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Task 1: Watch the video on Occupational Safety


Task 2: Answer the following questions based on the video above.

a. What is health and safety? What are its goals? (10 points)

b. What are health and safety issues presented in the video? (10 points)

c. How can you avoid workplace accidents as presented in the video? (10 points)

d. How health and safety issues when not resolved can lead to increased absenteeism and
lesser productivity in workplaces? (20 points)

e. Do you believe in the statement, “Health and Safety is a RIGHT of Workers”? Discuss
your standpoint. (20 points)

f. Formulate a SLOGAN to promote health and safety in the workplace and explain its
meaning in not less than 5 sentences. (30 points)
*Slogan is a short and striking memorable phrase used in advertising and promotion.

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