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Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin born in 1706, January 17 th
in Boston. His

father is Josiah Franklin and his mother is Abiah Folger. He is

a famous scientist, philosopher, inventor, politician. He is the

leader of American Independence War, and he took part in

the writing of Declaration of Independence. He did many

different things in his life. Before 55 years old, he was a

politician, most of his work are relate with US, but after 55

years old, he spent most of his life on science studying. He

found that the lights are compose of electricity, and he invent

Lightening arrester, people still use it until now because it is

so useful and helpful.

The American Independence War become even more violent
while he is doing science researches. At that time, he stopped

to do science researches and become the pioneer of

Independence War, he hoped America will become

independence one day. From 1757 to 1775, he did negotiations

with England over and over times. Because of the existence of

Benjamin Franklin, the relationship between American and

English become more understandable and clearer. In 1790,

April 17 , 11 p.m. He passed away. All American was so sad

and uncomfortable. Philadelphia people made a funeral for

him and 20,000 people took part in his funeral procession.

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