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Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________

Directions: choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided by
shading the letter corresponds to your answer.

1. It is a type of speech style used between or

among participants who have a very personal


A. Intimate

B. Casual

C. Consultative

D. Formal

E. Frozen

2. What speech style is appropriate to use

between friends who are chatting about their

dance number?

A. Intimate

B. Casual

C. Consultative

D. Formal

E. Frozen

3. Which of the following requires an intimate

speech style?

A. When communicating to your


B. When delivering a Speech

C. When praying the rosary

D. When talking to your partner about your

future plans

4. Identify the type of speech style used in this

"Oh well, Is’pose you can’t have 'em all,


A. Intimate

B. Casual

C. Consultative

D. Formal

E. Frozen

5. This style is characterized by lack of listener's

participation. Only the speaker is the source of


A. Intimate

B. Casual

C. Consultative

D. Formal

E. Frozen

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of

a consultative style?

A. Used for people who do not have

shared experiences or meaning

B. Requires two-way participation

C. Interruptions can occur during the


D. The use of slang is common

7. Ms. Aguilar has been invited to be a guest speaker ata graduating ceremony in Mariano

University. Which of the following lines is an appropriate introduction in her commencement


A. Hello Philippines and hello world!

B. Hi there! How are you today?

C. Guests, faculty, parents and graduates, good morning.

D. Good morning friends and enemies.

8. The following are statements that use the

frozen speech style Except

A. Panunumpa sa Watawat.

B. 1, Juan dela Rosa, solemnly swear to do my duty..

C. What have you done to me, dear?

D. Panatang makabayan.

9. Which of the following statements is true about

the frozen speech style?

A. Static, ritualistic, and archaic.

B. Used only for imparting information

C. Non-public speech style that use

private vocabulary

D. Used among people who do not

share common experiences

10. President Benigno Aquino III is hosting a state dinner at the Malacañang Palace in honor of
the visiting US President Barack Obama. Which of the following speech styles must be used on
the occasion?

A. Intimate

B. Casual

C. Consultative

D. Formal

11. It is a speech act which also known as the effect of the utterance toward the addressee.

This involves a change in the addressee's behavior, attitude, or feelings.

A. Locutionary

B. Illocutionary

C. Perlocutionary

D. Prelocutionary

12. It is a type of illocutionary act that commits a speaker to some future course of action such
as offering and promising.
A. Assertives

B. Directives

C. Commissives

D. Expressive

1. All of the following define communication,


A. Communication involves a transaction.

B. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.

C. Communication is a confusion of ideas in

the mind of another.

D. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to another.

2. Oral communication is the interchange of

between the sender and the receiver.

A. Signs and gestures

B. Cues and clues

C. Verbal messages

D. Written messages

3.Body talk is also known as

A. Overflow

B. Physical communication

C. Leakage


4. Oral communication is better than written

communication for .

A. saving time

B. conveying facts and opinion

C. providing opportunity to refer back

D. conveying feelings and emotions 5. 5.In oral communication, what matters most

A. Where you say it

B. How you say it

C.When you say it

D. What you say it

6. The limitation of oral communication is that:

A. It is not affected by the speaker's feelings or stress or excitement levels

B. Itis easy to be aware of our body language

C. It does not require on-the-spot thinking

D. It is irreversible-what is said cannot be taken back

7 Can communication still take place even without the Speaker?

A. Yes, if there's a written source of


B. Yes, if the Speaker decides to be the listener.

C. No, the Speaker is always a must in the

communication process.

D. No, communication fails if the speaker is


8. Complete the analogy:

Listener: receiver of the message: is a means by which the message is sent

A. Speaker

B. Channel


D. Feedback

9. If your seat mate is talking to you while your

teacher is explaining the lesson, then you have experienced what type of noise?

A. physical

B. physiological

C. psychological

D. mental

10. Which comparison of verbal and nonverbal

communication is accurate?

A. Both verbal and nonverbal communication

are formally taught

B. The sender has more control over verbal


C. More channels are used for verbal


D. The setting is more restricted in nonverbal


11. Which of the following models of

communication asserts that communication can

take place if and only if there is an overlap between the field of experience of the speaker

and of the listener?

A. Shannon-Weaver's model

B. Schramm's

C. Aristotle's

D. White's

12. Based on Eugene White's model of communication, which of the following is NOT


A. Feedback is the perception by the Speaker about the response of the listener.

B. It is impossible for communication to be actually observed from any point in the

C. The speaker can only receive feedback if the

Speaker is monitoring the listener.

D. The Speaker will know what the Listener's

Response is only if he/she is payin8

13. The content of the communication is called a:

A. Message


C. Media richness

14. To convert a message into groups of words, symbols, gestures, or sounds that present ideas

or concept is called

A. Encoding

B. Feedback

C. Noise

D. Media richness

15. Any communication that conveys a message

consisting of words is called:

A. Verbal communication

B. Oral communication

C.Written communication

D. Nonverbal communication

16. Due to insufficiency of available classrooms, the covered court of Katipunan NHS is now
being used to hold classes temporarily. This real scenario is an example of which element of


A. Message

B. Physical location of communicative


C. Channel

D. Psychological setting of communicative


17. A politician says that he is a man of people, but many observe that he refuses to shake hands
with the poor. What dimension of

communication is violated in this case?

