your fists back to your chest and give two spearhead blows (vertical) to
the eyes, crossing your arms.
SET 8: Death Dam ( eleven ) Side Padlock
1. Advance at 12:00 with the left to a half bow and arrow closed at the same time
giving a left internal hammer blow to genitals and a hammer blow inside the opponent's kidneys.
2. The right hand climbs up your back and grabs your hair (or chin or ciliary arches
...) while switching to a bow and arrow looking at 6:00 and gives a left palm base blow to the face
. Bring your right arm to your back simultaneously with the palm-bashing.
SET 9: Closed wing ( fifteen ) Rear Hammer Arm Dam
1. Counter the grip with your right hand and step back at 4:30 on the back cross
guard (left leg goes behind the right) with a left elbow to the face.
2. Continue the circular movement of the left arm until it surrounds the right arm of
the attacker and push it forward and down (with the blade facing upwards) while backing with the
right to a left bow and arrow.
3. Release the right hand and take it to the opponent's head while giving a right
knee to his face, falling at 10:30.
SET 10: Cross Sprigs ( 60 ) Rear wrist socket
1. Advance at 10:30 with your left, pulling with both hands forward simultaneously,
to lose balance the opponent.
2. Turn to the right and give a right side elbow to the face followed by a downward
elbow to your spine.
3. Grab your head with both hands and stick a left knee to the face, falling back
into a rider (at 1:30).
SET 11: Silk Wings ( 63 ) Rear padlock two arms
1. With your hands to the sides, your left hand claws behind and your left foot
steps to the opponent.
2. He elbows posteriorly to the chin with a rabbit kick to genitals, simultaneously
sinking the left shoulder.
3. Pass the right foot in front of the left and to your left turning the body and
repeat with the left (the body has completed a 360 ° turn).
4. While your left hand grabs the opponent's arm against your chest, do an
uppercut (or ascending vertical punch) to break your elbow.
Steps 1 and 2 I do them in one, so that I give a right back elbow while I stomp with the right sinking this
shoulder and pinching or pinching with that hand, to come out as a spring in the next step.
SET 12: Conquering Shield ( 85 ) Lapel frontal grab, stretched spleen
1. The left hand holds his left hand at chest level. He advances to a neutral at 1:30
giving a right front kick and making a half right block that transforms into a vertical fist to the
2. Nudges right to the biceps, followed by an upward jaw to the jaw and a
downward jaw to the attacker's face, changing to right bow and arrow.
SET 13: Percussive snake head ( 14 ) Front hitch, free arms
1. Step back at 7:30 with your right hand striking a left-hand knock from the
backside to the back of the attacker's head, with the right hand checking at that height.
2. Pull the hair anchoring the elbow at your waist and gives a leopard blow straight
to the face.
3. Move the right foot forward (taking as the apex of the V left foot) to be in
meditation looking at 12:00 and join the left to the right to be closed the form.
Third long form
In this way the techniques are executed on both sides and not only by one as in the third cut. Some of
the techniques are repeated, but new grips are introduced.
The transition horsemen between techniques are accompanied by a cocking of the hands to the sides.
SET 1: Destructive cufflinks ( 70 ) Frontal strangulation of two hands
1. From normal position, advance to a neutral neutral while giving a left punch to
the face and a right uppercut to genitals. The palms are facing each other.
2. Make a middle right block followed by a left half cross block by switching to bow
and arrow.
3. Continue the left movement in a spear-point blow to the eyes, grab the head
and pull down and back while giving a right lower punch.
4. The right hand twists and strikes the insides of the thighs. Turn knuckles upside
down to complete the movement in eight and pick up to the waist to punch the front and punch
the plexus, ending with a knuckle blow to the face (the fist retracts to your stomach previously).
We cock the waist and return to normal position joining the right leg.
5. Advance to a left neutral while giving a right punch to the face and a left
uppercut to genitals. The palms are facing each other.
6. Make a left half block followed by a right half cross block by switching to bow
and arrow.
7. Continue the right movement in a spear-point blow to the eyes, grabs the head
and pulls down and back while giving a low left punch.
8. The left hand turns and knocks the inside of the thigh. Turn knuckles upside
down to complete the movement in eight and pick up to the waist to punch the front and punch
the plexus, ending with a knuckle blow to the face (the fist retracts to your stomach previously).
9. Delay your left foot to a cat and join your hands with open palms outward, so
that you first tap with your fingers and then a double blow of thumbs into the attacker's eyes.
SET 2: Brittle blades ( 24 ) Hands-free back hug & Key Circles (111) Back shoulder socket or
shoulder cross jack
1. Slip left foot to a rider.
2. Replace your right foot at 4:30, drawing a V, while giving a right side elbow to
the face. The left arm is prepared for the next blow (the arm horizontal and forming a line from
the right elbow, and the forearm perpendicular).
3. Rotate a right bow and arrow while giving a left hammer blow to the pit of the
4. Return to normal position with the right and return to rider (1:30). The hands
move from the hip to control the opponent's arm (right) and check at half height (left).
5. Switch to left bow and arrow by pulling your opponent at the same time: right
hand grabs up (head-neck) and left down (stomach-genitals).
6. Return to the rider, turn the arms inward until they are stretched to the level of
the hip and turn them in again until they are vertical (as if you had given two upper cuts).
7. Put your right foot on a cat and put your hands together with your palms open
outwards, so that you tap first with your fingers and then a double blow of thumbs into the
attacker's eyes.
8. Move your right foot until you are on a rider looking at 12:00 and cocking your
hands to your hip at the same time.
9. Swipe left foot at 7:30 (drawing a V with the vertex on the right foot) and stick a
left side elbow. The right arm is prepared for the next blow (the arm horizontal and forming a line
from the left elbow, and the forearm perpendicular).
10. Turn a left bow and arrow while giving a right hammer blow to the pit of the
11. Return to normal position with the left and return to rider. The hands move from
the hip to control the arm of the opponent (left) and check at half height (right).
12. Switch to right bow and arrow by pulling your opponent at once: the left hand
grabs up (head-neck) and the right down (stomach-genitals).
13. Return to the rider, turn the arms inward until they are stretched to the level of the
hip and turn them in again until they are vertical (as if you had given two upper cuts).
SET 3: Separating the Wings ( 3. 4 ) Front thrust two hands
1. Bring the right foot to the left as the hands rise to the face with the palms facing
each other.
2. Go back to a left neutral while you make two half backside locks (open hands
and shoulder width apart).
3. Switch to bow and arrow while giving an inside stroke of right (palm up) to the
ribs and checks with the left at the height of the face.
4. It changes to neutral and it gives an external blow of left corner (palm down) to
the neck (there are schools that accompany it of a grip of pectoral muscle with the right pulling
towards one).
5. Switch to bow and arrow while giving a right knuckle blow to the face and with
the left you push down on the sternum (the previous school changes this by a knuckle blow half
right to the sternum).
6. Bring the right foot to the left as the hands rise to the face with the palms facing
each other.
7. Go back to a neutral right while you make two half backside locks (open hands
and shoulder width apart).
8. Switch to bow and arrow while giving an inside stroke of left (palm up) to the
ribs and checks with the right to the height of the face.
9. It changes to neutral and gives an external stroke of right (palm down) to the
neck (there are schools that accompany him with a pectoral muscle grip with the left pulling
towards one).
10. Switch to bow and arrow while giving a left knuckle blow to the face and with the
right you push down on the sternum (the previous school changes this by a knuckle blow half
right to the sternum).
SET 4: Pica oblique (97) Right front wrist socket
1. The left hand holds the one that grabs the right before backing with the right to
a bow and arrow of the reverse throwing of the hand back (like if you were to elbow someone to
your back).
2. Change back to bow and arrow with a left elbow and ending with a spear-tip
shot straight into the eyes. The left hand ends up checking for genitalia.
3. Go back to the left with a bow and arrow from the reverse while the right hand
holds the one that grabs the wrist and pulls it back (as if you were to nudge someone located
behind you).
4. Change back to bow and arrow with a right elbow and ending with a left spear
point blow to the eyes. The right hand ends up checking the height of the genitals.
5. Go back to the right with a rider looking at 12:00.
SET 5: Isolation Shoulder side sockets
1. Right forefinger descending and back forward, followed by a hooked uppercut to
the side.
2. Left buckle descending and back forward, followed by a hooked uppercut to the
3. Right forefinger descending and from front to back, followed by a knock knock to
the side.
4. Left bump down and from front to back, followed by a knock knock to the side.
5. Repeat with both arms at the same time.
SET 6: Cross heel ( 10 ) Front right wrist cross jack
1. With the left wrist taken, advance at 10:30 to a neutral right by making a half
right block and turning the left wrist inward to release you, followed by a lateral elbow and a right
downward elbow.
2. Return to rider with the right looking at 12:00.
3. With the right wrist taken, advance at 10:30 to a neutral left by making a middle
left lock and turning the right wrist inward to release, followed by a lateral elbow and a left
descending elbow.
4. Return to the starting rider with the left.
SET 7: Aggressive Wedge ( 55 ) Front thrust two hands
1. Switch to the right cross guard looking at 4:30 and advance with the left to a
bow and arrow while the open hands redirect the opponent's arms to the sides.
2. Switch to rider while giving a left ascending elbow and return to bow and arrow
for a descending tear.
3. Return to a bow and arrow looking at 12:00 with the left.
4. Switch left guard looking at 7:30 and advance with the right to a bow and arrow
while the open hands redirect the opponent's arms to the sides.
5. Switch to the rider while giving an up right elbow and return to the bow and
arrow for a downward tear.
6. Return to a bow and arrow looking at 12:00 with the right.
SET 8: Blinding Sacrifice (117) Front throttling attempt with two hands
1. Switch to bow and arrow looking at 10:30 while you make double claw blow to
face followed by double blow from palm base to genitals and double blow of crane head to
2. Back up the right cat while making a double uppercut to the pit of the stomach
(there is a double-knock version of knuckles to the kidneys).
3. He advances again to a right bow and arrow striking with both hands of spear
point to the eyes.
4. It gives a double blow from palm base to the jaw followed by another double
blow of knuckles from the reverse to the mastoid or temples.
5. Grab your head with both hands and pull down while giving a right knee to the
face, falling forward and on guard. Go back to the right with a rider facing the front (12:00).
6. Switch to bow and arrow looking at 1:30 while you do double claw blow to face
followed by double blow from palm base to genitals and double blow from crane head to temples.
7. Back off the left cat at the same time you do a double uppercut to the pit of the
8. He advances again to a left bow and arrow striking with both hands of spear
point to the eyes.
9. It gives a double blow of base of palm to the jaw followed of another double
blow of knuckles of the reverse to the temples.
10. Grab the head with both hands and pull down while giving a left knee to the face,
falling forward and on guard. Turn left with a rider facing the front (12:00).
SET 9: Silkwings ( 63 ) Rear padlock two arms
1. With his hands to the sides, he stomps right down the shoulder and pinching or
pinching with his right hand, to come out as a spring in the next step.
2. Pass the right foot in front of the left and to your left turning the body and
repeat with the left (the body has completed a 360 ° turn). While your left hand grabs the
opponent's arm against your chest, make a right uppercut to break your elbow.
3. Repeat the movement of the feet in reverse until returning to the point of origin.
4. Now he gives a left footing by lowering the shoulder and pinching or pinching
with the left hand, to come out as a spring in the next step.
5. Pass the left foot in front of the right and to your right turning the body and
repeat with the right (the body has completed a 360º turn). As your right hand grabs the
opponent's arm against your chest, make a left uppercut to break your elbow.
6. Repeat the movement of the feet in reverse until returning to the point of origin.
SET 10: Repeated Devastation ( 51 ) Nelson complete
1. Drop into the rider at the same time you hit twice with your head back.
2. Yérguete joining the left foot to the right while giving a head back and hit down
with both fists.
3. Advance with the left to a bow and arrow and change to rider while giving a
right elbow backwards (7:30) and strips with the left forward of his arm.
4. Return to normal position with the left, advance with the right to bow and arrow
and change to rider while giving a left elbow back and strips from the right forward.
5. Return to rider with the right, passing through the center.
SET 11: Desperate Falcons (104) Wrist grip with two hands
1. Bring your hands forward as you advance to a right bow and arrow. Continue
the triangle movement of the hands and once on your left side go inside the left over the right and
give a double simultaneous hit: from the left knuckles to the face and vertical right to the sternum
(it can also be knuckles).
2. Move your hands forward as you advance to a left bow and arrow. Continue the
triangle movement of the hands and once on your right side pass inside the right on the left and
give a simultaneous double blow: from right knuckles to face and vertical left to sternum (also can
be knuckles).
3. Advance with the right to meditation position passing through the center and

21 basic concepts and principles of techniques

1. Straight posture - There are many positive benefits derived from keeping the trunk straight. It
allows for ease of movement and rapid directional changes. It also prevents one from leaning and leaving
behind the blow.

