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Name: .............................................. Class: ................................................

Time allowance: 40 minutes

TASK 1: Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?

For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on your answer sheet

1. You have to wait if you want to swim A

2. If you are hungry, you can buy something to
eat near here
3. You can learn how to make different kinds of
food on this course B
4. You must speak to a member of staff first if
you want to try on these clothes
5. Drivers must use another road for later

PART 2: Read the sentences about driving lesson

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
6. Maggie ........... to a driving school to have some lessons.
A. arrived B. got C. went
7. First Maggie had to ........................ a written test.
A. take B. put C. say
8. Maggie drove very ........................ during her first lesson.
A. softly B. slowly C. quietly
9. The teacher told Maggie she was a very ........................ driver.
A. certain B. safe C. strong
10. Maggie ........................ she will get her driving license soon
A. hopes B. prefers C. decides
PART 3: Complete the five conversations
11. Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice? A. If you like
B. Have you got anything else?
C. Are you sure about that?
12. Do you like horror movie? A. I can’t read them.
B. I don‘t like horror books either.
C. They're my favorite
13. Let's have fish and chips A. Not tonight
B. Yummy, I like sweet things
C. Not at all
14. Where's your cousin now? A. I think she's gone home
B. It's on the table
C. No, she isn't
15. Why didn't you come to the pool yesterday? A. I didn't see them there
B. It was a great time
C. I was doing something else
Read the article about Peter Marks
Are sentences 16-20 “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t say” (C).
Peter Marks: Press officer
Peter Marks is the press officer for a top football club. If a television or newspaper journalist wants to
know something about the club, Peter gives them the information.
"At the age of ten, I wanted to play football for England. But I studied science at university, and then
got a job on a daily newspaper, writing about business and sport.
I've worked for this club for 8 years. When I started, only one other football club had press officer - now
almost every club has one.
The job has changed a lot. At the beginning, I just gave information to a few local and national
newspapers. Today my phone never stops ringing. Magazines, TV companies and radio stations from all over
the world want interviews with our players and manager.
Often journalists or photographers ask to meet a player here. That's why my office is next to the club
changing room - it's easy for me to find players when we've finished practicing. Newspapers sometimes say
things about football clubs that are wrong, so I teach all players how to answer difficult questions. Then I'm
happy to let them speak to journalists without me"
16. When he was a boy, Peter hoped to become a footballer
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
17. Peter did a degree in business studies when he left school
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
18. times Peter was a journalist for eight years
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
19. When he started this job, Peter had less to do than he has now
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
20. Peter can speak several foreign language
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
21. Peter know where the players are at the club if anyone wants to speak to them there
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
22. When the footballers talk to journalists, Peter answers any difficult questions for them
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
PART 5: Read the article about plant life. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
Plants grow everywhere from the icy Arctic to the hot (23) .............. humid tropics. In fact (24) ..............
grow in any place that (25) .............. water, light and air.
Where the climate is hot and humid, plants grow very (26) ..... ..... all year round to make lush
rainforests. (27) .............. cooler climates, where it is not too hot or cold (28) .............. plants flower and
produce fruit in the summer, (29) .............. lose their leaves in winter.
Plants usually grow in soil. Without plants (30) .............. world would be very different.
23. A and B an Ca
24. A them B it C they
25. A had B has C have
26. A cooley B quickly C cautiously
27. A On B At C In
28. A most B more C many
29. A than B or C but
30. A our B mine C their
PART 6: Complete this letter. Write ONE word for each space
Dear Amber,
The weather is great! We spent the whole day on the beach swimming in the sea. We arrived here two
days (31) .................. .Tomorrow (32) ....................... are all going to an island (33) .................... the day. I’m
very excited. We (34) ...................... already visited the Acropolis; (35) ......................... was very beautiful. (36)
................... are many interesting sights in Athens. Last night we walked (37) ...................... a taverna and had
dinner; it (38) ..................... very busy.
I have (39) ..................... lots of photographs. It’s (40) ........................ pity you couldn’t come swim us.

PART 7: Read the note from your friend, Thomas


I want to come to your school concert tomorrow. What time does it start? What are you going to
do in it? What should I wear?


Write a note to Thomas and answer the questions

Write 25-35 words


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