A. Verbal/Non-Verbal

B. Oral/Written

C. Formal/Informal

D. Intentional/Unintentional
18. A certain look or gaze is an example of:

A. Verbal communication

B. Oral communication

Written communication

D. Nonverbal communication

19. It is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used y the source of the
message by converting them into concepts and ideas.

A. Decoding

B. Listing

C. Encoding

D. Feedback

is the individual or group

20. The that develops the message to be communicated to internal and external parties.

A. Source

B. Encoder

C. Decoder

D. Jargon 21. Noise is NOT a problem at which stage of the


A. Source

B. Receiver

C. Decoding

D. None of the above (noise is a problem at all


22. It shows how time is viewed differe ntly in

various countries.

A Chronemics

B Haptics

C Proxemis

D Gestures
23. The use of space provides us with ideas about how close or how far people are from the
center of power or where a person is in the

social ladder.

A. Chronemics

B. HapticS

C. Proxemics


24. It is a type of nonverbal communication that assists the listener in understanding the
message better which serves as the listener's gauge as to whether the speaker treats the
listener with affective or with contempt.

A. Posture

B. Facial expression

C. Gesture

D. Chronemics

25. These are deliberate movement and signals to communicate meaning without words.

A. Eye gaze

B. Gesture

C. Facial expression

D. Appearance 26. These are the means by which the message is


A. Channels

B. Feedback

C. Response

D. noise

27. It is a communication through touch and is considered as one of the most powerful of the

of nonverbal communication.

A. Haptics

B. Gesture

C. Chronemics
D. Proxemics

28. He made the cyclical model that tells us that communication is circular and continuous,

without beginning or end.

A. Wilbur Schramm

B. Eugene White


D. Claude Shannon

29. This model gave us the concept of noise and

this is often called the TELEPHONE MODEL.

A. Aristotelian Model of Communication

B. Schramm Model of Communication

C. Shannon- Weaver Model of Communication

D. Eugene White Model of Communication

30. He was considered the father of Mass


A. Wilbur Schramm

B. Eugene White

C. Aristotle

D. Claude Shannon

31. This involves only two participants exchanging thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information.

a. Intrapersonal communication b. Dyadic communication

C. Public communication

d. Small group communication

There is always a reason why people communicate. For numbers 37-50, choose what is being
used in the following instances of communication from the given five functions of







36. The father looks sharply at his children who are quarrelling

37. The boys calling out to a friend to come over and joined them.

38. A candidate for Brgy. Councilor conducts a house-to-house cam paign for election.

39. The school dentist tells the kindergarten class on how to brush one's teeth properly.

40. Kuya Kim provides information about the weather update.

41. People sympathizing with the bereaved family.

42. Friends are talking with each other and exchanging ideas.

43. Talking with the family during dinner.

44. A customer plead for a price cut or discount of his purchased goods 45. The police officer
warns the people not to smoke in any public places.

46. A friend hues vou when vou are down and troubled.

47. The girls are discussing what happened at the party they all attended last night.

48. Ihe doctor Is giving instructions to the patient in taking his medicine.

49. The mother hugs the crying baby

50. The father tells his children not to go out with their friends

"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said". Peter F. Drucker

Q. Which of the following is not a nature of


answer choices

a. it's a process

b. it occurs betweern two or more people

C. it's the byproduct of a speech

d. it can be expressed through writtern

oral form

Q.According to the linear model of

communication turning down the TV/radio during the adverts is an example of:
a. feedback

b. noise

C. message

d. channel

Q. Aristotle Model determined that

communication consisted of a series of core,essentially sequential activities. These are:

a. sender-message-receiver


C. speaker-message-listener


Q. Paul Watzlawick noted that "one cannot not

communicate" even if individuals do not talk

to each other and just give the silent

treatment. Which particular type of

communication is shown in this context?

a. verbal

b. nonverbal

C. oral

C. written

Q. Learning a language has never been easy.

What you mean might be perceived by others

differently that resulted to

miscommunication. Which communicative

barrier is reflected in this context?

a. physical

b. physiological

C. psychosocial

d. language

Q. The use of our voice, its volume and pitch

including intonation, is an example of which

aspect of nonverbal communication?

a. artifacts

b. kinesics

C. Vocalics

d. proxemics

If speaker and listener are incidently on the opposite sides of the splitter lumper spectrum, the
different mental

styles can cause

a.confusion or lack of understanding

b.diverse ideas

c.all of these

d.wider spectrum of thought process

Q.A system of pairing sounds with a certain

meaning, a code and has a certain rule





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