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Act 1

Scene 4
1.) Find 2 examples of dramatic irony and show how they exhibit the qualities of this device.
b) What do they add to the play?
2.) Of what importance are: a) Duncan’s naming Malcolm his successor? b) Duncan’s
discussion to visit Inverness?
3.) What stage in the temptation of Macbeth is reached in this scene?

Scene 5
1.) Of what importance is Macbeth’s letter to his wife?
2.) a) Analyze Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy to bring out the qualities of Macbeth’s character
and the qualities of her own character. b) How well does she understand her husband?
3.) What purpose is served by her invocation to the powers of evil and to darkness?
4.) Why is lady Macbeth determined that her husband shall commit the murder?
5.) “We will speak further”. Explain the importance of this speech.

Scene 6
1.) a) How is a peaceful atmosphere created as the scene begins? b) How does this add to
2.) What qualities does Lady Macbeth illustrate in this scene?

Scene 7
1.) How does Macbeth’s soliloquy “if it were done” create sympathy for him? b) destroy sim
path y for him?
2.) Show that this soliloquy brings out his imagination, his ambition, his conscience, his
honesty, and his cowardice.
3.) What taunts are used as Lady Macbeth to spur him on to commit the crime?
4.) a) What are the details of the plan she suggests? b) What is shown about Macbeth by
his acceptance of it?
5.) a.) To what extent is her plan a good one? b) what are its weaknesses?

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