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A. Performance Review.

Watch the following video and answer the questions below.

1. What is a Performance Review?

2. How do you organize your data in order to show “clear and quantifiable achievements”?
(Process: Mention the three questions that the presenter elaborates).
3. Write a narrative articulating the three questions previously mentioned. Adapt your
answer according to your personal case.
4. What are your actions to take during the Performance Review? What do you do if you
get negative feedback from your manager? What do you do if you get positive feedback?
5. How do you make your request? (Make a request, according to the narrative written in
question 3).
6. Why do you need to know about the next steps and expectations?
7. What should you do after the meeting?

B. H and R Basics. Equal Employment Opportunity

Watch the following video and comment on the topics below.

1. Define Equal Employment Opportunity.

2. Define EEO Laws and EEOC.
3. What is anti-discrimination legislation?
4. What is the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?
5. What are the consequences of non-compliance with the Anti-discrimination laws?
6. Define Unlawful discrimination.
7. Define a Protected class.
8. What is Bona Fide Occupational Qualification?
9. Explain the 4 common discriminatory practices mentioned in the video.
10. What is the purpose of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

C. Equal opportunities - Different Starting Lines.

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