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Human Resource Management

-18IM751 SUPER IMP Questions Solns

VTU previous year paper analysis by YouTuber Afnan Marquee. The questions present in this
document are repeated 5+ times in previous year papers. So don't miss it by any chance! For
video explanation, check out my YouTube Channel!

Module 1

1. What is HRM? Explain the Evolution of HRM.

2. What are the functions of HRM.

3. What are HRM policies?

4. What is HRM Planning?
5. What are the benefits of HR Planning?

6. Explain the HRP process.

7. What is Manpower Supply Forecasting?
8. Write a short note on Job analysis information.
Module 2

1. Explain the process of Recruitment.

2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of Internal and External Recruitment.

3. What is Selection? Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection.
4. What is the process of selection.
5. What are the barriers in selection process?
6. What are the steps involved in Induction?
Module 3

1. Define Training and Development.

2. What is the basic purpose of training?

3. Explain the steps in training programmes.

4. What are the principles of training evaluation.

5. What is performance appraisal and its objectives.

6. What are the steps in performance appraisal?
Module 4

1. Explain the need and type of counseling.
2. What is process of communication?
3. What are the functions of communication?
4. What are the advantages of HRA (Human Record Accounting)
5. What are the various methods of accounting?
Ogan’s model
Module 5

1. Write a short note on Indian trade union act.
2. Explain standing orders act.
3. Explain the Indian Factories Act.

4. Explain the Indian Industrial Disputes Act.

5. Explain the two types of arbitration.
Voluntary Arbitration:

6. Write a short note on board of conciliation

7. What is Adjudication? Write a short note on Labour court, Industrial Tribunal and
National Tribunal

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