2. Good balance - It is enhanced by a straight posture. The body, as well as the joints, should be
relaxed and flexible to ensure a good balance. It also prevents one from leaning and leaving behind the

3. Relaxation - Relaxing improves balance. When the body is relaxed, it becomes flexible, allowing you
to react quickly when attacking or defending. It helps enormously in the acceleration of the blows.

4. Speed - It is one of the primary ingredients of the skill, and must be accompanied by precision.
Although this combination takes precedence over power, speed can contribute in gain to increase it.

5. Precision - Backed by speed is extremely necessary to get maximum benefit. It involves two aspects:
accuracy of movements and precise targets. Many vital areas do not require amount of force to achieve
immobilization. To ensure accuracy as well as effect, striking with the proper angle is of utmost

6. Angles - Proper angles ensure accuracy, body alignment and movement economy. Studying the
Universal Pattern will give a deeper understanding of the vast number of possible angles. It should be
remembered that any angle that can be used in defense can also be used in attack by both the attacker
and the defender.

7. Body alignment - Put the angles in perspective. It causes the different parts of the body to
coordinate and move in one direction (or in opposite directions). It is nothing more than angles in
harmony moving to the same target (or directly opposing targets) in the hope of maximizing blockages
and blows (or a combination of both).

8. Reinforced mass - It is the result of correct body alignment. When it happens, the weight of the
body is positioned in line with, and behind, the action that is taking place.

9. Economy of movement - It involves avoiding useless angles, and managing strength (power) to get
the best of your efforts in the shortest possible time. It makes you aware that time is of the essence.

10. Synchronization or timing - It is a concept that incorporates the principle of economy of

movement. In essence it is the regulation of speed and the coordinated effort to synchronize with the
movements of the opponent. Perfection this rhythmic marriage makes the victory closer.

11. Telegraphy - It can be used as a feint or so as to deceive the adversary and his thought patterns. It
is also a form of body language that can go against one when warning the opponent of the atauqe. Of
course, this depends on the degree of awareness of telegraphy.
12. Coordination - This process involves the synchronization of body (force), mind and breath, so that
it is reached harmoniously and instinctively. It often does not refer to a single movement, but to a series
of movements in a given period of time.

13. Concentration or targeting - when they are made to coincide mind, body, breath and power. It
ends at the exact moment a specific target is blocked or hit.

14. Power - It is the multiplication of force, aided by targeting. Its capacity is proportional to the
physical force and the energy used.

15. Twisting - It is a preliminary stage to concentration that adds power. It is the use of rotational force
or torque to allow greater movement, extension and body fluidity to increase power without the need for
displacements in space.

16. Body moment - It is the concept that uses the moment, or inertia, to increase the power. It is the
unity of mind, breath and strength when moving the body weight either forward or backward, when the
center of gravity falls or when the body rotates.

17. Marriage with gravity - It is the concept that indicates the use of gravity to increase power. It is
the one of mind, breath and strength when lowering the center of gravity of the body.

18. Penetration - Refers to depth of focus. It is the extension of the power beyond the selected target
to ensure the desired force and compensate the distance.

19. Transition - They are the movements between movements, or stages between movements that
close the distance between defenses or offenses. In many cases it is the stage that turns defense into
offense and vice versa.

20. Distance - It can be both ally and enemy. It is a crucial factor, only minor than the environment.
Success or failure in combat is often determined by the ability to close or create the distance between
one and the other.

21. Outbound Cross Guard - It is a form of transition that leads to a combat guard position. It is an
evasive transition that checks the opponent's actions and places you in a preparatory position to defend
or attack once more from a safe distance.
Basic kicks are the basis for the best leg techniques of any martial art. if basic kicks can not be executed
correctly, then advanced kicks will not be optimal and the martial artist will never reach his maximum
kicking potential. The key to good kicks is the correct technique, supported by physical requirements that
depend on the location of the target.
Among the basic techniques of kicking (chagi sool) in Kuk sool woon there are: 3 kicks with the stretched
leg and 5 techniques with the bent leg. These 8 form the basis of all other kicking techniques.
The three kicks with the straight leg are an ax kick, a straight kick in, and a kick straight out.
The kicks with the bent leg are actions that include five joints: the instep, the knee, the hip, the lumbar
region and the shoulder joint. These five joints are much more important than muscle, since the muscle
is indirectly attached to the joints. If the joints are not aligned correctly, neither will the muscles. These 5
joints must be aligned in the correct position depending on the kick that is executed.
The five kicks with the bent leg are:
- Front kick: This is a kick with the knee bent to give the foot that hits much more speed. The
penetration force derived from the control of the knee, is what separates and differentiates a frontal kick
from a kick made by a player.
The knee must be lifted and at least reach a height parallel to the floor. if raised a little higher and taken
to the roof will have greater efficiency. Even a pimple kick will be much more powerful and will have
more speed if the knee starts at a point higher than the target.
Some contend that the percutaneous frontal kick is much more effective than the penetrating frontal kick.
Unfortunately, kicking kicks are not very beneficial to the knee joints. They over-extend the knee and the
damage progressively increases in a short period of time. When the joint is injured, the career of the
martial artist is injured. The penetrating kicks on the other hand, are slow enough that they can be
caught by fellow combatants. However self defense applications are minimal.
With the knee high enough and the 5 joints correctly aligned, a front kick can have the speed of a
striking kick and the penetrating power of a penetrating kick.
- Side Kick: The side kick offers more varieties than the front kick. The reason: the position of the foot.
At the beginner level the kicking area of the side kick is the sole of the foot. When you get a higher skill
you can get a lot more strength by hitting with the heel.
Finally in the advanced level the foot song is the striking surface. This zone of maximum strength to side
The knee should be raised to get an effective side kick. To concentrate the force, the heel should point to
the target and in line with the hip. The side kick can be equally dangerous for the knee joint. Also, the
heel should be pointed toward the ground, forcing the energy to go in the same direction. The technique
is effective only if the target is located directly below the heel.
- The circular kick: the striking surface is the upper part of the foot, the pad under the fingers, the
fingers or in special cases the lower part of the heel. Even the pimple can become an effective beating
surface in close combat situations.
A circular kick is usually executed with the back leg. The knee should be raised as high as possible, the
body pivoted towards the target and that is when the kick is executed. The five joints we emphasize
above must be in line when the kick is executed. When training in the air or against sacks, the circular
kick can be made in a semicircle. When combat, the full kick must be used to obtain a higher speed.
However, the kick must be stopped for a second when we are training with a light object or against the
air. This provides that the power goes through the body and enters the target. It also prevents
overextensions in the knee allowing that energy to flow from the kicking leg.
- Kick back: Some Korean martial arts systems do not distinguish between side kicks and back kicks. A
side kick or side kick towards back is performed when the kicker turns from his front with the opponent
and later rotates his hips to direct the kick. The real kick is when the hips are kept straight and the knee
stays parallel to the ground.
If what we want are high kicks, then the back side kick is the one we should use. A true back kick should
not be performed at a height higher than the waist level. If executed at a higher level, there is less
contact, and the force that should be kicked must be used to stabilize the body.
- Hook Kick: The body is shrunk in the same position used for the side kick. The difference is that a half
circle is executed when executing the hook kick, while the side kick is thrown directly towards the target.
The hitting area for a hook kick is the ridge of the foot. Some use the heel by their penetrating force.
Even the lower part of the foot or both can be interesting tapping surfaces.
Remember the basic kicks determine the effectiveness of advanced kicks.
1- RETARDED SWORD (Delayed Sword): Left hook or lapel grip
a) With your feet together, delay your left foot to a neutral right position while executing a middle right
block to the inside of your opponent's right wrist. At the same time we check the height of the solar
plexus with the left hand.
b) We quickly passed the cat to unload a frontal kick to the genitals of the opposite with the right leg.
c) While supporting your right foot forward (around 11:00 and checking the right knee of your attacker)
discharges a knife blow with the right (palm of the hand down) to the right of the opponent's neck.
Immediately slide your right hand (after hitting) to the right wrist to check.
2- MAZA ALTERNA (Alternating Maces): Two-handed front push
a) With your feet together, and while your opponent pushes you, delay your left foot to a neutral right
position while simultaneously executing a lock with the right forearm diagonally (first horizontally and
then down) to the top of the forearms of the opponent. Meanwhile, tie your left hand to the height of
your hip.
b) Immediately discharge a punctured vertical left punch to the sternum or opposing face, changing to a
right arching position (your right arm should still be on both opposing arms acting as a check).
Remember that you must synchronize the punch and the change of position to maximize the force of the
c) Change position your left hand (after the punch, sliding the hand open and down) to the top of the
opponent's arms (to check) while withdrawing under your left hand the other hand and quickly throw a
knuckle blow from the reverse with the right to the opponent's temple, as you switch to a neutral right
position. The torsion of the spin is used to give more force to the blow. Pick up your right hand
immediately to cover yourself
3- SWORD OF DESTRUCTION (Sword Of Destruction): Left or right circular fist
a) With your feet together, delay your left foot to a neutral right position while simultaneously executing
a lock with the right forearm to the inside of the opponent's wrist. Your left hand should be covering your
chest and checking the other arm.
b) From the left neutral position immediately unloads a left front kick to the opponent's genitals.
c) While planting the foot (taking advantage of the fall to give more force) around 11:00 and checking
the attacker's right leg, execute a right knife strike to the left side of the opponent's neck
d) Immediately pick up the right hand towards the opponent's left wrist to check. Make sure the right
hand is open with the palm down and your fingers are not pointing at you, while keeping your right
elbow shrunk to protect your ribs
4- DEVIANT HAMMER (Deflecting Hammer): Pervasive Right Front Kick
a) With your feet together, delay your left foot to a neutral right position, to exit the line of attack, while
executing a downward block with the right to divert the opponent's right leg from the outside. this is
done by describing a diagonal movement from 11:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
b) Quickly and while continuing in neutral right, make a left gripping check to the outside of the
opponent's right arm (at or above the elbow).
c) Immediately drag your feet forward while striking a horizontal right elbow strike to the opponent's
right ribs. If the ribs are covered, discharge it on the face. Circumstances will alter your choice.
5- CAPTURED BRANCHES (Captured Twigs): Hug behind the waist with arms held
a) With your feet together and the opponent's arms surrounding you, take a side step to your left
(around 9:00) to achieve a rider position, while holding your opponent's hands with your left hand
b) While your weight is set at the rider position, execute a right hammer fist backward to the opponent's
c) Immediately shrink your right foot on a right cat (turning 90 degrees while looking at 3:00) while your
left hand loosens the grip, gets rid of the opponent's left arm and covers him at face level with a check
up. At the same time you do this, with the right hand you protect your genitals and you get off the
opponent's right arm.
d) Immediately execute a hidden right elbow ascending to the opponent's chin. Pick up the right arm
after the blow and cover your genitals
6- THE HUG OF DEATH (Grasp Of Death): Hold the neck with your right arm on your left side
a) With you bent forward in a prey of the neck and your opponent to your left applying the prey with
your right arm, start the action joining the chin with your chest to the right and grabbing your right wrist
with your right hand while your foot right moves toward 12:00 in a half-arch and closed-arrow position.
Immediately grasp the inside of the opponent's right thigh with your left hand and pinch the tendon
with the greatest possible force (it is also worth grabbing the genitals). Your opponent will feel like a very
strong bite if done correctly. To be sure, check the back of the opponent's right leg with your left knee
b) As your opponent reacts to the pinch and releases the prey, take your right arm with your right arm
over your head and towards your chest, making sure that your right arm grabs it diagonally while acting
as a check
c) Immediately release the grab of your left hand and advance your left foot at 11:00 in a neutral left
position while tapping the back of your opponent's right elbow with your left forearm, while pulling
towards you with your right hand. This action should cause your opponent to advance his left leg and
bend at waist height
d) Press your left forearm down the back of the opponent's right elbow until your left forearm is parallel
to the ground. Now slide your left hand to the opponent's right elbow while controlling the opponent's
right elbow with your left hand executes a vertical right punch down to the base of the mastoid bone
7- CHECKING STORM (Checking The Storm): Stick attack to head with right arm
a) Being natural with your feet together, while your opponent moves the club to hit the head, move your
right foot quickly to the right (around 3:00). Simultaneously drag your left foot into a 45 degree left cat
position facing 10:00. Without breaking the flow of your action perform an elbow with the right hand
followed by a left ascending block (using the "double factor" principle) to the inside of the wrist of the
opponent's right arm. During the natural flow of your movement, the right arm ends checking at the
b) Immediately execute a double left-right kick, striking the left foot to the genitals and the right foot to
the attacker's right knee. If possible, do so by grabbing the opponent's left hand and pulling it.
c) Plant the right foot back (from the kick) at 04:00 and while you fall in neutral left using marriage with
gravity, execute a blow of knuckles with the right to the attacker's temple. The left hand checks at the
height of the solar plexus.
8- AGRESSION MAZA (Mace Of Aggression): Grab with two hands of the lapel pulling you
a) With your feet together and your opponent grasping the lapel with both hands while pulling you
towards him, execute a right foot in the arch of the right foot while beating diagonally to the bridge of
the opponent's nose (from the 2:00 at 8:00) with a right fist from top to bottom. Have your left hand
grasping and checking both hands of the opponent (anchoring the elbow against your body) at the same
time that you perform the above mentioned foot and punch.
b) Continue the movement of your right arm so that it moves horizontally downwards, striking the
opponent's two forearms in an operation where the opponent must bend forward. As the blow will attract
the attacker towards you, keep your back straight and your head right.
c) Immediately execute a right horizontal elbow to the opponent's left jaw, making sure that the elbow
continues the action
d) Without loss of time, hit again with your right elbow horizontally to your opponent's right jaw. You
must take your feet forward with action if necessary
9- ATTACKING MAZA (Attacking Mace): Straight right
a) With your feet together, we take your right foot back in a left neutral position while executing a left
blow inward to the outside of your opponent's right fist. The right hand lays at the waist.
b) Immediately pivot in left bow and arrow while executing a direct punch right to your opponent's right
floating ribs. Make sure your left hand is open while checking your opponent's right elbow
c) Make a circle with your right hand above and around the right arm of your opponent until you grab
the outside of the wrist. Immediately pull your opponent toward you while discharging a right front kick
to genitals.
d) When you fall from the kick, plant your right foot forward, around 12:00 in a neutral right position,
while simultaneously punching up your opponent's kidneys. You end up with your right knee pressing the
inner side of your opponent's right knee into a checkup.
10- SWORD AND HAMMER (Sword & Hammer): Grab the right shoulder from behind with the left hand
a) While standing in normal position, your opponent (standing at 3:00) grabs your right shoulder with
your left hand. Hold your opponent's left hand on your shoulder with your left hand and simultaneously
move your right foot to the right (about 2:00) to a rider position while hitting your opponent's walnut
with a right-back knife strike .
b) When your attacker reacts to your knife knock backwards and bends back, execute a downward
hammer fist with the right to the genitals.
AGGRESSIVE TWINS (Aggressive Twins): Handshake
a) Go back to the left with a neutral while doing a half right block to close the attacker's center line. The
left hand checks to prevent low kicks.
b) Make a right lateral kick to the left knee to open its position.
c) Kick with the back leg front to the thorax, falling in a neutral left. The kick must be penetrating to back
and you can fall forward.
INTELLECTUAL FAREWELL (Intellectual Departure): Right Front Kick
a) Back at 4:30 with the left as you turn back a cat and make an inner downward lock (palm down) right.
b) Strike a right front kick to genitals before your leg lands.
c) It falls in a neutral and gives a blow of knuckles of the right setback to its temple. For this blow to hit
the previous kick has to be percutante.
d) He gives a right lateral kick to his chest, falling in neutral, after sliding his left foot to the right.
LAUNCHING THE LEAVES (Darting Leaves): Right front punch advancing
a) Take a step at 9:00 with your left foot while slipping your right foot to a 90 ° jack and do a left half
b) He gives a right front kick and a spear point blow straight into the eyes.
eleven - Death dam (Grip Of Death): Back collar with right arm
a) With the opponent hooking from the left side one step forward and to the left (at 10:00) with the right
foot (half bow and arrow closed) until exhausting the force of the attack. The left knee checks the
opponent's right knee. Simultaneously we give a hammer blow to the opponent's genitals with the right
arm and the kidneys with the left arm to loosen the socket. Alternatively two hammer blows can be given
to the head before the mid-stroke blows.
b) Raise your left hand up your back to your head to press on the opponent's nose or, depending on the
circumstances, grab it from the hair to force the attacker to take the head and body back while pivoting
to a bow and arrow looking at 6:00 p.m. and bashing the palm to his face. Make sure the opponent's
head is well back and down to thus minimizing their possible reactions.
c) A school continues the movement until the attacker is on the ground and then kicks the genitals
12 - HAMMER HAMMER (Shielding Hammer): Front left hook
a) In normal position with the feet together, step back with the left foot at 6:00 until neutral, while
making an inner-outer block with the right to the inside of the left wrist or forearm of the opponent while
left-hand checks-hits the side of the opponent (we try to have the right leg check the opponent's left
b) Then, following the inertia of the previous movement, lower the right arm from the block to give a
blow of knuckles or inner hammer to the bridge of the nose or temple.
c) Without stopping the movement of the right arm, elbow the plexus (backwards). Your left hand goes
up a bit to prevent a possible blow from the opponent to our head (with the palm of the hand back and
towards the face of the opponent).
13 - STOCKED BACKGROUND (Thrusting Salute): Right front kick
a) With your feet together, step back with your right foot (4: 30-5: 00) to stay neutral while you are
blocking your left arm into the opponent's right leg and checking with the right hand.
b) Turn to look at 10:00 and correct the angle to give a right frontal kick to the opponent's genitals and
keep the left hand by checking up to avoid a possible blow to his head.
c) While planting the right foot at 11:00 (falling between the legs of the opponent) gives a palm basal
stroke with the right hand upward to the opponent's jaw while the left hand continues to check, but this
time at a medium height.
14 - PERCUTANT SERPENT HEAD (Striking Serpents Head)
a) Step back with the right foot (at 6:00) in a neutral left position ensuring that the left leg is checking
the opponent's right leg. Simultaneously take your left arm around and behind the opponent so that your
knuckles (or the base of the palm) hit your nape while your right arm rises vertically and then down and
hit with the elbow in the left arm joint with a vertical blow falling. We must make sure that our head is as
close as possible to that of the opponent so as to avoid a possible headbutt.
b) Immediately grabs the hair with the left hand and pulls back of its head while giving a blow of leopard
claw or snake head to the neck, passing for it to bow and arrow, and returning immediately to neutral
after the blow .
fifteen - CLOSED WING (Locked Wing): Dam behind the right arm
a) With the opponent holding your right arm in the back, step back and to the right (between 4:00 and
5:00) with your left foot to a neutral position right (with your head still facing forward to 12:00 and
placing your left leg inside and against the right leg of the opponent). Meanwhile, your right hand
engages your opponent's right wrist and elbows backward with your left to the opponent's jaw, turning
your waist counterclockwise to a neutral left (looking at 9:00) or rider, depending on the circumstances.
b) Pass your left arm over the opponent's right elbow and down, while pivoting to the right (around
10:00) to a bow and arrow, so that when rotating force your arm to break it.
c) Then rectify the position and move to left bow and arrow back with the right foot (between 4:00 and
5:00). He takes his right hand to his head to hold or lower it, while with his right leg he gives a knee in
the stomach, creating a sandwich effect.
16 - Dark wings (Obscure Wing): Right side shoulder grip with left hand
a) With the feet together and the left hand of your opponent hooking your right shoulder, take a step to
the right carrying the foot at 4:00 and remaining in rider. Simultaneously elbows right back to the
opponent's solar plexus while your left hand grabs the opponent's left hand on your right shoulder.
b) Give a right hammer blow down to the opponent's genitals and grab the testicles.
c) He then strikes with his right ascending elbow the jaw.
17 - INVERTED MAZA (Reversing Mace): Right front left
a) From a normal position, slide your left foot until 5:00. Simultaneously make a pyramid lock by the
outside of the opponent's arm. Without losing the movement, the right circular check continues and ends
in horizontal knuckle blow to the opponent's ribs from inside to outside.
b) Immediately move the weight on the left leg and give a circular kick with the right leg to the upper
inner side of the knee, and hook it until it bends.

18 - RAMA COMBADA (Buckling Branch): Left Front Kick

a) Starting from normal position with both feet together, back slightly to your right with the right foot at
5:00 (left neutral). Simultaneously, block the opponent's left leg (outside) with a left downward lock and
pin the right hand on the hip, keeping it folded and palm up.
b) Then give a right spoon kick (correct position to place behind him) to opponent's genitals while his
back is in front of you. When doing this your left hand moves to check with the singing his shoulder.
c) Falls with the right foot in a cross guard (with the right one in front) and, undoing the turn, strikes a
left side kick to the inside of the opponent's right knee (keeping both arms on guard).
19 - FORK POINT (Thrusting Prongs): Front Hug, Stuck Arms
a) Step back with your right foot (at 6:00) to a bow and arrow to exhaust the attack. Simultaneously
attach both hands with thumbs protruding and strike with both in the groin of the opposite upwards until
loosens the prey.
b) Raise the position slightly when you loosen the plug and hit the opposite on the genitals or the chest
of a right knee. Meanwhile, your left arm climbs up to the opponent's right shoulder (forming a kind of
crane) and holds it down by pulling it down with the assistance of the anchored left elbow and blocking
your right elbow. The right hand is cocked at the same time at the waist.
c) Immediately give a right kick (at 2:00) to the inside of the opponent's left knee (or shin), trying to fall
on his foot.
d) When knocking on the knee the opponent will lower his position, then take advantage to give a
horizontal right elbow to the left on the right side of the face or ribs (depending on his reaction or
twenty - RETORCIDED ROD (Twisted Twig): Front arm with both hands
a) With your feet together and with both hands of the opponent applying a prey with both hands closed
on the right arm, step forward and to the left (at 11:00) with your right foot to a neutral while giving a
vertical right elbow stroke upwards to the plexus, continuing upward to the jaw (body movement forward
gives more force to the stroke). Your left hand is placed on the opponent's right wrist to control and
loosen the grip.
b) Pivot to your left to stand in rider watching the three freeing your right arm of the prey at the same
time and continue changing to neutral while executing a right horizontal elbow to the right to the
opponent's plexus.
c) Finish a hammer blow straight down to opponent's genitals while switching to a reverse bow and
arrow position. The left hand checks at shoulder height.
twenty-one - DARK SWORD (Obscure Sword): Side Shoulder Dam with Left Hand
a) With both feet together, take a step forward (at 12:00) with your left foot to a neutral. Simultaneously
hold the opponent's left hand with your left hand against your right shoulder.
b) Turn immediately until 5:00 a neutral while giving a knife blow with right arm to the neck of the
opponent (if you are close, elbow the biceps on the road).
c) Correct the angle and give a frontal kick to the genitals with the left, falling in the initial position and
with the hands in position of guard.
22 - PERCUTANT MAZA (Repeating Mace): Forward left forward
a) Normal position with feet together, slide left foot back at 4:30 in a neutral position. Simultaneously
make a medium-high block with the left arm (the left hand with the palm outside) on the outside of the
opponent's left wrist and grasp it.
b) Continue giving a hammer blow through the right arm and into the kidney, then pull the wrist that you
have grasped to approach and give a knuckle blow straight to the ribs in the back (the arm bounces in
your body to gain more momentum).
c) Change the weight to the left leg and stick a right circular kick to the back of your left leg (the kick
starts in the upper leg and continues in a downward movement to the inner side of the knee).
2. 3 - SPILLED ZARPA (Raining Claw): Right uppercut
a) Step forward back to 6:00 with your left foot (to a neutral) while you make a downward blocking right
out to the opponent's right forearm to deflect the hit and hit with your left fist your right shoulder.
b) Lower the left arm by checking his right arm and simultaneously strikes right knuckles on the
opponent's face, passing half a bow and arrow from the back to give more power to the blow taking
advantage of the turn.
There is a version of this technique coming out backwards while it locks and then advancing to give a
direct left to the face.
24 - CRUSHED ASPTS (Crashing Wings): Embrace from behind free arms
a) Step to the right (at 3:00) with your right foot and go down to the rider. Simultaneously hit your hands
with your knuckles and then hit both elbows on the opponent's forearms down to release the socket.
b) Take your left foot to meet the right (cat closed) while your left and right arms are prepared to the
right of your waist (right palm up and left palm down).
c) Pass your left foot behind your opponent's left leg (at 7:30) to an upside-down bow and arrow, and
turn your hip to your left giving a left elbow stroke (palm down) to the back to the jaw of your opponent
(in neutral) and a hammer blow to the opponent's genitals with the right arm (bow and arrow).
25 - CAPTURED PETALS (Captured Leaves): Finger Damage to one side
a) With your right hand fingers twisted by your opponent's left hand, advance with the right foot to a
neutral (around 11:00) while raising your right arm holding your left hand with yours to relieve pressure .
Optionally you can find the left forearm in the elbow of the arm, or arms, which holds the hand.
b) Pivot counterclockwise and elbow back (from the check position) to the right side of the opponent
while we change to bow and arrow from the left backhand. Simultaneously, you must control the
opponent's left arm by placing it on your right shoulder and prying to fracture (pulling your arm down as
you raise the shoulder slightly rising).
c) Immediately turn clockwise to a rider and nudge back with the right arm to the side of the opponent
while with the left hand you check the face.
26 - EVADIENDO STORM (Evading The Storm): Stick attack with right arm towards the head
a) From the normal position, move your left foot to the left (about 10:00) to a left bow and arrow while
you make a right upward lock and extend it to grab the outside of the opponent's right wrist.
b) Once grasped the wrist pulls your right arm back, giving a right circular kick to the opponent's genitals
or stomach. The left hand checks at the chest.
c) When lowering the leg (about 1:00) falls into a neutral right and continues pulling his arm down.
Simultaneously throws a direct left to the kidneys-ribs changing for it to a right bow and arrow.
d) From the bow and arrow rotates and gives a knee to the front of the thigh of your right leg with your
right leg. He then throws a knee with his left leg toward the back of the opponent's right leg, leaving a
half bow and arrow closed.
27 - ROTARY ASPTS (Twirling Wings): Strangulation from behind
a) Step back with your left foot and left at an angle of about 60 ° (4:30) in a left guarded cross guard
position trying to place our left leg between yours.
b) At the same time you turn and undo the position to a left bow and arrow do a left outer middle block
to the triceps of your opponent's left arm and a right horizontal elbow to the left ribs of the opponent.
c) Pivot to the right (to a rider looking at 9:00) and check with your right arm your arms, moving them to
the right and unloading a horizontal left elbow to the right ribs or face. The right arm continues to check
at a distance sufficient to cushion a possible blow.
28 - CHASING ROD (Snapping Twig): Front flap socket with left hand pushing
a) With your feet together, step back with your left foot (about 6:00) to a neutral right, while
simultaneously tapping the left side of the left elbow joint to your left with the base of the right palm.
and at the same time you hit the top of the opponent's left wrist (using opposing forces) to your right
with the base of the palm of your left hand to break the elbow.
b) Raise the right arm and strike the left arm of the opponent with a crane beating at the joint, pulling
down and to the right, to bring it closer to you. Simultaneously execute a left-handed blow (palm down)
directly into your opponent's throat. This is done while you keep your right foot forward by checking your
left leg. Continue the anterior movement of the right hand in the counterclockwise direction and
diagonally hit the nasal septum of the opponent (or the cheek). This blow can be changed by a knuckle.
c) End the movement of the right arm returning to give another knife blow to the throat. Some schools
end up with a horizontal right elbow strike to the left jaw while hit with the left hand in his right jaw to
create a sandwich effect.
29 - GRILLA PLAYER (Leaping Crane): Forward punch forward
a) With your feet together, jump to the left (about 9:00) in a crane position, with your right leg raised at
the level of the inside of your left knee, while your left hand deflects the attack by striking with the palm
on the outside of your wrist and with the right knuckle right horizontally to the opponent's ribs. Finish the
movement by bringing your right arm to the waist with your fist closed.
b) Discharge a right side kick to the outside of the opponent's right knee so that it bends. When you
place your foot, it gives a circular blow with the right arm (striking with the knuckles) to the opponent's
kidney (lowering the position will give more force to the blow).
c) Immediately stick an elbow right inward to the opponent's head while the base of the left palm hits the
other side of the opponent's head creating a sandwich effect.
d) Surround your right hand with your head on the left and tear the face towards you, continuing the
circle to give a corner beat internal to the neck following a new tear, this time up, while with the left a
knock at the nape of his neck.
e) Follow with a right spoon kick to genitals, jumping as you fall to give a front left kick to the back, so
that the opponent falls on his mouth on his stomach or hands and knees.
30- DEMOLITION HAMMER (Crushing Hammer): Bear hug from behind with arms held
a) Take a step to your left with your left foot (around 9 o'clock) to a rider. Simultaneously strike the
opponent's genitals with a right hammer while your left hand holds your left arm.
b) Join the right foot to the left (forming a closed cat) and follow the movement of the foot passing
behind the opponent's left leg (between 4:00 and 5:00) until forming a left bow and arrow. It executes at
the same time a blow of base of right palm to genitals of the opposite one to later to grab the testicles.
c) Turn to a neutral right (looking at 4:00) while your right arm follows the outline of your opponent's
body with the elbow up to hit him on the chin. and complete the turn (looking at 5:00) until a right bow
and arrow giving a right-hand blow to the neck.
d) Finish by repositioning your feet to gain stability and be able to give a front left kick and a palm base
blow with the left arm to the chest (or the mouth of the stomach).
31 - Back wing (Circling Wing): Back strangle with two hands
a) Move your left foot slightly to the right at a 45 ° angle (1: 00-1: 30) to a left neutral while you grab
your right hand with your left and hold it against your shoulder.
b) Pivot clockwise (turning around 7:00) as you pass your right elbow bent over your arms to hold it
close to the opposite side. Complete the turn to a right bow and arrow (looking at 8:00) while giving a
spear point blow to the opponent's eyes with the left hand.
c) Turn in the place to the left until you become a rider while giving a right elbow blow up the opponent's
chin, or optionally a diagonal blow to the cheek / bridge of the nose. Your left hand has to go down to
withdraw its arms by striking with the forearm and then being checked at the height of the ribs.
d) Pivot again to the left (toward 1:00 to a right-back bow and arrow while striking a right-handed
hammer fist down to the opponent's genitals and your left hand checks up.) If the distance is adequate,
you can vary the stroke of the hammer blow to insert a nudge into the pit of the stomach.
32 - SERENANDO STORM (Calming The Storm): Round Attack with a Stick
a) We advance to the left with your right foot (around 11:00) until you check your right knee with your
own. Taking advantage of the forward movement, block the attack with an extended outer block with the
left arm, striking the inside of the opponent's right wrist. Throw a vertical vertical punch with the right to
the jaw or the face of the opponent (or the shoulder).
b) Rotate a right bow and arrow (around 12:00) and simultaneously check the opponent's right arm with
a right mid stop while striking a left vertical straight over your right arm to the sternum or the opponent's
c) Return to neutral right as you execute a right knuckle blow to the opponent's floating ribs while your
left hand does a check in tray.
33 - SPURS (Charging Ram): Attempt to take waist in front (rugby tack style)
a) Slip your left foot until 4:00 and turn your body to a neutral right. As you turn, the right arm pulls the
opponent's left arm with a downward lock to the left. Then discharge a downward right knife strike to the
opponent's neck while your left hand checks at the level of your shoulder.
b) Immediately give a penetrating right frontal kick (moving in the transition to a 45 ° cat position) to the
ribs, hitting it at 9:00.
c) Falls with the right foot forward (between 8:00 and 9:00) and gives a left front kick to the opponent's
left jaw.
3. 4 - SEPARATING THE WINGS (Parting Wings): Two-handed frontal push
a) Rewind your right foot to a left neutral while your arms remove the opposing ones by striking with two
simultaneous simultaneous exterior blocks (open palms) on the inside of your opponent's wrists. Make
sure that both hands are at the same height and do not separate more than the width of the shoulders.
b) Switch to a left bow and arrow while the right hand chant strikes (with the palm facing up) to the
opponent's left ribs while positioning your left hand (the palm toward you) to check at ear level.
c) Return to neutral while giving a left knife strike from the back (the palm down) to the opponent's
throat. Pick up your right fist towards your right hip.
d) Again switch to a bow and arrow while striking with your left arm vertically to the stomach (palm still
looking down) and give a middle knuckle blow (passing it over your left arm) to the attacker's solar
plexus with the right arm.
35 - FULMINATING MARTILLO (Thundering Hammers): Straight right
a) From the normal position, advance to the left at a 45 ° angle (around 10:30) with your left foot to a
neutral while making a middle left inner lock to the outside of your opponent's right arm (preferably in
the elbow or above it) and your right arm parallel to your right thigh while hanging naturally to the side.
b) Slide your right leg forward at 12:00 as you fall into a half left bow and arrow (check your right knee
on the outside of the opponent's right knee) and strike horizontally with your right forearm to the
stomach or genitals (turn your hip to give more impetus) while checking with the left at the height of
your right ear.
c) Knock down the left kidney with a left downward hammer blow while your right arm pivots on the
elbow and glued to the body to check your opponent's right arm and your left leg rotates to check the
opponent's right leg. You should stay in a half bow and arrow open right looking at 4:00
d) Raise the left hand that was in the kidneys to a horizontal check to the outside of the opponent's arm
while your right arm is prepared at the height of your head and then falling with a hammer down the
neck, arrow closed looking at 1:00.
e) Bring the left leg back to a neutral right. At the same time it strikes with the knuckles of the right hand
with a circular blow descending to the back of the neck and leaves the movement flow until leaving the
arm glued to your body, pending that reacts the opponent, and thus throw a base blow of palm to the
face advancing at 1:00, followed by a tear.
An alternative to the previous point is:
e) Turn left with a neutral right and then advance with the right while giving a downward hammer blow,
whose movement continues in pendulum to give a palm base blow to the opponent's chin.
f) Rotate counterclockwise to give a left knuckle blow on the opponent's face, remaining on cross guard.
36 - EXPRESSING THE PEACH (Squeezing The Peach): Bear hug from behind with trapped arms
a) Move your left foot around 5:00 (in a neutral right) putting your ass at the same time to make a hole.
Grab with your right hand and squeeze the opponent's testicles while your left hand grabs and controls
the opponent's arms.
b) Move forward with your left leg toward 1:00 or 2:00 and give a right rabbit kick to the genitals
(previously released).
c) Try to fall with the right leg on the opponent's left leg (around 7:00) to block or break it (the inside of
the opponent's left knee with the inside of our right knee) at the same time as a right elbow backward to
the opponent's jaw as you look over your right shoulder. The left hand simultaneously pulls his right arm.
37 - MANDATORY REVIEW (Bow Of Compulsion): Front dam of the wrist against your chest
a) With your opponent holding your right hand against your chest, advance with the right foot to a
neutral and elbow right vertical to the sternum or the mouth of the stomach (inserting the body to give
more force to the blow) while the left hand checks diagonally the opponent's hands. Optionally you can
change the elbow by a basal palm strike.
b) With your left hand still checking, lower the position to a half bow and open arrow (keep your back
straight) while your right hand falls attached to the opponent's body until striking the genitals first with
tiger claw and then with outer edge (pendulum ).
c) He then strikes with a right hammer fist to the inside of the opponent's left knee followed by an inner
knuckle hook right to the inside of the opponent's right knee (with a change to half bow and left arrow).
Go to cross guard to go cover yourself.
38 - Obstructing STORM (Obstructing The Storm): Right frontal attack with stick to the head
a) Step forward with your left foot and to your left at a 45º angle (first moving around 11:00 but then
looking at 1:00 on a rider) as you raise your arms and block them in a cross (cross your right wrist above
your left wrist) the attacker's wrist at the height of your head and the casualties outside your right
shoulder (the opponent advances with his right foot when attacking).
b) With your right hand grasp the right wrist of the opponent while your left foot advances until 2:00
(surrounding the right leg of the opposite if necessary, with transition in cat) in a neutral left.
Simultaneously strike the opponent's right elbow with your left forearm, first forcing it vertically down and
then forcing it horizontally and downward while your right hand pulls the arm towards your right hip. This
step should be done in a fluid way after the previous one, as if they were one.
d) Continue pressing down and pulling the arm of your opponent to your right forcing the opponent to
lower his head and immediately knees straight to his head or chest.
f) Falls with the right foot in the original left neutral position. You can, when lowering, force the
opponent's wrist by pressing towards him so that he releases the stick and picks it up, and then strikes,
following the movement, on the neck.
39 - Releasing MACE (Darting Mace): Front grip with both hands on your right wrist
a) Grab the opponent's right wrist with the right hand and pull to break the socket. Advance the time
with your left foot to a neutral left and hit with a middle block with the left arm on the opponent's
forearm. The trajectory of the blow continues and ends in a vertical punch to the opponent's face.
b) Lower your left arm a little diagonally, withdrawing the arms of your opponent, while your right hand
gives a vertical right punch to the opponent's solar plexus while switching to a left bow and arrow.
c) Then join the right foot to the left on a closed cat, and simultaneously strike a knife (palm down) to
the opponent's throat with your left hand while your right hand checks down.
d) Quickly advance to a neutral right, checking your opponent's knee, while striking a punching palm
base punch straight into the opponent's jaw and checking with the left arm.
40 - SHIELD AND SWORD (Shield & Sword): Right Left
a) Advance to the right at an angle of 45 ° (about 1:30) with your right foot to a bow and arrow while
doing an outer middle lock with the left arm to the outside of the opponent's wrist. Have your right hand
open at your head.
b) Turn to the left (on a rider or neutral) while striking the left side of the opponent's neck with a straight
knife (palm facing up). Simultaneously bring your left arm to the hip, but continue to check his left hand.
c) Switch to a right bow and arrow while giving a horizontal left elbow penetrating the opponent's ribs
and your right hand checks your opponent's left arm above your elbow. If the distance that separates
you from your opponent is very wide, move on the bow and arrow forward.
d) Move your left foot counterclockwise until 4:00 (in a front right cross guard position) while your left
hand grabs and pulls out and down the opponent's left forearm.
e) While turning counterclockwise out of the guard position, take advantage of the turn and perform a
right hammer blow to the kidney (the blow has a downward trajectory and is struck with knuckles flush).
Next we give a right circular kick to the kidney, inner face of the knee, or head.

41 - OSCILLATING PENDULUM (Swinging Pendulum): Right circular kick

a) Starting from neutral right (combat position) slide your left foot counterclockwise until 4:00 and block
the kick with a universal lock . Make sure your right arm blocks your leg above your knee. Another option
would be to start from normal and advance with the right to neutral to be in the initial position described.
b) Keep your right foot until 11:00 in a neutral right while you unload a fist of downward hammer right to
the genitals (have the left hand checking up). At this point your line of attack is perpendicular to your
c) Again move your left foot counterclockwise until 2:00 while giving a vertical right elbow ascending to
the jaw.
42 - GIFT CORRESPONDED (Gift In Return): Front Handshake
a) With your opponent squeezing your right hand with your right hand, take one step forward half a bow
and arrow (around 11:00) with your left foot until you can check the opponent's right leg. Pull down with
your right hand to hit your genitals, while with your left arm tapped base of the palm on the back of the
wrist / forearm to help you. Keep your face to one side to avoid a headbutt.
b) Then with both arms push your right hand and carry it between your legs as you go forward with the
right leg towards the 10:00 and tours to put you to its back in neutral. As you go forward, release your
left arm and take it to your back to grab your arm from behind, and once grasped, release your right arm
and pass it back to push down on your kidneys while you pull up your arm with your arm left to press the
opponent's genitals and limit their balance and power of response.
c) Immediately after a right side kick to the back of the opponent's left knee and, releasing the grip of
your left hand, knees with the left leg to the opponent's rump. The lateral kick is replaced by a knee to
thigh in some schools.
43 - CROSS OF DESTRUCTION (Cross Of Destruction): Strangulation with two hands behind
a) Ride with your left leg (around 9 o'clock) and tap the knuckles of the fat fingers of both hands on the
back of the opponent's hands to loosen the socket. Once he releases his hands he grabs both wrists and
pulls forward the opponent's arms. Make sure your palms are facing upwards as you raise the position to
pry your elbows and fracture your arms.
b) Rotate clockwise until you look at him and move your right foot back to a left neutral while your left
hand crosses the opponent's left arm over his own right arm.
c) Give a right frontal kick to the kneecap of your right leg and as you fall at 2:00, pull with your left arm
towards you of your arm as you push forward with your right arm to break your left elbow with your own
arm law. Make sure that in the process your right hand executes the above-mentioned action similar to a
vertical right punch (or stick it).
Some schools go to the right and break the arms and / or the balance of the opponent advancing with
the left.
44 - DOUBLE KIMONO (Twin Kimono): Front lapel grip with both hands pushing
a) Go back with your left foot (to a neutral right) while your left arm holds the opponent's wrists, to
prevent blows to the face, while striking a right upward blow with your forearm (as if you were blocking)
against the joints of the elbows (pointing to the face).
b) Immediately move your left foot counterclockwise until 4:00 p.m. while your right arm recoils by
striking knuckles on the sternum or the opponent's ribs.
c) Continue the movement of the right arm and strike the diagonal hammer (left and down) at the top of
the arm joints (lower position to give more force to the blow). When the opponent lowers his position, he
throws the right arm with a lateral knock to the throat (for the angle of incidence to be correct you have
to have the elbow slightly above the hand at the beginning of the movement).
Four. Five - ENGAGING THE WINGS (Hooking Wings): Front two-handed push
a) Step back with your left foot and takes the right leg back to a cat, as if it were a single movement.
Simultaneously make a double block (placing your hands in a crane position) towards the opponent's
arms striking the inside of the wrists and out and back.
b) Give a right front kick to the opponent's genitals by dropping forward on a neutral.
c) Simultaneously to the landing turn your right hand so that you strike with the right fist in diagonal
hammer or knuckles of the reverse to the left side of the jaw. Continue the movement of eight in the air
so that the fist strikes again in the jaw but now of knuckles in the right side.
d) Without stopping the movement, give a vertical upward elbow to the opponent's chin while your left
hand covers your ribs. Take the descent to hit with a tiger claw face (the tear begins at eye level).
In both c) and d) you can give all hits in neutral, or by switching to bow and arrow / neutral / bow and
46 - TORPID (Sleeper): Forward right forward
a) Advance a left neutral to the left at a 45 ° angle (around 10:30) while doing a middle lock with the left
arm to the outside of the opponent's right arm.
b) Switch to a closed half bow and arrow at the same time as internal cane strikes (big toe) upwards to
the left side of the neck. The left hand checks the opponent's right arm and the right knee checks his
right knee.
c) Take the right leg behind the opponent's right leg (in a modified bow and arrow) and hold the right
wrist with the left hand behind the back of the opponent's neck to make a loop and tighten so that you
can sleep (strangle) the opponent.
d) Turn around 10:00 in a left bow and arrow and immediately move your right leg around 5:00 (or left
back) to unbalance the opponent and fall. Finish with a vertical right fist while you fall on your ribs with
your right knee in a half bow and arrow and exit with a side kick to the face.
47 - SPIRAL RIVER (Spiraling Twig): Bear hug from behind with free arms
a) Ride with your right foot at 3:00 to a rider while tapping the backs of the opponent's hands with the
middle knuckles of both hands at the same time with your elbows holding your arms. Hit without wasting
time with your elbows back in the opponent's arms to let you loose. Once this is achieved, control your
right arm with a hand grip with both hands, so that you have your thumbs on the back of your hand and
the other fingers inside the palm.
b) Advance the left foot by 2:00 by pulling the opponent's arm and turning his wrist in a clockwise
direction. Pivot your left foot clockwise and turn backward (to get left neutral looking at 8:00) while both
hands continue to press on the opponent's right wrist. The attacker is now folded in two with you at his
c) Strike a right front kick to the opponent's right ribs as you bring your right arm up to your right hip
twisting your wrist.
d) While planting your right foot after kicking, if possible by checking your knee, check with your left
hand the opponent's right elbow (or give a palm basal stroke) by pressing down and out while giving a
vertical punch straight to opponent's face or temple.
48 - FLIGHT TO FREEDOM (Flight To Freedom): Right arm in the back
a) Grab with your right hand to the contrary by the wrist of the right arm and back to a bow and arrow of
the right backhand. Turn to the left to hit the left elbow back to the opponent's face, which blocks it.
b) Go forward without losing time at 2:00 with your left foot and straighten your right arm without
loosing your opponent's wrist. From that position he kicks back (or side) with his right foot to hit him in
the ribs, while you pull his right arm towards you.
c) After striking, drop the right leg so that it is crossed in front of the left leg and turns the body to face
the opponent, twisting his right arm in a clockwise direction and controlling his elbow with the left hand.
d) Now give a left lateral kick to the inside of the opponent's left knee and, without posing the leg,
crosses the foot in front of the right foot (in a left cross guard) at 5:00 p.m. while left palm base hits the
opponent's right elbow.
Another technique from another school would be:
RAISED RAISED (Spreading Branch): Hugging the back, arms stuck
a) Raise the arms of the attacker with your left hand coming out at 9:00 and immediately back to the
right with a bow and arrow inside the back (at 7:30) at the same time you give a hammer blow down to
b) Give an upward blow of right knuckles to the face of your opponent, while you turn the hip.
c) Grab your opponent's head and pull it down while kneeling your face.
d) When falling in a half bow and arrow looking at the 1:30, it gives a downward elbow to the column of
the opposite.
49 - MOVING HANDS (Begging Hands): Gripping the wrists with two hands
a) Step back with your left foot to a neutral right while you turn both wrists inward (palms facing
upwards) to release you from the socket. Follow the twisting movement until you grab your opponent's
wrists at the same time as you pass a transitional cat by bringing the right back.
b) Immediately give a striking right front kick (can be in jump) to the opponent's genitals.
c) It falls forward, adjusting the distance according to the circumstances, and strikes a penetrating frontal
kick with the left one to the chest or the opposite chin. While supporting your left foot forward in a half-
bow and arrow position give a frontal palm-base blow with both hands (hands are perpendicular) to the
floating ribs or sternum of the opponent, going forward if necessary.
fifty - FLASHING WINGS (Flashing Wings): Straight Right
a) Step forward and slightly to the left with a left foot to a neutral (around 11:00) while blocking the
attack with an inner middle lock with the left arm, striking the outside of the opponent's wrist, and
simultaneously pin the right to the hip.
b) Switch to a half bow and arrow giving right horizontal elbow to the ribs of your opponent and continue
as if you wanted to surpass them. The left hand checks the height of the face and knee its leg.
c) Immediately change to a rider (turning right) or neutral right and hit horizontal right elbow to right
shoulder blade.
d) Continue the rotation quickly towards a right half-open bow and arrow (around 5:00) while the right
arm climbs to strike with the outer edge of the hand (palm down) at the nape of the neck and follows the
movement down to the waist and checking the opponent's right arm (pushing against his body). Then,
singing blow left to the nape of the opponent following the same course as the right but striking with
the palm up.
e) Move your right foot to the left until it is at an appropriate distance and broken (counterclockwise) to a
half left left bow and arrow while you check and hold the opponent's right arm with your left hand right
hand hits (rising vertically) with the outer edge of the opponent's throat (palm up). This last blow can be
replaced by a blow from the palm to the jaw.
51 - REPEATED DEVASTATION (Repeated Devastation): Nelson Complete
a) First lower the position to a rider as you raise both arms and strike back with both fists or hands (the
palms facing forward) to the opponent's face, eyes or temples.
b) Beat the opponent's biceps with both elbows while lowering the rider a little more to use the weight of
the body and immediately bring both fists to the ground with the palms facing you as you straighten, and
you head backwards.
c) Strike a kick with the right heel to the shin or the inner part of the opponent's left knee followed by
an instep strike to his right knee and then falling on his foot by discharging all your weight (marriage with
gravity). [Some schools do not do this step]
d) Move your left foot forward to a neutral while grabbing the right wrist with your left hand. Quickly turn
to a right bow and arrow (facing towards 6:00) while giving a right elbow to the opponent's jaw.
e) Return with the left foot to the point of origin and step forward with the right to a neutral and repeat
the same operation but now to the other side (grabbing with the right hand and elbowing with the left).
There are schools that, when they leave, add a palm-base blow to the opponent's elbow.
52 - BURNED WING (Entangled Wing): Front right arm dam
a) Starting from a neutral right, step forward and to your left with your right foot (about 10:00) to
another neutral while raising your right arm upwards (as if we were going to give a right elbow stroke
upwards ) to release the voltage. Try grabbing the opponent's left wrist with your left arm.
b) Pivot counterclockwise quickly, to a neutral left, pulling the opponent's arms forward so that both arms
are over our right shoulder and then pulled down by levering the shoulder. Nudges left from that position
backwards, to the genitals or to the ribs according to the height of the opponent.
c) Switch to a rider and elbow right back to your opponent's ribs, stomach, or genitalia while keeping
your left hand checking over your right shoulder, and switch back and forth to finish with a blow from
hammer to genitals.
Some schools change points a) and b) by the following: As you try to control and take to your right,
follow the inertia of the left arm to give a downward left hook hit to the opponent's face. Then grab the
right wrist with the left and pull (first up and then forward to release and lever with your shoulder), while
turning counterclockwise and reposition your right foot to stay in a right bow and arrow from the reverse.
53 - CHALLENGING STORM (Defying The Storm): Right circular attack with stick, advancing
a) Go forward with the right leg at 11:00 (to a neutral) and look for your knee with yours to check it.
Simultaneously bang your wrist with a bang of the outstretched hand with your left arm and your biceps
with a knock with your right arm (or make a strong block).
b) Nudge right to the attacker's chest and break his elbow by grabbing his right wrist with your left and
pushing outward while your right grabs the opponent's right triceps and presses inwards. You can nudge
your face as you break.
c) Immediately step back with your right foot to a left bow and arrow while you pull the opponent's
shoulder down with your right hand and the wrist up with your left to lower your position. (There are
schools that merge these two steps into one).
d) Continue with a right knee to the sternum of the opponent falling forward in a neutral right. Take
advantage of lowering your leg and body to give a right elbow down the spine while your left hand
continues to control the right wrist, keeping it high on the left side.
54 - HEATING MAZA (Raking Mace): Grab the flap with both hands pulling you
a) Move forward to a neutral right and hit simultaneously with a hook upward to the mouth of the
opponent's stomach while your left hand horizontally holds your hands down and towards your body
(anchoring the elbow to make it stronger), avoiding that these will hit you when you react to the
b) Draw a circle counterclockwise with your right hand and strike with the knuckles downward (going
from 1a 7) The temples and the nasal septum and follow the movement to finish hitting the forearms of
the opponent (we lowered in this blow the position to thus use the weight of the body in the blow).
d) Continue with an outer cane blow with the right hand to the throat and, without lowering the arm,
elbow horizontally with the right arm to the left side of the face while the left hand strikes palm base on
the right side to cause a sandwich effect.
There are schools that enter a) and b) change bow and arrow while giving a left outer knife knock to the
throat and then regain position.
55 - AGRESSIVE WEDGE (Thrusting Wedge): High two-handed frontal push
a) Advance to a right bow and arrow while your arms come down with the hands in crane beak to lower
and to separate the arms of the opponent.
b) Switch to rider while simultaneously nudging upward to chin, while with the left hand you grab the
right forearm / wrist of your opponent, pulling back and down to unbalance it. Continue the movement of
the elbow with a blow of base of palm descending to the nasal partition of the opposite that is
transformed into claw of tiger to the eyes.
56 - SHIELD AND MAZA (Shield & Mace): Forward right forward
a) Advance at 11:00 to a neutral left by making a middle block from the right backhand on the outside of
the opponent's arm. Immediately switch to a rider and simultaneously give a direct left punch to the
opponent's right ribs.
b) Pivot a half left bow and arrow closed as you strike horizontal hammer down with your right, to the
top of the kidney and bringing the force towards the hip. The left hand climbs to check over the right
c) Circle the left arm in a clockwise direction so that it will lower to hold the opponent's right arm down
and towards his body while your right hand makes a circle in the opposite direction, going up to hit base
of palm to the chin.
d) Follow the circle of the right arm and lower the position to hit the outer right corner on the back of the
right knee so that the double. The left hand continues to check over the shoulder.
e) Elevate the position to give a right side kick to the left knee through the back and salt cross guard.
57 - SALTAR ARROW (Tripping Arrow): Bear hugging hands-free ahead
a) Backs off with a left bow and arrow. Simultaneously grasp the right shoulder of the attacker with your
left hand and pull down, while giving a right downward elbow to your collarbone or a basal palm stroke
to the jaw.
b) The right arm continues its circular movement clockwise while the right foot surrounds the opponent's
right leg and falls heavily into a rider position. the right arm also rotates clockwise and hammers (with
palm up) at the height of his right shoulder
c) Do not hesitate to the left to a bow and arrow as you hit the opponent's jaw with right palm base,
zangling it on your right leg. The left arm still grips the attacker's right arm.
d) With the opponent on the ground, he kicks his left leg to his chin. If the opponent spins at that
moment and slips from his hands, he grabs his right kidney and sweeps his right arm out of the
58 - CROSS FALL (Fallen Cross): Strangulation with two hands behind
a) Go out at about 9:00 to a rider at the same time you grab both wrists with your hands and pull them
b) Advance to a left neutral and pivot clockwise as you cross the opponent's arms (your left arm over the
right), until you look at the 6. Make sure the opponent's arms are crossed on the elbows .
c) Still grabbing the opponent's wrists, twist his arms down and give a right knee against his right elbow
(which should be facing down at that moment). Without pause, follow a percutaneous frontal kick to
genitals or right knee.
d) As you fall forward, stick a horizontal right elbow to the face, which can alternatively be a downstroke
with the forearm diagonally and down from 1:00 to 7:00 so that we fracture your arms. The left hand
checks the elbows.
59 - RETURNING STORM (Returning Storm): Round stick attack with right arm diagonally from right to
left and then returning from left to right
a) Go back with the left at 7:00 to a neutral and bring both arms close to the chest with fists closed while
your opponent throws a circular blow with advancing stick, which fails due to the displacement.
b) While your opponent tries to hit you with the club again, advance with the left towards 2:00 a neutral
and block the attack with both arms (the left forearm hits the elbow joint and the wrist of the right arm
strikes the outside of the right wrist).
c) Immediately grasp your wrist with your right hand and press vertically with your left forearm over your
elbow. Simultaneously slide your right foot clockwise around 10:00, keeping the pressure on your
opponent's right elbow.
d) Continue with a right front kick to the opponent's ribs (or knee to the face) and take the stick with
your right. As you return to the original position, hit the attacker on the face with the stick vertically.
60 - CROSSED STRINGS (Crossed Twigs): Rear grip of both wrists with both hands
a) Advance with the left at 1:30 to a neutral while you grab your wrists.
b) Turn right 180º to a neutral while giving a right elbow backwards, so that it rises to the height of the
face to hit it in, to continue then pulling with the right arm down and behind you. The opponent's arms
are now crossed right over to your back.
c) Release the right grip and, drawing a circle in an anti-clockwise direction, gives a vertical right elbow
to his spine.
d) Switch to bow and arrow simultaneously striking with a double blow of palm base to the back (at the
level of the kidneys) and a left knee to the stomach. It falls on the left foot at 2 and turns to that side
while giving a right rabbit kick to the opponent's chest or face [there are schools that replace it with a
knee]. Optionally it can be finished by continuing with a side kick to the knee.
61 - CENTELLEANT MAZA (Flashing Mace): Straight Right
a) Advance to a left neutral while locking with the left by the outside of the opponent's right arm at the
elbow. Simultaneously to the block, he hits with his right hand on his face, passing his hand under the
attacker's right arm, in order to hit his forearm or wrist while levering his left arm to break his arm.
b) Immediately advance with your right foot on cross guard to the while you hit with the right knuckles or
horizontal hammer to the cheekbone or your opponent's temple while the left hand checks the right arm.
c) Undo the cross guard by turning left until you are looking at 4:00 in a neutral left. Hit the ribs with a
left knuckle blow taking advantage of the turn, while with the right you check your right arm.
d) Follow the movement to complete the pyramidal lock with the left arm and continue the one of the
right hand in a circle that rises until it strikes with the knuckles to the face of the opponent. It takes
advantage of the weight of the body to give more force to the blow.
The technique may end here or with a right back spoon kick to the genitals. You can also continue as
described below:
e) Follow the movement of the arm with the body while you carry the left leg around 6:00, so that you
rotate clockwise until you are with your back to the opponent, when the right arm lowers to hammer
diagonally to the kidneys.
f) Continue the movement of the arm and pass it forward to hammer to the chest while adopting a left
bow and arrow so that the right leg bar the opponent.
62 - ABRASIVE PENDULUM (Hugging Pendulum): Right front kick
a) Starting from neutral right, carry the weight slightly backwards while doing a right downward lock.
b) Next, make a cross guard left while at the same time with your right hand gives a hammer blow to the
body or outside edge to the neck and the left checks. Simultaneously give a right side kick to the inner
face of your opponent's left knee.
c) Falls in an open bow and arrow and strikes knuckles right neck or kidneys. Then the right hand moves
to the opponent's face so that it climbs up the claw-like interior while you crouch down with your right
elbow on your shoulder and your left hand pushing forward at the nape of the neck. It can be varied to
give instead a right elbow and left palm base simultaneous to the head with sandwich effect.
63 - SILK WINGS (Wings Of Silk): Dam behind the arms (semi-Nelson)
a) Pry the left foot of the opponent with your left foot while you grab or hit your testicles passing the left
hand behind our body. If you have enough precision, you can change it by pinching the groin nerve. Tata
to make it loosen the pressure.
b) Then the right arm begins to slide outside the opponent's arm to climb up and hit with the elbow on
the chin, while giving a right rabbit kick to genitals.
c) Rotate clockwise with the right foot, crossing it with a short step very close to the left and taking it at
9:00. While holding the left arm of the opponent with your left arm against the chest.
d) Complete the turn (360º) by moving the left foot at 9:00, ending with a rider. At the same time, he
throws a right upward hook, striking the opponent's left elbow with his forearm (left arm still holding the
opponent's left arm) to break it.

64 - COLLECTING CLOUDS (Gathering Clouds): Straight Right

a) We advance towards 10:00 to a neutral left while you deviate the punch with the left. Simultaneously
gives a horizontal knuckle blow to the opponent's ribs.
b) Continue the movement by passing the blow and returning to give a horizontal singing blow with the
right hand to the kidney. The left hand continues to check his right arm.
c) Move forward so that your right leg checks your right leg and presses on the knee. Simultaneously hit
the opponent's ribs with his right elbow horizontal. The left hand check continues.
d) Give a right spoon front kick to genitals while striking the neck with the left and right sides check
below, and return to the left neutral.
65 - TIGHTING CLAMPS (Gripping Talon): Right wrist grip with left hand
a) Circle the right arm counterclockwise, while your right foot advances to a neutral standing in front of
the opponent's left leg to check. Help the right hand simultaneously with the left hand as if it were a
checkup. Make a circle with your left hand below the right by making a pinch check before pulling the
grip down.
b) Continue the movement and give a downward hammer blow right to the opponent's genitals. The left
hand is holding and checking the opponent's left hand, but being aware of the opponent's elbow.
c) Step back at 4:30 with your left and give a horizontal right elbow to the back of the opponent's ribs,
from behind forward, and follow the movement back with another horizontal elbow also to the left ribs.
d) Advance on left cross guard while giving a vertical right knuckle blow on the shoulder and face. Throw
a knuckle straight right then to the ribs, while you change to bow and arrow from the reverse (checking
your left leg with your right). Make an upward turn with your right wrist, which strikes the opponent's
neck or back again, while your left hand continues to press the opponent's left arm down and left to
allow a clear blow in the next movement .
e) Gives a right knee to the opponent's face. Salt on right cross guard and bashing from right palm to
elbow, to control.
66 - SERPENTING CLAW (Snaking Talon): Two-handed push
a) Go back with your left foot to a neutral while your right hand draws an eight: knocking first inwards, to
the top of the opponent's left hand / wrist, and then out in the right hand; to then grasp your right wrist
with your right hand while you fold to a 45º cat. During the movement of the right hand, the left hand
checks the opponent's right hand until the right hand climbs up to grasp it.
b) While your right hand pulls the opponent towards you (to the right and down) gives a right frontal kick
to genitals, falling on cross guard looking at 7:00.
c) Then turn to your left and give a left kick back to the opponent's abdominal area (around 12:00).
d) With your back turned to your opponent, move your weight to the left leg as you approach your
opponent and kick back with the right to any open space left by the opponent, preferably the face or the
ribs. There are schools that give this kick first and then the one in the previous section.

67 - ROLLING THE HORIZON (Circling The Horizon): Right forward advancing

a) Move to the left or 10:00 while your left arm blocks or deflects the attack. Replenish the right to a 45 °
jack and raise the right arm by turning clockwise.
b) Advances to a neutral right at 1:30, checking the opponent's leg, while giving a right vertical hook to
the temple. The left arm goes down and grabs his right arm as a check.
c) Amartilla the right hand at the waist and then gives a right elbow to the opponent's ribs as you
advance to a neutral right at 2:00 by passing your foot behind the opponent's right leg. The left hand
continues to check the right arm.
d) Switch to a half bow and arrow closed while giving a downward knife strike to the inner side of the
opponent's right knee, to make him bend the leg.
e) Follow the movement of the hand passing it to the front of your opponent to finish giving a knock or
hammer blow from the back to genitals or mouth of the stomach. At the time we fall with the right leg
around 5:00 to sweep.
68 - RETROLLED PENDULUM (Retreating Pendulum): Delayed right frontal kick
a) Starting from a neutral right, step back with your right foot in a left cross guard doing a right
downward block. The left hand checks at shoulder height.
b) Immediately give a right side kick to the inside face of the opponent's left knee, and continue the
movement of the block with a hammer blow down the opponent's neck as you fall forward.
c) Turn to your left an upside-down bow and arrow and stick a right spoon kick back to the opponent's
groin. You must slide your left foot to the right to ensure a suitable distance for the kick.
d) After planting your right foot back in a half bow and arrow left upside down, always try to make it
possible bend the opponent's left leg, elbows right back to the head.
69 - GIFT OF THE DESTINATION (Gift Of Destiny): Handshake
a) Advance to a neutral right until you check the opponent's right leg while giving a middle knuckle with
the left, grabbing your opponent's right wrist then and give a horizontal elbow with the other arm to the
opponent's sternum this movement forces your wrist pulling back with your left arm and controlling your
elbow with yours).
b) Go back to a left neutral while twisting your hand clockwise with your own: the left hand helps right in
the turn.
c) Release your left hand and hit the back of the opponent's hand with a palm base to break his wrist. He
simultaneously switches to a bow and arrow and ends with a right front kick to the opponent's sternum.
70 - DESTRUCTIVE TWINS (Destructive Twins): Front throttling with two hands pulling
a) Advance to a neutral right while simultaneously giving a left punch to the opponent's face (bringing
the horizontal arm to the ground) and an upward hook with the right to the genitals or mouth of the
stomach (keep the back straight and the head high, to avoid a header).
b) Rest your right foot to the right (at 2:00) and make a half right block followed by a left half cross
blocking by striking the left arm of the opponent. When finishing the combination of locks you have to be
in arch and right arrow.
c) Continue the movement of the left hand with a spear-point blow to the eyes.
d) Switch to a rider while giving a direct punch straight to the opponent's ribs while grabbing the
shoulder or arm with the left and pull it towards your hip.
71 - RETO ARIETE (Broken Ram): Front grip
a) Starting from a neutral right, move the left foot at 3:00 in a transitional cross guard. Switch to a
neutral right (looking at 9:00) while giving a right hammer blow to the neck (a knife strike can also be
used). The left hand checks.
b) With the opponent's left arm still gripping your waist, switch to an upside-down bow and arrow and
pass the right arm behind your left arm and then give an uppercut that fractures the elbow.
c) Give a spoon kick to the genitals and plant the right foot in the point of origin .
d) While your right leg is going to look for your left leg to control it (you may need to reposition yourself),
turn your right hand counterclockwise and over your left arm (lowering the right arm from above causes
the opponent to turn ) to hit the chin with a straight right, knuckle or hammer blow.
72 - DESTINY TWIST (Twist Of Fate): Two-handed push
a) Go back to a neutral left while you make two outer half blocks with open hands. Do not separate them
beyond the shoulders.
b) At the same time, grasp the opposite right wrist with your left hand and the left with your right hand.
c) Give a rabbit kick oblique to his ribs, falling at 10:30 and twisting the opponent's arms over your head,
left over right.
d) Cross your arms counterclockwise, while switching to a neutral left and strip them down and towards
you so that the opponent falls to the ground on his back. If necessary, slide back.
e) Gives a right knee to the attacker's head as you pull his arms towards you and up.
73 - DESTRUCTION IN CIRCLE (Circling Destruction): Forward left forward
a) Advance at 1:00, to a neutral right, making a pyramid lock left lock (a right middle lock followed by a
left side lock). The right arm continues its circular movement until it strikes the attacker's ribs with
knuckles and the left arm grabs its arm. The right leg controls his knee from behind
b) Do a left cross guard at 4:00 to place behind you, while giving a left palm base blow to the face that
becomes a claw (simultaneously anchoring the elbow). You immediately follow a right-hand knife strike
to the neck as you undo the cross guard and switch to a neutral right.
c) Grab opposite the face or chin and bring your head back anchoring the elbow. He gives a right spoon
kick to the groin while the left hand checks-knocks at the level of the kidneys.
d) When falling in a half right bow and arrow, he gives a right elbow to the back.
74 - SACRIFICIO EN CUCLILLAS (Squatting Sacrifice): Taken from behind free arms
a) Go to rider taking a step at 3:00 as you hit your elbows with your elbows to loosen the socket. Crouch,
bringing your ass to your right leg to unbalance it and be able to hook your ankle with both arms.
b) Throw up the leg by levering it to fall backwards. Once he has fallen, he turns his ankle clockwise so
that he is forced to turn on himself on the floor and lie face down, while moving his right leg around 7
o'clock to stay in a left bow and arrow.
c) Go forward with your right leg between your hips until you hit the genitals and remain in a half left
bow and arrow (the left leg goes out to check your left arm).
(d) Grab your left wrist with your left hand and pull up on your leg and arm. He takes his right leg out
of his own at the same time he grabs, and stomps his spine.
e) Cross out with the right leg on the left, taking advantage of the movement of the leg to sweep his left
arm (when releasing the grip) and step on the hand or elbow.
75 - ESCAPE OF DEATH (Escape From Death): Attitude to take behind the neck with right arm
a) Stick the chin to the chest and turn the head to prevent it from catching the neck. Move to a rider at
the same time as you grab your right wrist with your right and pull downwards anchoring the elbow to
the body to make more force.
b) Nudges left back to the mouth of the stomach (genitals or plexus according to its height) with a blow
from front to back, followed by a hammer blow left to genitals.
c) When the elbow is loosened, take the left leg in a circular motion until it is placed behind your right leg
(the knee has to be behind the joint to check your leg) and changes to a closed half bow and arrow left.
Simultaneously hits the right hammer to genitals and left hammer to the kidneys. This has to make it
finally release the socket (if it had not done so before).
d) Once released, slide your left hand down your back to hook your hair or chin and pull back your head,
anchoring the left elbow and switching to left bow and arrow. Complete the movement with a basal blow
from the palm to the chin (or spear point), followed by a right knee to the thigh.
Somewhere I have seen replace the knee with a kick to the stomach, but there is not enough distance to
be effective.
76 - DARK CLAWS (Obscure Claws): Take the right shoulder from behind with the left.
a) Go back to a neutral left while your right arm goes over the opponent's and surrounds him, tearing the
opponent's face. His arm is under our arm and controlled under the armpit. Then change to a right bow
and arrow and tear the opponent's face to the left (alternatively it is worth a blow of palm base), then
lowering to control his shoulder.
b) Switch to a left transitional bow and arrow while you pry the right arm in the upward joint, then
advance to a neutral right at 12:00 followed by a left neutral at 14:00 by pulling it forward (this forces
the joint to be held when the arm is held).
c) Switch to a right bow and arrow, facing the opponent, while giving a knuckle blow from the back
straight to the temple (you can hit the ribs on the road). He then gives a left palm base blow to the pit of
the stomach, also follows the movement of the right hand and strikes the middle knuckle to the sternum.
77 - CIRCLES OF PROTECTION (Circles Of Protection): Attack with right arm to head (can be with a
a) Advance at 11:00, with a bow and arrow, while doing a right upward block (if possible at the height of
the elbow and below, which can fracture the arm if it comes with great force) and the left check below.
b) Then move the two arms round, so that the left goes in the opposite direction of the clock to tear the
face upwards and push the opponent's right arm and try to hit him with his body when descending, and
the right goes clockwise to bash palm (and posterior grasp) to genitals.
c) To finish, I know two variants: Give a left circular blow to the face (or backhand knuckles).
He gives a knuckle blow from the backhand straight to the chest and pushes down on the sternum
with the middle knuckle.
78 - CELESTIAL RISE (Heavenly Ascent): Attempt to grasp or strangle neck in front
a) Advance to a neutral right while you grasp your hands and raise both arms up wedge, until you hit the
opponent's forearms to prevent him from catching you (the arms should not rise higher than the
shoulders, since that is enough so that it does not grip the neck).
b) Without letting go of the hands, continue the upward movement and give a right elbow to the face.
Switch to rider to give more force to the blow.
c) Return to neutral while giving a knuckle blow right down to the opponent's face.
d) Follow the movement of the hip by changing bow and arrow, and the right arm to go down to check at
half height. Simultaneously the left makes a downward tear to the face.
e) Immediately after the left arm finishes hitting, it gives an ascending hook stroke to the throat by
changing to neutral.
79 - BRUSHING THE TEMPEST (Brushing The Storm): Attack with a downward blow to the head from
the right side
a) Advance at 2:30 to a half right bow and arrow, so that you check your right leg, while deflecting the
opponent's arm with the left and away from the path of the club dodging with the body. Simultaneously,
with your right arm you tap the palm base chin to force your head back and continue until you nudge up
the ribs.
b) Advances to a left cross guard striking with the right forearm on the clavicle downward, while the left
controls his arm, so that we get a blow with opposition of forces.
c) Switch to neutral left so that you stay behind the opponent and looking at 4:00. At the same time, the
left arm continues to check his right arm at the height of the triceps and the right lower arm stuck to the
opponent's body until it hits from the palm or claw base to the genitals.
d) Go back to a left bow and arrow, previously lowering the position to catch his right leg with the right
hand, and pull up from it to unbalance him. The left hand controls his back pushing forward in the
kidneys to make him lose his balance, or else elbows with the same goal in that area.
e) Give a left spoon kick to genitals falling on crossed guard and then a right side to the inner side of the
left knee.
80 - THROW THREAT (Menacing Twirl): Taken behind the belt with right arm
a) Rewind right at about 8:00 in a cross guard and rotate simultaneously making a right downward lock
that hits the opponent's arm and a left palm-base blow to the chin. At the end you are in arch and right
b) Control the opponent's neck with the left arm and give a left knee to the genitals. Immediately
afterwards hit with the right knee the inner part of the thigh (the blow has a crossed trajectory and can
be performed in a jump).
c) Once you have hit the thigh, low kicking with the foot to the knee or stepping on the ankle. You can at
the same time give an inner nudge right to the face.
81 - Taming MACE (Taming The Mace): Straight forward while we with our backs against a wall.
a) Move the left foot around 9:00 and slightly turn the body to leave the path of the blow, remaining in a
right cat, while doing a left half block and give a down right stroke (the path follows a diagonal ) of
middle knuckle or chant in the biceps-joint.
b) Grab the opponent's arm with the left while giving a right knock to the temple, or from song to neck,
advancing to a neutral right at 13:30.
c) Then grab him by the shoulder or T-shirt with both hands and move the left leg to a cross guard by
16:00. Undo the guard, pushing your opponent against the wall.
c) Once against the wall, elbow right to face or chest and a right knee to genitals or stomach.
You can also end up with a straight turning kick left as you are dating
82 - DESTINATION OF THE DESTINATION (Detour From Doom): Right circular kick
a) From right guard, back to a cat 45º right looking at 10:30 (move your left leg around 16:00) while
doing a left downward lock and simultaneously hit with a Chinese fist right to the face.
b) Give a right frontal kick to genitals, falling in neutral right and giving a left frontal punch to the plexus
passing to bow and arrow to give more force. The right arm checks down.
c) Continue with a knuckle blow straight to the stomach doing a cross guard towards 1:30.
d) Switch to a neutral right by hooking the attacker's neck (from his left side) with his left hand and
pushing down, and without stopping the movement of the right arm (which rotates counterclockwise),
strikes the neck with corner beat or right hammer.
83 - CROSS OF DEATH (Cross Of Death): Drowning ahead with a cross-over of the flap.
a) Once you feel the shot, put your left hand on your hands and advance to a neutral right by tapping
your face with a vertical right punch. The right leg checks his leg.
b) Lower right arm to hit opponent's arms at biceps height (do not hit the joint as it would drop the
position too much and bother the next move) and the left hand lowers to hit the stomach with an
uppercut while you change to bow and arrow.
c) Remove the opponent's arms with a half backhand lock left hook followed by a right upright hook to
the kidneys with change to neutral (replacing the left foot at 4:00).
d) The right arm then strikes the temple with knuckles. At the start, and if you still control the opponent's
arms, you can hit the elbow with your right forearm.
84 - Capturing THE TEMPEST (Capturing The Storm): Downward strike with right arm
a) Advance to a left neutral at 11:00, removing the body from the path of the club, while doing a block
upward in wing (the left arm below) at the height of the wrist.
b) Grab your wrist with both hands (left palm facing you and right outward, forcing your wrist) and
switch to bow and arrow from the reverse by breaking your elbow on your shoulder (this movement can
be avoided). He switches again half a bow and arrow, lowering his arm until he hits the stick on his right
c) Advance cross right guard at 11:00, lowering the position so as to turn on you and continue the
circular movement of the opponent's arm above your head. When you finish turning you have to be in a
neutral left looking at 4:30.
d) Remove the stick with the right hand, keeping the grip with the left.
Here ends the technique in some schools, while others continue with the following blows:
e) Strike him with the club, first in the neck of descending form, and then, making a circular movement in
counterclockwise sense and a crossed guard at 9:00 changing to neutral right at the same time, in the
kidneys. The leg may try to sweep the other way around.
85 - CONQUEROR SHIELD (Conquering Shield): Left arm flap socket
to) Let go, controlling your hand with your left hand (anchoring the arm to hold it with more force), and
simultaneously make a right half block to break the elbow that becomes a direct to the face and a right
frontal kick to the knee or left leg.
b) Falling in a neutral right and giving a right downward elbow to the biceps, to bring his face close to us,
followed by an upward sloping chin and downward claw to the face.
86 - ENCOUNTER WITH THE DANGER (Encounter With Danger): Two-armed front push
a) Raise your arms and grab yours by the wrists while letting you fall backward, so that you also
unbalance the opposite.
b) Once on the ground, hit with the left leg to genitals, turn to your left and give a right side kick to the
hole (if possible, to the face).
c) Continue rolling on the ground by kneeling with your back to the opponent. From that position give a
left back kick to the stomach, get up and salt.
87 - KNOCKING BY OBLIGATION (Kneel Of Compulsion): Straight right at the head from the right
a) Advances to a neutral right by 14:00 while making a pyramid lock left.
b) Advance to a left neutral at 14:30 as your right hand grabs the opponent's shoulder and turns until
you also grab the left shoulder with your left hand. Go back with the left, pulling back of him to
unbalance it, but without throwing it to the ground and without lowering it too much.
c) Give a right side kick to the knee (by pulling backwards and then pushing it forward with the kick, you
get a great effect of opposing forces) and continue pushing until it falls to the ground.
d) Fall forward in a neutral right and support the opponent's body on our leg. Then hit with your right
elbow on your head and left palm base on the other side, to have a sandwich effect.
88 - CIRCLE OF THE DESTINATION (Circle Of Doom): Right Front Kick
to) Starting from neutral right, make a downward right inner block, followed by a change to bow and
arrow from the left backhand by rotating the right hand clockwise and under the opponent's leg so that it
goes through on your right leg and fall towards 3:00 (with your back to you).
b) Gives a right scorpion kick to genitals (leg goes up stretched fully by striking).
c) Rectify the position by dropping to pass to a neutral and then give a left hook kick to the face or
stomach of the opponent.
89 - RIGHT OBSERVATION (Broken Gift): Handshake
a) Advance to a left neutral while grabbing your right hand with your left hand, simultaneously pulling the
opponent's arm back and down (helps the body turn), so that you leverage your elbow and left forearm
to dislocate his elbow.
b) Go back to a neutral right at 7:00 as you twist your right arm clockwise with both hands. The
opponent will then come to you, moment that you take to knock knuckles right to the temple.
c) Bring the leg left around 4:00, releasing his arm to control with the left and giving an inner elbow
right to the jaw. In some circumstances a downward stroke may be best diagonally to the forearm.

90 - Insuring STORM (Securing The Storm): Right circular blow to the head
a) Advance to a left neutral while you make an outer left middle lock to the wrist and simultaneously hit
straight vertical straight to the opponent's face.
b) Move the right leg at 10:00, a neutral left facing 4:00 p.m. and turn the left arm counterclockwise, so
that it passes behind the opponent's right arm, until you can control it, dislocate his arm. The final
movement is like that of an uppercut.
c) Go back to the left at 11:00 and surround your right leg with your right, then immediately move to a
left bow and arrow (the right leg goes towards 6:00) to sweep the opponent. At the same time as you
help you from a blow of base of palm right to the chin.
91 - INTERMISSION OF THE BIRD (Intercepting The Ram): Taken by the waist
a) Take a small leap with the left around 11:00, while you hit with your right knee on the opponent's
plexus and give a right hammer blow, or elbow, to the kidney. The left does a downward palm base
b) Lower right leg towards 6:00, leaving in neutral left, and gives a downward left elbow blow to the
c) Take the left leg at 5:00 until it is neutral right, and gives a right downward elbow to the face. Turn
the body to the left and give a right rabbit kick to the face.
92 - JUMP FROM THE DANGER (Leap From Danger): Strong push from behind with both hands
a) Drop by rolling over the right shoulder, immediately incorporating in a neutral left and turning towards
the opponent.
b) When continuing to attack the opponent, move left with 4:00 and launch a right instep kick to the
solar plexus advancing to a neutral right by 8:00.
c) Give a left straight kick to the chest or ribs.
93 - ALLAH (Glancing Wing): Left ascending hook
a) Advances to a neutral right while making a low right middle block. Continue with a left vertical punch
to the face, advancing to left bow and arrow.
b) Hook the attacker's elbow with the left, pulling out of it, and continue with a right upright hook.
c) Hook the opponent's neck and back with the left until a neutral right around 4:00. It simultaneously
gives a diagonal elbow (down and inside) right to the face.
94 - ROOT SACRIFICE (Twirling Sacrifice): Nelson complete
a) Drop your right foot to the right (3:00) on a rider, raising both arms both up and back to hit his face
with both fists.
b) Immediately switch to a transitional left jack to bring the leg next to 7:00, surrounding the
opponent's leg, and simultaneously grasp both legs of the opponent at the knees.
c) Lift both legs forward and above (sweep them) and rotate counterclockwise by dropping the opponent
to the ground or striking against the nearest object (according to their corpulence).
95 - CUTTING UP THE TEMPEST (Clipping The Storm): Attack with knife with right arm to the
a) Advances to a neutral left by 10:30 trying to move the body as far as possible from the trajectory of
the knife. Beat the left-hand attacker's arm at the same time and check the head with the right hand.
b) Switch to left bow and arrow and throw an outer right knock at the opponent's wrist to release the
knife, followed by an external cane (palm down) left to neck changing to neutral simultaneously. The
right arm checks the opponent's right arm against his body.
c) Bring the right leg forward, surrounding the right leg of the opponent behind and in a neutral right. He
then goes back to left bow and arrow while simultaneously tapping the right palm base on the jaw. The
left hand continues to check the opponent's arm.

96 - BREAK SPACES (Backbreaker): Straight right to the face, from the flank
a) Advance crossing the right leg ahead by 2:00 and making a left pyramidal lock simultaneously.
b) Move immediately with your left leg until you are behind the back of the attacker and raise your right
hand to control the opponent by the shoulder, pressing hard to nail his fingers. Once the shoulder is
grasped, it rotates in the sense of the needles of the clock taking the right leg back until being left
neutral, grabbing the left shoulder with the left hand and pulling down and behind the opposite.
c) Continue with a right knee to the column, falling into a left bow and arrow and dropping the opponent
against your left knee.
d) Reverse the head of the opponent clockwise (the right hand pulls to the right of the jaw and left to the
left), breaking the neck, and giving a right-hand blow to the face. Before hooking the head and twisting
it, you can give a right palm base blow to the face.
[The technique should end here, because with the broken neck there is no possible opposition and we
are not supposed to be sadistic.]
e) Double blow of knuckles descending to the neck, followed by double blow of base of palm to the chest
and claws to the face.
f) Go back to a half bow and arrow closed left of the reverse, throwing the head of the opponent to the
g) Turn around 2:00 to hit the jaw with the right heel and step the neck with the right before leaving
97 - PICA OBLICUA (Glancing Spear): Front socket of the left wrist
a) Rewind with the right to a bow and arrow of the reverse while you grab your right wrist with your right
hand passing under the left, that turns out to help, and you pull back and down your arm.
b) Change to a neutral left and enter with a left elbow to the ribs, without releasing his arm.
c) Check the right arm of the attacker with your left hand and lower it with a right hand. Continue with
spear point right to the eyes.
d) Sweep your right leg with your left as you cross a guard at 5:00. Then turn around 7:30 and end the
sweep with the right leg.
e) Finish with a right downward kick to the stomach or head.
98 - PUSH TO DARKNESS (Thrust Into Darkness): Right front punch advancing from behind
a) Advances towards 2:00, until it is in a left cat looking at the attacker and sends a front left kick to the
b) Fall in a neutral left forward (around 7:30) and give a right front kick to the sternum or ribs, so that it
backs and faces towards you, with the center line open to your attacks.
c) Fall into a neutral right by advancing and do a left front cross guard, prior to a right side kick to the
opponent's left knee.
d) Fall into a right bow and arrow advancing at the same time you give a right knuckle blow to the
temple and a left vertical punch to the ribs. Whites can be traded if it is more comfortable.
e) Do a right front cross guard at 2:00, sweeping the opponent's leg if you can. Go back cross guard left
and give a right side kick to the face.
99 - FANS IN CIRCLE (Circling Fans): Combination of fist, forward left / right.
a) With the feet together, back to a neutral right at 6:00 and deviate with the right the left punch. Then
divert the right punch with the left while passing to a cat 45º right. The hands are on a high guard.
b) Give a frontal kick to the genitals and, while supporting the leg in a neutral right, an uppercut 1

penetrating right to the forehead.

c) Do a left front cross guard while checking with the forearm the opponent's arms and take them down.
Continue with a left vertical descending punch to the solar plexus.
d) Execute a right knee to the right thigh or genitals (the right arm still checks) while falling hit with the
right forearm the opponent's jaw. The left hand now checks his arms and the right knee his right knee
from the inside.
100 - ROTARY DESTRUCTION (Rotating Destruction): Combination of leg, right front kick and left
straight turn.
a) Starting from a neutral right, with a low hand guard, make a downward right inner block against the
front kick and continue the circular clockwise movement until you make an outer right half block. This will
make your opponent turn and turn your back.
b) While the attacker continues with the right-left turn kick, strike down the leg with a dry right-down
lock, simultaneously backing a right-back cross guard.
c) Unscrew and stick a left circular kick to genitals.
d) Fall forward and make a hook kick in right turn to the head or sternum.
e) Salt on the right front cross guard at 6:00 p.m. without reaching the foot of the kick previously.
f) Return with a side kick in jump to any available hole.
101 - FORCE HALCONES (Falcons Of Force): Side Shoulder, one attacker per side.
a) Take a step to the right (3: 0) until you are in a rider while holding the hand that grabs you from the
right shoulder with the left and simultaneously you give an external corner stroke right to the neck.
b) Advance with the right towards 10:30 while executing a sharp inner claw (palm down) to the eyes and
an outer edge with the left to the opponent on your left.
c) Go back with the left at 10:30 while you make a right half block to the punch that throws you the
opponent on the right and continue with a right hook right to the genitals.
d) Pick up the leg and hit a right side kick to the attacker's plexus on the left (which will be around 6:00).
Fall in right front cross guard and back two times until left neutral looking at 6:00.
e) If the attackers return to the charge, make a 360º sweep with the right leg and salt.
102 - THE BEAR AND THE BIRD (The Bear & The Ram): Right front punch advancing and taking back
free arms
a) Make simultaneously a right half block and a right penetrating frontal kick to the forward striker.
b) It falls at 3:00 on a rider at the same time that you strike with down elbows the forearms of the back
attacker, so that tte releases. The seat of the body on the rider must be synchronized with the elbows.
c) Switch to right bow and arrow, surround with the left foot the opponent's leg and looking at 1:30, and
pivot to the left while giving an outer ascending elbow to the chin of the attacker, followed by a hammer
blow descending right to the plexus or genitals. You are finished in a left bow and arrow.
d) Do a left rear cross guard at 12:00 and strike a right side kick to the front attacker's chest. Without
planting his foot on the ground, he rotates towards 6:00 in the counterclockwise direction and strikes a
right percutante frontal kick to the ribs (or hole) of the other attacker, who must now be on the ground.
Land with a trample on your right arm in a right cross guard, looking at 9:00.
e) Rotate clockwise and give a left front kick to the head of the rear adversary. He drops at 4:30 in a left
front cross guard and strikes a right side kick to the opponent's front stomach (at 11:00).
104 - DESPERATE HALCONES (Desperate Falcons): Front wrist grip with two hands

a) Advance to a left neutral while you turn your left wrist inwards and pull with your hands until you hit
the opponent's hands, continuing the circular movement down and to the right.
b) Continue with a knuckle blow from the left backhand to the opponent's face and a vertical right punch
to the chest.
c) Grab with your left hand the right hand of the opponent as you advance to a neutral right and give an
upward right elbow to his jaw (there are schools that before the ascending elbow, during the transition in
cat 45º, insert a blow of knuckles of the reverse ascending or diagonal to the temple).
d) Give a downward hammer blow straight to the kidneys while switching to right side bow and arrow.
e) Do a left rear cross guard at 2:00 p.m. and immediately move your right leg to an upright bow and
arrow, having your legs separated and checking your left leg.
f) Give a right knee to the inside of the opponent's thigh (around 8:00).

105 - DEATH JUMP (Leap Of Death): Forward punching forward

a) Advances to a neutral left, making a right outer blockade simultaneously.
b) Switch to a half right bow and arrow facing at 4:30 while the right hand grabs the right wrist of the
opponent, the left hand gives a palm base blow up the elbow (to break it) and the Left leg checks the
knee. When finished you must be in a bow and arrow of the left backhand.
c) Continue with a knuckle blow from the left backhand to the ribs while switching to bow and arrow or
left neutral.
d) Lever down with your left elbow on your shoulder, pulling the right wrist up, until it falls to the ground
e) Jump with both feet on your back (your kidneys), brushing the ribs as they rest on the ground. At the
same time give a double blow of palm base to the back of the head, so that it hits the ground.
f) Grab the head of the face / chin with both hands and pull towards you, changing to a concave position
(knees inwards, pressing your back down . 2

g) Next, he gives a right inner edge blow to the bridge of the nose.
h) Switch to a half right bow and arrow, controlling the spine with your left knee and hit from the left
palm base to the back of the head.
i) Stand up to the opponent's right and turn 180º, giving a right back kick to the head (or a falling kick
before turning) on the way out.
106 - PROTECTIVE FAN (Protecting Fans): Left-right frontal punch combination, the opponent's left leg
is the forward leg
a) Advance at 10:30 to a left neutral while deflecting the left punch inwards, then with the right outward
deviate the right punch (you can also make an external middle block).
b) Grab the opponent's right wrist with your right hand and pull down and behind you. Simultaneously
executes a spear-point blow to the left eye and a right frontal kick to the genitals.
c) Plant your foot inside your right thigh while your left hand checks your opponent's right arm (or grabs
it from the shoulder and opens the gap) and gives a horizontal right elbow to the ribs or face, depending
on the circumstances.
d) Make a right finger hook to the eyes from right to left, followed by a right spoon kick to genitals
receding and a blow from the left ascending palm to the sternum (can be replaced by an outer left edge
to the neck.
107 - MISTERED PANTHER (Deceptive Panther): Combination of lower right kicker kick and high right
circular kick.
a) Starting from a neutral right, do a left downward block. As the circular kick approaches, reposition
your left foot at 4:30 and make a universal right block.
b) While the attacker supports the foot on the ground, make a right side kick in jump to your left knee to
give way.
c) Rotate clockwise until it is on the right front cross guard, and attach a downward strike of right
backhand knuckles to the back of the opponent's head, followed by a left downward hammer to the
d) Switch to right-handed bow and arrow and take advantage of the moment of rotation (counter-
clockwise) to give a right-back upwards chin chin punch followed by a right punching back kick to the
chest (or other hole).
1 There is a variant in which instead of uppercut is given a blow of knuckles of the reverse.
2 You can also break the neck with a dry turn to the right.

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